SlashDB error: 'ResultProxy' object has no attribute 'execution_options' - rest

I have a SlashDB installation on top of MySQL. Once in a while, especially after a period of time of inactivity, the first call to an API returns:
'ResultProxy' object has no attribute 'execution_options'
The second request (same endpoint) would work normally.
My guess was that SlashDB's connection to MySQL had been terminated due to inactivity. I set the wait_timeout system variable (MySQL) to about 10 hours and it seems to help in some cases.
What does this error mean, and is there a way to prevent it?

This should no longer occur in version 1.0, but in case you still have a problem please post a dump of your database schema with your question.


custom program error: 0x3f metaplex candy machine createSetCollectionDuringMintInstruction

I have a metaplex candy machine and collection that I set up several weeks back. Minting worked initially but is now failing.
The error reported is
custom program error: 0x3f
Which appears to be from the nested instruction to the metadata program. Which should be
readonly code: number = 0x3f;
readonly name: string = 'DataTypeMismatch';
It can be thrown from metdata deserialize.
Which is called for the token metadata and collection metadata data.
I believe those are the only two places it would be thrown from in this method. AccountInfo is resolved for several accounts but it's only deserialized into a typed entity, with size and type considerations for those two entities.
Checking the metadata, on the collection, it's present and the length looks normal for metaplex metadata accounts at 679 bytes.
Now the metadata for the token being minted is not present because the tx failed. However, if, I attempt a transaction without the 'SetCollectionDuringMint' instruction added, the tx succeeds.
Interesting. The metadata account for the token has zero bytes allocated.
I don't recall this changing. In fact, if I go through my source history to older revisions, I've not been explicitly requesting to create the metadata account. I've simply been pre-allocating the account and calling mint nft on the candy machine.
Did the candy machine change to no longer automatically create the metadata account for the minted NFT?
It occurred to me almost as soon as I finished typing up the question, what the likely cause was.
It came to my attention a few weeks back that this older v2 version of the candy machine, does not actually halt transaction execution on constraint violations, but rather, charges the client a fee , for executing the transaction incorrectly.
It's likely the 'bot tax' protocol is allowing the real error, which may be occurring earlier, to get suppressed.
v3 of the candy machhine has made this something you can disable but we are a bit coupled to v2 at the moment.
Anyhow, what I think has happened here is that the bot taxing version of the candy machine, allowed the nft to mint, but didn't actually finish setting it up. Then the next instruction, set collection during mint, was unable to complete.
The real failure is earlier in the transaction, somewhere during the mint, where we no longer meet the mint criteria, and the old version of the candy machine is just charging us and failing silently.
Unfortunately, the root cause is still not clear. One other change that would have occurred between now and then is that the collection is now 'live' having passed the go live date. I'll have to dig through the validation constraints and see if there are any bot tax related short circuits related to this golive date transition.
EDIT: UPDATE: Looks like there were some changes, specific to devnet's token metadata program and my machine was affected. I'll need some new devnet machines.

Play Framework Database Related endpoints hang after some up time

I have situation which is almost identical to the one described here: Play framework resource starvation after a few days
My application is simple, Play 2.6 + PostgreSQL + Slick 3.
Also, DB retrieval operations are Slick only and simple.
Usage scenario is that data comes in through one endpoint, gets stored into DB (there are some actors storing some data in async fashion which can fail with default strategy) and is served through rest endpoints.
So far so good.
After few days, every endpoint that has anything to do with database stops responding. Application is server on t3-medium on a single instance connected to RDS instance. Connection count to RDS is always the same and stable, mostly idling.
What I have also noticed is that database actually gets called and query gets executed, but request never ends or gets any data.
Simplest endpoint (POST) is for posting feedback - basically one liner:
feedbackService.storeFeedback(feedback.deviceId, feedback.message).map(_ => Success)
This Success thing is wrapper around Ok("something") so no magic there.
Feedback Service stores one record in DB in a Slick preferred way, nothing crazy there as well.
Once feedback post is called, I notice in psql client that INSERT query has been executed and data really ends up in database, but HTTP request never ends and no success data gets returned. In parallel, calling non DB related endpoints which do return some values like status endpoint goes through without problems.
Production logs don't show anything and restarting helps for a day or two.
I suppose some kind of resource starvation is happening, but which and where is currently beyond me.

How to debug PSQLException: FATAL: sorry, too many clients already in Play

I'm using Play 2.6 with Scala, and something in my program is eating up the connections to my Postgresql database. I keep getting:
PSQLException: FATAL: sorry, too many clients already
In my console. I've checked my max connections with
show max_connections;
And it's at the default of 100, but I shouldn't be eating up this many. Any time I access the database in the application, I use the suggested:
myDB.withConnection { conn => \... do work with SQL here ...\ }
block, which according to the documentation, should release the connection once it escapes the the block. I don't think anything is getting stuck in a loop, as otherwise other pieces of my code wouldn't be executing. Unfortunately, the stack trace that's printing only shows the "behind the scenes" stuff and won't show what caller is establishing the DB connection. Any ideas on how I can find the offender?

Owin- Slow CompatibleWithModel call

I have this line of code within a request of an ApiController of an Azure Mobile App Web API:
var user = t.TrackDependency(() => context.Users.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Email == loginRequest.Id || x.Name == loginRequest.Id), "GetUser");
Here is the result from Application Insights:
We can see that while the line of code took 2613ms, the actual query call to the database took 190ms. While this is an edge case it happens often enough to get complaining users about slow performance.
The thing is I have no idea where the difference could come from. Note this is not due to a cold start, the app was warm when this exact call happened.
The second line is the actual call to the database endpoint. Before that it is not database related.
ps: the graph is from application insights. They capture the call to the database and I add my onwn data through the TrackDependency method.
Today I got more data thanks to Application Insights sampling (great tool!).
Here are the results (this is not the exact request call instance but this is the same problem):
It clearly shows that context.Database.CompatibleWithModel(false) is the culprit. It is called by the call to InitializeDatabase of my custom implementation of IDatabaseInitializer. My custom intializer is set at Startup.
I found another unanswered question on SOF with the same issue
Why does it take so long?
InitializeDatabase is not always called and I don't know when it is called and why.
I found another culprit:
Now we see that EntityConnection.Open is waiting something. Are there some locks on the connection? So far the call to the database endpoint is still not made so we're still on EntityFramework here.
There are two issues in that post:
Why is CompatibleWithModel slow? There are many articles about startup time improvements. This is not be adressed in that SOF question.
Why is EntityConnection.Open blocking. This is not related to EntityFramework but is general to getting a connection which takes up to 3 seconds if not called within a 5 minutes windows. I raised that problem in a specific post.
Hence there is no more questions in that post which and it could be deleted but may still be useful as an analysis of tracking down lost time in Web Api calls.

SqlBulkCopy unusual TimeOut Error

I have a SqlBulkCopy operation that is taking data from an MS-Access 2007 database (via OleDbConnection) and using SqlBulkCopy to transfer that data to a SQL Server database. This has previously been working and continues to work for one MS-Access database, but not the other.
I get the error message:
Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
It is hard to believe it is a timeout ast the oledbCommand.CommandTimeout = 0 the sqlBulkCopy.BulkCopyTimeout = 0 and on either side (MS-Access and SQL Server the timeouts have now been set to 0).
Are there other issues/exceptions that the above error message could be hiding? Is there a way to determine what the base cause of a sqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer exception is (there doesn't appear to be any inner exceptions etc...)
So the issue was that there were dates being transfered and some of those dates were invalid for SQL, but valid in Access. For whatever reason this was presenting as a Timeout rather than "invalid date/time" - though if you reduce the data being transfered to a handful of rows (200) rather than the full transfer (500,000) it reports as invalid date/time ... curious.