Kubernetes - is Service Mesh a must? - kubernetes

Recently I have built several microservices within a k8s cluster with Nginx ingress controller and they are working normally.
When dealing with communications among microservices, I attempted gRPC and it worked. Then I discover when microservice A -> gRPC -> microservice B, all requests were only occurred at 1 pod of microservice B (e.g. total 10 pods available for microservice B). In order to load balance the requests to all pods of microservice B, I attempted linkerd and it worked. However, I realized gRPC sometimes will produce internal error (e.g. 1 error out of 100 requests), making me changed to using the k8s DNS way (e.g. my-svc.my-namespace.svc.cluster-domain.example). Then, the requests never fail. I started to hold up gRPC and linkerd.
Later, I was interested in istio. I successfully deployed it to the cluster. However, I observe it always creates its own load balancer, which is not so matching with the existing Nginx ingress controller.
Furthermore, I attempted prometheus and grafana, as well as k9s. These tools let me have better understanding on cpu and memory usage of the pods.
Here I have several questions that I wish to understand:-
If I need to monitor cluster resources, we have prometheus, grafana and k9s. Are they doing the same monitoring role as service mesh (e.g. linkerd, istio)?
if k8s DNS can already achieve load balancing, do we still need service mesh?
if using k8s without service mesh, is it lag behind the normal practice?
Actually I also want to use service mesh every day.

The simple answer is
Service mesh for a kubernetes server is not necessary
Now to answer your questions
If I need to monitor cluster resources, we have prometheus, grafana and k9s. Are they doing the same monitoring role as service mesh (e.g. linkerd, istio)?
K9s is a cli tool that is just a replacement to the kubectl cli tool. It is not a monitor tool. Prometheus and grafana are monitoring tools that will need use the data provided by applications(pods) and builds the time-series data which can be visualized as charts, graphs etc. However the applications have to provide the monitoring data to Prometheus. Service meshes may use a sidecar and provide some default metrics useful for monitoring such as number of requests handled in a second. Your application doesn't need to have any knowledge or implementation of the metrics. Thus service meshes are optional and it offloads the common things such as monitoring or authorization.
if k8s DNS can already achieve load balancing, do we still need service mesh?
Service meshes are not needed for load balancing. When you have multiple services running in the cluster and want to use a single entry point for all your services to simplify maintenance and to save cost, Ingress controllers such as Nginx, Traefik, HAProxy are used. Also, service meshes such as Istio comes with its own ingress controller.
if using k8s without service mesh, is it lag behind the normal practice?
No, there can be clusters that don't have service meshes today and still use Kubernetes.
In the future, Kubernetes may bring some functionalities from service meshes.

Service mesh is not a silver bullet and it doesn't fit into every use case. Service mesh will not do everything for you, it also have bugs and limited features.
You can use Prometheus without Istio and have a very nice app monitoring. Service mesh can simplify some monitoring tasks for you, but it doesn't mean you cannot do it yourself.
Please don't think of DNS as load balancing solution. Kubernetes have Services and Ingresses to do load balancing. Nginx Ingress today is very powerful and have many advanced features.
It heavily depends on your use case.


Istio Ingress Gateway - Visibility into gRPC connections and load balancing

We have a gRPC application deployed in a cluster (v 1.17.6) with Istio (v 1.6.2) setup. The cluster has istio-ingressgateway setup as the edge LB, with SSL termination. The istio-ingressgateway is fronted by an AWS ELB (classic LB) in passthrough mode. This setup is fully functional and the traffic flows as intended, in general. So the setup looks like:
ELB => istio-ingressgateway => virtual service => app service => [(envoy)pods]
We are running load tests on this setup using GHZ (ghz.sh), running external to the application cluster. From the tests we’ve run, we have observed that each of the app container seems to get about 300 RPS routed to it, no matter the configuration of the GHZ test. For reference, we have tried various combos of --concurrency and --connection settings for the tests. This ~300 RPS is lower than what we expect from the app and, hence, requires a lot more PODs to provide the required throughput.
We are really interested in understanding the details of the physical connection (gRPC/HTTP2) setup in this case, all the way from the ELB to the app/envoy and the details of the load balancing being done. Of particular interest is the the case when the same client, GHZ e.g., opens up multiple connections (specified via the --connection option). We have looked at Kiali and it doesn’t give us the appropriate visibility.
How can we get visibility into the physical connections being setup from the ingress gateway to the pod/proxy?
How is the “per request gRPC” load balancing happening?
What options might exist to optimize the various components involved in this setup?
1.How can we get visibility into the physical connections being setup from the ingress gateway to the pod/proxy?
If Kiali doesn't show what exactly you need, maybe you could try with Jaeger?
Jaeger is an open source end to end distributed tracing system, allowing users to monitor and troubleshoot transactions in complex distributed systems.
There is istio documentation about Jaeger.
Additionally Prometheus and Grafana might be helpful here, take a look here.
2.How is the “per request gRPC” load balancing happening?
As mentioned here
By default, the Envoy proxies distribute traffic across each service’s load balancing pool using a round-robin model, where requests are sent to each pool member in turn, returning to the top of the pool once each service instance has received a request.
If you wan't to change the default round-robin model you can use Destination Rule for that. Destination rules let you customize Envoy’s traffic policies when calling the entire destination service or a particular service subset, such as your preferred load balancing model, TLS security mode, or circuit breaker settings.
There is istio documentation about that.
More about load balancing in envoy here.
3.What options might exist to optimize the various components involved in this setup?
I'm not sure if there is anything to optimize in istio components, maybe some custom configuration in Destination Rule?
Additional Resources:

Istio service mesh in on premise kubernetes cluster in data center

Currently, we have k8s cluster in our data center due to compliance reasons. We are running the traefik as an ingress controller. Now we want to have the service mesh added to it for monitoring the service level communication. Can you suggest me how can I do it? Do I replace the traefik ingress controller and have the istio ingress on the host network setup or any other better options without removing the traefik and have istio to it too?
If you are going to install Istio to get "free" observability features, you need to keep in mind that in some scenarios it directly doesn't fit. e.g. you want to get the latency within a service. not possible with Istio.
I would recommend you to get Istio, if you need service mesh and/or routing, besides observability, but don't install it just for observability. There are other tools out there specific for that.
Without counting the fact that you are going to use cluster resources, to get an extra container for each service, just for monitoring. Not a good approach, in my opinion.

Q: Efficient Kubernetes load balancing

I've been looking into Kubernetes networking, more specifically, how to serve HTTPS users the most efficient.
I was watching this talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Omvgd7Hg1I and from 22:18 he explains what the problem is with a load balancer that is not pod aware. Now, how they solve this in kubernetes is by letting the nodes also act as a 'router' and letting the node pass the request on to another node. (explained at 22:46). This does not seem very efficient, but when looking around SoundCloud (https://developers.soundcloud.com/blog/how-soundcloud-uses-haproxy-with-kubernetes-for-user-facing-traffic) actually seems to do something similar to this but with NodePorts. They say that the overhead costs less than creating a better load balancer.
From what I have read an option might be using an ingress controller. Making sure that there is not more than one ingress controller per node, and routing the traffic to the specific nodes that have an ingress controller. That way there will not be any traffic re-routing needed. However, this does add another layer of routing.
This information is all from 2017, so my question is: is there any pod aware load balancer out there, or is there some other method that does not involve sending the http request and response over the network twice?
Thank you in advance,
A bit more information about my use case:
There is a bare-metal setup with kubernetes. The firewall load balances the incomming data between two HAProxy instances. These HAProxy instances do ssl termination and forward the traffic to a few sites. This includes an exchange setup, a few internal IIS sites and a nginx server for a static web app. The idea is to transform the app servers into kubernetes.
Now my main problem is how to get the requests from HAProxy into kubernetes. I see a few options:
Use the SoundCloud setup. The infrastructure could stay almost the same, the HAProxy server can still operate the way they do now.
I could use an ingress controller on EACH node in the kubernetes cluster and have the firewall load balance between the nodes. I believe it is possible to forward traffic from the ingress controller to server outside the cluster, e.g. exchange.
Some magic load balancer that I do not know about that is pod aware and able to operate outside of the kubernetes cluster.
Option 1 and 2 are relatively simple and quite close in how they work, but they do come with a performance penalty. This is the case when the node that the requests gets forwarded to by the firewall does not have the required pod running, or if another pod is doing less work. The request will get forwarded to another node, thus, using the network twice.
Is this just the price you pay when using Kubernetes, or is there something that I am missing?
How traffic heads to pods depend on whether a managed cluster is used.
Almost all cloud providers can forward traffic in a cloud-native way in their managed K8s clusters. First, you can a managed cluster with some special network settings (e.g. vpc-native cluster of GKE). Then, the only thing you need to do is to create a LoadBalancer typed Service to expose your workload. You can also create Ingresses for your L7 workloads, they are going to be handled by provided IngressControllers (e.g. ALB of AWS).
In an on-premise cluster without any cloud provider(OpenStack or vSphere), the only way to expose workloads is NodePort typed Service. It doesn't mean you can't improve it.
If your cluster is behind reverse proxies (the SoundCloud case), setting externalTrafficPolicy: Local to Services could break traffic forwarding among work nodes. When traffic received through NodePorts, they are forwarded to local Pods or dropped if Pods reside on other nodes. Reserve proxy will mark these NodePort as unhealthy in the backend health check and reject to forward traffic to them. Another choice is to use topology-aware service routing. In this case, local Pods have priorities and traffic is still forwarded between node when no local Pods matched.
For IngressController in on-prem clusters, it is a little different. You may have some work nodes that have EIP or public IP. To expose HTTP(S) services, an IngressController usually deployed on those work nodes through DaemeaSet and HostNetwork such that clients access the IngressController via the well-known ports and EIP of nodes. These work nodes regularly don't accept other workloads (e.g. infra node in OpenShift) and one more forward on the Pod network is needed. You can also deploy the IngressController on all work nodes as well as other workloads, so traffic could be forwarded to a closer Pod if the IngressController supports topology-aware service routing although it can now.
Hope it helps!

Deploying a mobile app backend with kubernetes

I need to some advice regarding how to deploy a high traffic mobile app back-end using kubernetes. This deployment should support HA at-least. We have plans to run a DR site as well, but scope of this question does not include a DR.
We currently use hardware load-balancers to route incoming traffic to different IP addresses attached to different boxes. Each such box runs a nginx instance as a reverse proxy which also act as the https terminator. After https termination, traffic is directed to an apache web-server. Each box has one apacher server receiving all traffic from nginx running in the same box.
We want to introduce kubernetes to this setup so that we can utilize boxes better. Our traffic patterns are highly fluctuating and we believe kubernetes can help us utilize boxes in a more efficient manner.
My current plan is as follows:
-- Keep the hardware load balancer to route incoming traffic to different boxes. (this may not be needed but getting rid of HLB could become very political).
-- Run a kubenetes cluster utilizing all available boxes
-- pack apache + our app as docker image and deploy this image on docker container which in tern is run inside pods in the kubenetes cluster
-- setup ingress to accept external traffic, do https termination and load balance to above pods. A simple round robin or random load balancing algo is fine as our back ends are stateless
Does this sound right? Are there any alternatives? In the above case, where does the ingress controller run?
Your plan seems right. You can either pack apache with the code but it shall be better to keep it separate so that they can contact each other and any one of the version upgrades won't be dependent upon this one.
Also, the hardware load balancer will tickle the traffic on to the ingress which shall further bring it down to the k8s cluster and eventually on the pods.
The ingress controller runs inside the cluster. I guess you're looking to run kuberentes on-premise with your existing hardware. To use the existing hardware loadbalancer outside of kubernetes you could run the nginx ingress controller as a daemonset so that there'd be one instance on each node and expose it via HostPort so that each is exposed on the same port. Or if there are lots of nodes then you'd want to just use a Deployment. Then you'd would want to use NodePort so that Kuberentes would send the traffic to a node where an ingress controller pod runs.
Another alternative would be to expose the nginx ingress controller through LoadBalancer - to do that you'd need to integrate your loadbalancer with kubernetes using something like https://hackernoon.com/metallb-a-load-balancer-for-bare-metal-kubernetes-clusters-f7320fde52f2
Alternatively, you wouldn't necessarily have to use ingress. You could just run nginx in the cluster and expose it via NodePort.
It's not clear to me that you'd need apache http server in your container. I guess it depends how you are using it currently.

Where do services live in Kubernetes?

I am learning Kubernetes and currently deep diving into high availability and while I understand that I can set up a highly available control plane (API-server, controllers, scheduler) with local (or with remote) etcds as well as a highly available set of minions (through Kubernetes itself), I am still not sure where in this concept services are located.
If they live in the control plane: Good I can set them up to be highly available.
If they live on a certain node: Ok, but what happens if the node goes down or becomes unavailable in any other way?
As I understand it, services are needed to expose my pods to the internet as well as for loadbalancing. So no HA service, I risk that my application won't be reachable (even though it might be super highly available for any other aspect of the system).
Kubernetes Service is another REST Object in the k8s Cluster. There are following types are services. Each one of them serves a different purpose in the cluster.
fundamental Purpose of Services
Providing a single point of gateway to the pods
Load balancing the pods
Inter Pods communication
Provide Stability as pods can die and restart with different Ip
These Objects are stored in etcd as it is the single source of truth in the cluster.
Kube-proxy is the responsible for creating these objects. It uses selectors and labels.
For instance, each pod object has labels therefore service object has selectors to match these labels. Furthermore, Each Pod has endpoints, so basically kube-proxy assign these endpoints (IP:Port) with service (IP:Port).Kube-proxy use IP-Tables rules to do this magic.
Kube-Proxy is deployed as DaemonSet in each cluster nodes so they are aware of each other by using etcd.
You can think of a service as an internal (and in some cases external) loadbalancer. The definition is stored in Kubernetes API server, yet the fact thayt it exists there means nothing if something does not implement it. Most common component that works with services is kube-proxy that implements services on nodes using iptables (meaning that every node has every service implemented in it's local iptables rules), but there are also ie. Ingress Controller implementations that use Service concept from API to find endpoints and direct traffic to them, effectively skipping iptables implementation. Finaly there are service mesh solutions like linkerd or istio that can leverage Service definitions on their own.
Services loadbalance between pods in most of implementations, meaning that as long as you have one backing pod alive (and with enough capacity) your "service" will respond (so you get HA as well, specially if you implement readiness/liveness probes that among other things will remove unhealthy pods from services)
Kubernetes Service documentation provides pretty good insight on that