Kubernetes architecture with on premise api gateway - kubernetes

When using on premise (running on my own) api gateway like Kong, should it be run in a node as 1 withing the main kubernetes cluster or should it be ran as separate kubernetes cluster?

Unless you have an amazing reason to do otherwise: run Kong within the cluster. Pretty much the last thing you'd want is for all API requests to bomb because of a severed connection between cluster-A and cluster-B, not to mention the horrible latency as requests hop from one layer of abstraction to another.
Taking a page from the nginx Ingress controller, you also have the opportunity to use the Endpoint API to bypass the iptables-based Service machinery, saving even more latency and system resources -- a trick that would be almost impossible with a multi-cluster configuration.
It is my recollection there are even Kong-based Ingress controllers, which could save you even more heartache if their featureset and your needs align


Kubernetes-services load balancing

I have read this question which is very similar to what I am asking, but still wanted to write a new question since the accepted answer there seems very incomplete and also potentially wrong.
Basically, it seems like there is some missing or contradictory information regarding built in load-balancing for regular Kubernetes Services (I am not talking about LoadBalancer services). For example, the official Cilium documentation states that "Kubernetes doesn't come with an implementation of Load Balancing". In addition, I couldn't find any information in the official Kubernetes documentation about load balancing for internal services (there was only a section discussing this under ingresses).
So my question is - how does load balancing or distribution of requests work when we make a request from within a Kubernetes cluster to the internal address of a Kubernetes service?
I know there's a Kubernetes proxy on each node that creates the DNS records for such services, but what about services that span multiple pods and nodes? There's got to be some form of request distribution or load-balancing, or else this just wouldn't work at all, no?
A standard Kubernetes Service provides basic load-balancing. Even for a ClusterIP-type Service, the Service has its own cluster-internal IP address and DNS name, and forwards requests to the collection of Pods specified by its selector:.
In normal use, it is enough to create a multiple-replica Deployment, set a Service to point at its Pods, and send requests only to the Service. All of the replicas will receive requests.
The documentation discusses the implementation of internal load balancing in more detail than an application developer normally needs. Unless your cluster administrator has done extra setup, you'll probably get round-robin request routing – the first Pod will receive the first request, the second Pod the second, and so on.
... the official Cilium documentation states ...
This is almost certainly a statement about external load balancing. As a cluster administrator (not a programmer) a "plain" Kubernetes installation doesn't include an external load-balancer implementation, and a LoadBalancer-type Service behaves identically to a NodePort-type Service.
There are obvious deficiencies to round-robin scheduling, most notably if you do wind up having individual network requests that take a long time and a lot of resource to service. As an application developer the best way to address this is to make these very-long-running requests run asynchronously; return something like an HTTP 201 Created status with a unique per-job URL, and do the actual work in a separate queue-backed worker.

Kubernetes - is Service Mesh a must?

Recently I have built several microservices within a k8s cluster with Nginx ingress controller and they are working normally.
When dealing with communications among microservices, I attempted gRPC and it worked. Then I discover when microservice A -> gRPC -> microservice B, all requests were only occurred at 1 pod of microservice B (e.g. total 10 pods available for microservice B). In order to load balance the requests to all pods of microservice B, I attempted linkerd and it worked. However, I realized gRPC sometimes will produce internal error (e.g. 1 error out of 100 requests), making me changed to using the k8s DNS way (e.g. my-svc.my-namespace.svc.cluster-domain.example). Then, the requests never fail. I started to hold up gRPC and linkerd.
Later, I was interested in istio. I successfully deployed it to the cluster. However, I observe it always creates its own load balancer, which is not so matching with the existing Nginx ingress controller.
Furthermore, I attempted prometheus and grafana, as well as k9s. These tools let me have better understanding on cpu and memory usage of the pods.
Here I have several questions that I wish to understand:-
If I need to monitor cluster resources, we have prometheus, grafana and k9s. Are they doing the same monitoring role as service mesh (e.g. linkerd, istio)?
if k8s DNS can already achieve load balancing, do we still need service mesh?
if using k8s without service mesh, is it lag behind the normal practice?
Actually I also want to use service mesh every day.
The simple answer is
Service mesh for a kubernetes server is not necessary
Now to answer your questions
If I need to monitor cluster resources, we have prometheus, grafana and k9s. Are they doing the same monitoring role as service mesh (e.g. linkerd, istio)?
K9s is a cli tool that is just a replacement to the kubectl cli tool. It is not a monitor tool. Prometheus and grafana are monitoring tools that will need use the data provided by applications(pods) and builds the time-series data which can be visualized as charts, graphs etc. However the applications have to provide the monitoring data to Prometheus. Service meshes may use a sidecar and provide some default metrics useful for monitoring such as number of requests handled in a second. Your application doesn't need to have any knowledge or implementation of the metrics. Thus service meshes are optional and it offloads the common things such as monitoring or authorization.
if k8s DNS can already achieve load balancing, do we still need service mesh?
Service meshes are not needed for load balancing. When you have multiple services running in the cluster and want to use a single entry point for all your services to simplify maintenance and to save cost, Ingress controllers such as Nginx, Traefik, HAProxy are used. Also, service meshes such as Istio comes with its own ingress controller.
if using k8s without service mesh, is it lag behind the normal practice?
No, there can be clusters that don't have service meshes today and still use Kubernetes.
In the future, Kubernetes may bring some functionalities from service meshes.
Service mesh is not a silver bullet and it doesn't fit into every use case. Service mesh will not do everything for you, it also have bugs and limited features.
You can use Prometheus without Istio and have a very nice app monitoring. Service mesh can simplify some monitoring tasks for you, but it doesn't mean you cannot do it yourself.
Please don't think of DNS as load balancing solution. Kubernetes have Services and Ingresses to do load balancing. Nginx Ingress today is very powerful and have many advanced features.
It heavily depends on your use case.

Can Kubernetes work like a compute farm and route one request per pod

I've dockerized a legacy desktop app. This app does resource-intensive graphical rendering from a command line interface.
I'd like to offer this rendering as a service in a "compute farm", and I wondered if Kubernetes could be used for this purpose.
If so, how in Kubernetes would I ensure that each pod only serves one request at a time (this app is resource-intensive and likely not thread-safe)? Should I write a single-threaded wrapper/invoker app in the container and thus serialize requests? Would K8s then be smart enough to route subsequent requests to idle pods rather than letting them pile up on an overloaded pod?
Interesting question.
The inbuilt default Service object along with kube-proxy does route the requests to different pods, but only does so in a round-robin fashion which does not fit our use case.
Your use-case would require changes to be made to the kube-proxy setup during the cluster setup. This approach is tedious and will require you to have your own cluster setup (not supported by cloud services). As described here.
Best bet would be to setup a service-mesh like Istio which provides the features with little configuration along with a lot of other useful functionalities.
See if this helps.

How does Kubernetes lngress handles the concurrent request in GKE

We are currently deploying our spring boot application in kubernetes and using ingress as our loadbalancer. I want to know how does the kubernetes handles the concurrent request, Is there any configuration which i need to be enabled to handle the concurrent request. We have downstream system which has 10 threads and all the threads make a webservice calls to our spring-boot application.I want to how does the kubernetes handles this request concurrently and how does it routes those request to pod We are using google kubernetes engine(gke). we have 2 pod containers are running.enter code here
Long story short: Ingress has nothing to do with concurrency. Traffic will just come to your application's process the same way regardless of you're deploying Node.js, Ruby or Java or another language...
So it's up to your application runtime (Java/SpringBoot) to figure out how to handle incoming connections and multiple requests happening on these connnections simultaneously (HTTP/1.1 vs HTTP/2 work very differently in this regard, but mostly it's abstracted from the app developer by the framework you're using).
Kubernetes networking is not trivial to understand. This talk provides a good overview of how the traffic flows in a Kubernetes cluster:
Ingress just creates an external load balancer on your cloud provider that sends the traffic back to your "Service" (cluster-internal load balancer). So to fully understand how traffic comes from $CLOUD_PROVIDER's load balancer to your app, you need to understand inner workings of "Kubernetes networking" –and it totally depends on your cloud provider and the network plugin (CNI) it uses.

Kubernetes best practices in pods

As I have been using kubernetes more I keep on seeing the reference that a pod can contain 1 container or more and I have even looked at examples.
My question is whether there is a case where this would be best practice and more efficient to create multi container pods since you can scale and replicate your pods coupling it with a service.
Thanks in advance
A Pod can contain multiple containers, but for the most portion of the situations, it makes perfect sense for the Pod to be simply an abstraction over a single running container.
In what situations does it make sense to have a multi-container deployed Pod?
What comes to my mind are the scenarios where you have a primary Pod running, but you need to tightly couple helper processes, such as a log watcher. In those situations, it makes perfect sense to actually have multiple containers running inside a single pod.
Another big example that comes to my mind is from the Istio project, which is a platform made to connect, manage and secure microservices and is generally referred as a Service Mesh.
A huge part of what it does and is able to accomplish to provide a greater control and customization over the deployed microservices network, is due to the fact that it deploys a sidecar proxy, denominated Envoy, throughout the environment intercepting all network communication between microservices.
Here, you can check an example of load balancing in a Istio service mesh. As you can see the Proxy is deployed inside the Pod, intercepting all communication that goes through it.