How to read value of parameter defined in text file - powershell

I am using the below command to read the value of parameter defined in txt file.
$asid = Get-Content -Path config.cfg | Select-String -Pattern 'NW_GetSid' | ForEach-Object { $_.line.split('= ') }
The parameter is defined as below in file:
Hostname = hostname
NW_GetSid = ABC
The command gives the output with blank line first & then outputs:
Blank line
How can I avoid the blank line in my result as in output I just need ABC to get stored in asid variable?

I would use a regex to retrieve the value of your desired property
$asid = [regex]::Match((get-content config.cfg -Raw), 'NW_GetSid\s*=\s*(\w+)').Groups[1].Value


How can subtract a character from csv using PowerShell

I'm trying to insert my CSV into my SQL Server database but just wondering how can I subtract the last three character from CSV GID column and then assigned it to my $CSVHold1 variable.
My CSV file look like this
GID Source Type Message Time
KLEMOE Od Hello 12/22/2022
EEINGJ Od hey 12/22/2022
Basically I'm trying to get only the first three character from GID and pass that value to my $CSVHold1 variable.
$CSVImport = Import-CSV $Global:ErrorReport
ForEach ($CSVLine1 in $CSVImport) {
$CSVHold1 = $CSVLine1.GID | ForEach-Object { $_.$GID = $_.$GID.subString(0, $_.$GID.Length - 3); $_ }
$CSVSource1 = $CSVLine1.Source
$CSVMessage1 = $CSVLine1.Message
I'm trying to do like above but some reason I'm getting an error.
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
Your original line 3 was/is not valid syntax as Santiago pointed out.
$CSVHold1 = $CSVLine1.GID | ForEach-Object { $_.$GID = $_.$GID.subString(0, $_.$GID.Length - 3); $_ }
You are calling $_.$GID but you're wanting $_.GID
You also don't need to pipe the object into a loop to achieve what it seems you are asking.
#!/usr/bin/env powershell
$csvimport = Import-Csv -Path $env:HOMEDRIVE\Powershell\TestCSVs\test1.csv
##$CSVImport = Import-CSV $Global:ErrorReport
ForEach ($CSVLine1 in $CSVImport) {
$CSVHold1 = $CSVLine1.GID.SubString(0, $CSVLine1.GID.Length - 3)
$CSVSource1 = $CSVLine1.Source
$CSVMessage1 = $CSVLine1.Message
Write-Output -InputObject ('Changing {0} to {1}' -f $CSVLine1.gid, $CSVHold1)
Using your sample data, the above outputs:
C:> . 'C:\Powershell\Scripts\dchero.ps1'
Changing KLEMOE to KLE
Changing EEINGJ to EEI
Lastly, be aware that that the SubString method will fail if the length of $CSVLine1.GID is less than 3.

Select String From Text File and Create variable

I have a text file containing a string I need to make a variable. I need the value for "file" to be retained as a variable. How can I capture this and make it a variable: "\APPSRV\I\Run\OPTI\CLIENT\20171031\25490175\Data\brtctybv\". This data will change per file, but it will retain the same format, it will start with \ and end with \
Example Text File
order_id = 25490175-brtctybv
file = \\APPSRV\I\Run\OPTI\CLIENT\20171031\25490175\Data\brtctybv\
copies = 1
volume = 20171031-brtctybv
label = \\\prodmaster\jobs\OPTI\CLIENT\Cdlab\somefile.file
merge = \\APPSRV\I\Run\OPTI\CLIENT\20171031\25490175\mrg\25490175-brtctybv.MRG
$file = ((Get-Content -path file.txt) | Select-String -pattern "^file\s*=\s*(\\\\.*\\)").matches.groups[1].value
See Regex Demo to see the regex in action. The .matches.groups[1].value is grabbing the value of capture group 1. The capture group is created by the () within the pattern. See Select-String for more information about the cmdlet.
Regexes are powerful, but complex; sometimes there are conceptually simpler alternatives:
PS> ((Get-Content -Raw file.txt).Replace('\', '\\') | ConvertFrom-StringData).file
The ConvertFrom-StringData cmdlet is built for parsing key-value pairs separated by =
\ in the values is interpreted as an escape character, however, hence the doubling of \ in the input file with .Replace('\', '\\').
The result is a hash table (type [hashtable]); Get-Content -Raw - the input file read as a single string - is used to ensure that a single hash table is output); accessing its file key retrieves the associated value.

How to add a text in a file with an argument in Powershell

I am trying to add the text passed as an argument in powershell to config file. Below is the sample of the code. What I am expecting that below command will read the config file & search for parameter1 & when it find the parameter it will add the value (passed as an argument) after "="
(gc config.params) -replace "Parameter1 =", "$&` $1" | sc inifile.params
So the output supposed to be like:
Parameter1 = hostname
when the following command will be executed:
powershell.exe Untitled1.ps1 hostname
Please suggest.
$1 is not how arguments are passed to PowerShell scripts; they get an array $args or you specify parameter names. And the array does not have the script path as the first element.
So, for your code:
(gc config.params) -replace "Parameter1 =", "$&` $($args[0])" | sc inifile.params
(gc config.params) -replace "Parameter1 =", "$&` $text" | sc inifile.params

How to append last field of a line in a file to a variable on powershell cli?

Here is my file hello.txt:
"ReceiptHandle" = "hellomyfriend==++"
I would like to append only the last field of a line to a variable:
$friend = hellomyfriend==++
Assuming that is all that's in your hello.txt file. The following would assign "" to your $friend variable...
$myhash = (gc 'hello.txt') -replace """","" | ConvertFrom-StringData
$friend = $myhash["ReceiptHandle"]
ConvertFrom-StringData makes this easy because your text is already in "something = value" format.
So what's going on here? First,
gc 'hello.txt'
is getting the contents of your file. I encapsulate it in () so that i can use..
-replace """",""
.. to get rid of the surrounding double-quotes. That's piped into ConvertFrom-StringData, which converts the string into a named key/value pair [hashtable]. From there, I can access the second part by interrogating the hashtable.
Alternatively, you could put this all on one line...
(gc 'hello.txt') -replace """","" | ConvertFrom-StringData | %{$friend = $_["ReceiptHandle"]}

cleanup improperly formatted csv file

I am downloading a xlsx file from a sharepoint, and then convert it into a csv file. However, since the xlsx file contained empty columns that were not deleted, it exports those to a csv file like follows...
As you can see, Import-Csv cmdlet will fail with that file because of the extra null titles. I want to know how to count the extra commas at the end. The number of columns are always changing, and the name of the columns are also always changing. So we start the count based from the last non-null title number.
Right now, I'm doing the following...
$csvFileEdited = Get-Content $csvFile
$csvFileEdited[0] = $csvFileEdited[0].TrimEnd(',')
$csvFileEdited | Set-Content "$csvFile-temp"
Move-Item "$csvFile-temp" $csvFile -Force
Write-Host "Trim Complete."
This will make the file output like this...
The naming is now accepted for Import-Csv, but as you can see there is still extra null values that are not necessary since they are null for every row.
If I did the following code...
$csvFileWithExtraCommas = Get-Content $csvFile
$csvFileWithoutExtraCommas = #()
FOrEach ($line in $csvFileWithExtraCommas)
$line = $line.TrimEnd(',')
$csvFileWithoutExtraCommas += $line
$csvFileWithoutExtraCommas | Set-Content "$csvFile-temp"
Move-Item "$csvFile-temp" $csvFile -Force
Write-Host "Trim Complete."
Then it would remove a null value that should be null because it belongs to a non-null title-name. Such is the output....
Here is the desired output:
Can anyone help with this?
I'm using the following code to count the extra null titles...
$csvFileWithCommas = Get-Content $csvFile
[int]$csvFileWithExtraCommasNumber = $csvFileWithCommas[0].Length
$csvFileTitlesWithoutExtraCommas = $csvFileWithCommas[0].TrimEnd(',')
[int]$csvFileWithoutExtraCommasNumber = $csvFileTitlesWithoutExtraCommas.Length
$numOfCommas = $csvFileWithExtraCommasNumber - $csvFileWithoutExtraCommasNumber
The output of value of $numOfCommas is 4. Now the question is how can I use $line.TrimEnd(',') to only do so 4 times??
Ok.... If you really need to do this you can count the trailing commas from the header and use regex to remove as many the from the end of each line. There are other string manipulation approaches but the regex in this case is pretty clean.
Note that what Bluecakes answer shows should suffice. Perhaps there is some other hidden characters that are not being copied in the question or perhaps an encoding issue with your real file.
$file = Get-Content "D:\temp\text.csv"
# Number of trailing commas. Compare the length before and after the trim
$numberofcommas = $file[0].Length - $file[0].TrimEnd(",").Length
# Use regex to remove as many commas from the end of each line and convert to csv object.
$file -replace ",{$numberofcommas}$" | ConvertFrom-Csv
Regex is looking for X commas at the end of of each line where X is $numberofcommas. In our case it would look like ,{4}$
Source file used with above code was generated as such
"# | set-content D:\temp\text.csv
Are you getting an error when trying to Import-csv? The cmdlet is smart enough to ignore columns without a heading without any additional code needed.
I copied your csv file to my H:\ drive:
and then ran $nullcsv = Import-Csv -Path H:\nullcsv.csv and this is what i got
PS> $nullcsv
columnOne columnTwo columnThree
--------- --------- -----------
The imported csv only contains 3 values as you would expect:
PS> $nullcsv.count
The cmdlet is also orrectly accounting for null values in each of the columns:
PS> $nullcsv | Format-List
columnOne : valueOne
columnTwo :
columnThree :
columnOne :
columnTwo : valueTwo
columnThree :
columnOne :
columnTwo :
columnThree : valueThree