Escape Cyrillic, Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew characters in postgresql - postgresql

I'm trying to load in a postgres table, records from a flat file, I'm doing it with the Copy command, which has worked well so far.
But now I am receiving fields with words in Chinese, Japanese, Cyrillic and other languages, and when I try to do it, it gives me an error in the load.
How could those characters escape in Postgres, I searched, but I have not found any reference to this type of topic.

You should not escape the characters, you should load them as they are.
Your database encoding is UTF8, so that's no problem. If your database encoding is not UTF8, change that.
For each file, figure out what its encoding is and use the ENCODING option of COPY or the environment variable PGCLIENTENCODING so that PostgreSQL knows which encoding the file is in.


Read turkish characters from txt file

I am trying to read string data from txt file which has special turkish characters in it.
I want to store content in a string. I tried some methods like textscan , fileread but, instead of special turkish characters like ş,ç,ı,ö,ğ, there are some weird symbols. Are there any way to do that?
I created a file called turkish.txt with the characters you mentioned (ş,ç,ı,ö,ğ). Trying to read it gave me the following:
fid = fopen('turkish.txt','r','n','UTF-8');
ans =
ÿþ_, ç , 1, ö ,
As you can see, ş,ı,ğ are not rendered correctly. If you type
help slCharacterEncoding
You can see a list of most commonly supported encodings by platforms. I played with the encodings a little, some which I have checked were:
The last one is related to japanese characters. They contain some of the turkish characters, which were rendered correctly such as ç and ö, but not all of them.
If you skim through the docs it says:
If you want to use a different character encoding, you need to start MATLAB with the appropriate locale settings for your operating system. Consult your operating system manual to change the locale setting.
The instructions for setting the locale on windows platforms, which I haven't tried, can be found here.
Hope it helps.

Find non-ASCII characters in a text file and convert them to their Unicode equivalent

I am importing .txt file from a remote server and saving it to a database. I use a .Net script for this purpose. I sometimes notice a garbled word/characters (Ullerهkersvنgen) inside the files, which makes a problem while saving to the database.
I want to filter all such characters and convert them to unicode before saving to the database.
Note: I have been through many similar posts but had no luck.
Your help in this context will be highly appreciated.
Assuming your script does know the correct encoding of your text snippet than that should be the regular expression to find all Non-ASCII charactres:
see here: and
Also, the base-R tools package provides two functions to detect non-ASCII characters:
You need to know or at least guess the character encoding of the data in order to be able to convert it properly. So you should try and find information about the origin and format of the text file and make sure that you read the file properly in your software.
For example, “Ullerهkersvنgen” looks like a Scandinavian name, with Scandinavian letters in it, misinterpreted according to a wrong character encoding assumption or as munged by an incorrect character code conversion. The first Arabic letter in it, “ه”, is U+0647 ARABIC LETTER HEH. In the ISO-8859-6 encoding, it is E7 (hex.); in windows-1256, it is E5. Since Scandinavian text are normally represented in ISO-8859-1 or windows-1252 (when Unicode encodings are not used), it is natural to check what E7 and E5 mean in them: “ç” and “å”. For linguistic reasons, the latter is much more probable here. The second Arabic letter is “ن” U+0646 ARABIC LETTER NOON, which is E4 in windows-1256. And in ISO-8859-1, E4 is “ä”. This makes perfect sense: the word is “Ulleråkersvägen”, a real Swedish street name (in Uppsala, at least).
Thus, the data is probably ISO-8859-1 or windows-1252 (Windows Latin 1) encoded text, incorrectly interpreted as windows-1256 (Windows Arabic). No conversion is needed; you just need to read the data as windows-1252 encoded. (After reading, it can of course be converted to another encoding.)

file encoding and deformed strings

I am just working with a text file, that contains lots of deformed strings such as:
VyplÅ<88>te prosím pole "jméno
My editor says that the file encoding is latin1. The string is supposed to be a czech sentence that contains some diacritics so no wonder it is displayed wrong. I have tried to force utf8 and latin2 encodings in my editor but that did not help. I have also tried to use iconv to convert the file from latin1 to utf8 or latin2 but neither that helped. I quite often encounter issues likes this and I don't know any other solution than to manually rewrite the strings. Is there a better way to fix this?
Here is the original sentence:
Vyplňte prosím pole "jméno"
Here is hex dump of the part where the malformed string occurs:
0002640: 6a6d 656e 6f22 5d20 3d20 2744 453a 2056 jmeno"] = 'DE: V
0002650: 7970 6cc5 8874 6520 7072 6f73 c3ad 6d20 ypl..te pros..m
0002660: 706f 6c65 2022 6a6d c3a9 6e6f 222e 273b pole "".';
The sentence above is really correct utf8 as deceze have said. But I have just found out some strange thing. If I try to transcode the file from utf8 to utf8 (with iconv), I get an error on a word: Postgebühr at character ü. If I look at hex dump, this character is represented as \xfc (252 in decimal), which is valid latin1 byte encoding for ü but completely invalid utf8 byte encoding. It seems that part of the file is in latin1 and another part in utf8. Here is part of the file that is in latin1 (probably):
0000250: 506f 7374 6765 62fc 6872 273b 0a09 0963';...c
0000260: 6f6e 665b 2277 6166 6572 7322 5d20 3d20 onf["wafers"] =
0000270: 2744 453a 206f 706c c3a1 746b 20c3 273b 'DE: .';
As I look into this more, this even does not seem to be valid latin1 cause even in latin1 it is garbled (DE: oplátk à instead of probably DE: oplatky za). This part of the file seems to contain some damaged text.
I can't understand how encoding in this file could have got mixed up like that. Any ideas?
If the file is supposed to contain Latin2 encoded text, then trying to convert it from Latin1 or similar is of course messing things up.
The problem is simply that your text editor does not automagically recognize the encoding, since the single-byte Latin* encodings all look identically interchangeable on a byte level. If your editor "tells" you the encoding is Latin1, what it means is that it is currently interpreting the file as Latin1. Obviously it has that wrong.
You either need to tell your editor to treat the file as Latin2 (Open As... Latin2, or however your editor gives you this choice) or to convert the file from Latin2 into an encoding your editor handles correctly.
To understand encodings better, I recommend you read What Every Programmer Absolutely, Positively Needs To Know About Encodings And Character Sets To Work With Text.
In response to your posted hex dump: That file is UTF-8 encoded.
Iconv is the way to go, but you must know the correct enconding. Latin2 (iso8859-2) is only one of the possibilities, since there were many ascii extensions in Europe. What language is this supposed to be in?

What charset to use to store russian text into javascript files as an array

I am creating a coldfusion page, that takes language translation data stored in a table in my database, and makes static js files for each language pairing of english to ___ etc...
I am now starting to work on russian, I was able to get the other languages to work fine..
However, when it saves the file, all the text looks like question marks. Even when I run my translation app, the text for just that language looks like all ?????
I have tried writing it via cffile as utf-8 or ISO-8859-1 but neither seems to get it to display properly.
Any suggestions?
Have you tried ISO-8859-5? I believe it's the encoding that "should" be used for Russian.
By all means do use UTF-8 over any other encoding type. You need to make sure that:
your cfm templates were written to disk with UTF-8 encoding (notepad++ handles that nicely, and so does Eclipse or the new ColdFusion Builder)
your database was created with the proper codepage for nvarchar (and varchar) datatypes
your database connection handles UTF-8
How to go about the last two items depends on your database back-end. Coldfusion is quite agnostic in that regard, as it will happily use any jdbc driver that you may need.
When working in a multi-character set environment, character set conversion issues can occur and it can be difficult to determine where the conversion issue occurred.
There are two categories into which conversion issues can be placed. The first involves sending data in the wrong format to the client API. Although this cannot happen with Unicode APIs, it is possible with all other client APIs and results in garbage data.
The second category of issue involves a character that does not have an equivalent in the final character set, or in one of the intermediate character sets. In this case, a substitution character is used. This is called lossy conversion and can happen with any client API. You can avoid lossy conversions by configuring the database to use UTF-8 for the database character set.
The advantage of UTF-8 over any other encoding is that you can handle any number of languages in the same database / client.
I can't personally reproduce this problem at all. Is the ColdFusion template that is making the call itself UTF-8? (with or without a BOM it matters not for Russian). In any case UTF-8 is absolutely what you should be using. Make sure you get a UTF-8 compliant editor. Which is most things on Mac. On Windows you could use Scite or GVim.
The correct encoding to use in a .js file is whatever encoding the parent page is in. Whilst there are methods to serve JavaScript using a different encoding to the page including it, they don't work on all browsers.
So make sure your web page is being saved and served in an encoding that contains the Russian characters, and then save the .js file using the same encoding. That will be either:
ISO-8859-5. A single-byte encoding with Cyrillic in the high bytes, similar to Windows code page 1251. cp1251 will be the default encoding when you save in a text editor from a Russian install of Windows;
or UTF-8. A multi-byte encoding that contains every character. All modern websites should be using UTF-8.
(ISO-8859-1 is Western European and does not include any Cyrillic. It is similar to code page 1252, the default on a Western Windows install. It's of no use to you.)
So, best is to save both the cf template and the js file as UTF-8, and add <cfprocessingdirective pageencoding="utf-8"> if CF doesn't pick it up automatically.
If you can't control the encoding of the page that includes the script (for example because it's a third party), then you can't use any non-ASCII characters directly. You would have to use JavaScript string literal escapes instead:
var translation_ru= {
launchMyCalendar: '\u0417\u0430\u043f\u0443\u0441\u043a \u041c\u043e\u0439 \u043a\u0430\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0434\u0430\u0440\u044c'
when it saves to file it is "·ÐßãáÚ ¼ÞÙ ÚÐÛÕÝÔÐàì" so the charset is wrong
Looks like you've saved as cp1251 (ie. default codepage on a Russian machine) and then copied the file to a Western server where the default codepage is cp1252.
I also just found out that my text editor of choice, textpad, doesn't support unicode.
Yes, that was my reason for no longer using it too. EmEditor (commercial) and Notepad++ (open-source) are good replacements.

Creating files with french characters and encoding

HI, I am creating a file like so.
FileStream temp = File.Create( this.FileName );
Then putting data in the file like so.
this.Writer = new StreamWriter( this.Stream );
this.Writer.WriteLine( strMessage );
That code is encapsulated in a class hierarchy but that is the meat and potatoes of it.
My problem is this. MSDN says that the default encoding for creating a file this way is UTF8. And when I write a french character such as é Textpad interprets the file as a UTF 8 file, but notepad++ says it's "ANSI as UTF8" or maybe it's an ansi file but is reading it as UTF8. When I create a file the same way without the french character both textpad and notepad++ read the file as an ansi file even though according to msdn it should be a utf 8 file still.
Which program should be trusted. Notepad++ or textpad - Notepad++ seems to be more consistant, but is still the oppossite to what MSDN says it should be. My problem is that we create files that get sent off to another company and depending on whether there are french characters the encoding seems to keep changing.
Or is there a better way to determine the encoding of a file. I've read about byte order marks and preambles but as far as I understand neither are guaranteed to be there.
We initially thought that all the files we were building were ansi. Also please note that both ansi and utf8 should handle the french characters appropriately as the characters are part of both character sets.
as far as i know, "ansi" character encoding is another name for ascii-us.
if there are no characters in the file that aren't in the ascii charset then the file is valid ascii and valid utf8, there's no way to distinguish them. so your program can write it as utf8 and any other program would be correct in seeing it as ascii (ansi) just as it would be seeing it as utf8.