MATLAB: Unable to initialize the video obtain properties - matlab

I want to use VideoReader() in MATLAB 2017b on Ubuntu 16.04. While trying to use this function I get to this error:
>> obj= VideoReader('video.mp4');
Error using VideoReader/init (line 619)
Could not read file due to an unexpected error. Reason: Unable to initialize the video obtain properties
Error in VideoReader (line 172)
Can anyone help me with this problem?

I faced the problem described above. It took me several hours to solve. I found many people face the same problem. So, I decided to describe my solution here, so that others can use it.
To solve this problem you need to have ffmpeg and gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg. You need to add PPA and then install the packages:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/gstffmpeg-keep
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-tools
Note: VideoReader support GStreamer 0.10.
You may still need some other plugins. I suggest you to play the video so that more needed packages will be suggested to you to install (related to codec)
The above explanation may not be completely efficient; but, I hope it will work for you, too. I ask any person who can improve my explanations so that others can use it easier and better.
You may also see the same discussion at [Unable to initialize the video obtain properties (videoreader in Matlab) page) too.


compiling error when attempting to install qml package

I'm trying to install qml package in kdb, and encounters the compiling error selecting C floating-point options... not found -ffloat-store is assumed by some libraries.
I've found this post three years ago asking the same question. compiling qml in macOS kdb+/q (CFLAG?) Yet the solution provided doesn't work for me. After brew install gcc and ./configure CC=gcc I still got the same error message.
Besides that, I also have another issue, the configure always recognizes kdb as m64 and version 3. However What I have is m32 and version 4. Does anyone know how I can manually change it? thanks.

pulp.pulpTestAll() :has no attribute 'pulpTestAll'

I just installed pulp and followed instructions here:
however it shows the following message:
AttributeError: module 'pulp' has no attribute 'pulpTestAll'
besides that, the glpk can't be installed either:
(base) MBP:pulp-1.4.0 ci$ sudo apt-get install glpk
sudo: apt-get: command not found
can anyone help? thanks
I ran into a similar issue today. It seems the test functionality has been removed in PuLP 2.0.
This is described here:
Can't help you with the GLPK install I'm afraid, been a while since I worked in Linux, but that seems unrelated to PuLP, as that is only the LP-interface.
It has been the case for a while that for PuLP to detect your solvers on linux you needed to run the test, so maybe you can try following the tip in the github discussion, regarding downloading the help functionality from the github code. Then you can run the test and PuLP can detect the solvers on your system after you've installed them.
For installing glpk, go to the link below
Follow the section titled as "Method 1: Installing Homebrew in macOS" in the middle of the page.
Once done, run the command below
brew install glpk
It worked for me. Hope it works for you too.

Minizinc SCIP Ubuntu

I really appreciate if any of you can guide me to solve this issue.
I am trying to install additional solvers, I downloaded SCIP and install it, however, when I run it, it finishes without an OUTPUT.
If I run the code with the default solvers Gecode, Chuffed, it does shows me an output.
I am not sure what Minizinc library path to set up on my Preferences, I tired -Glienar, Ggecode. This might be the cause of the error
This is what shows me.
Compiling raid.mzn, with additional data raid_0.dzn
Running raid.mzn
Finished in 18msec
I am using Minizinc 2.1.6 in Linux-Ubuntu 16.04 SCIP 6.0.1, I tried with the latest version of Minizinc but none of the solvers worked.

Installing MATLAB Runtime on CentOS 7

I am trying to install the MATLAB Runtime (see on Cent0S 7. I think I have installed MCR correctly because the install finishes through saying it completed after running
sudo ./install -mode silent -agreeToLicense yes
However, I am currently getting a error of:
Fatal error loading library /usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v80/bin/glnxa64/ Error: cannot open shared object file
I have searched around on the forums and found a couple of post that indicate this may be an issue with either 32-bit vs. 64-bit libraries and/or X Windows. Also, I am pretty sure I am setting the following environment LD_LIBRARY_PATH and XAPPLRESDIR set variables correctly.
Has anyone out there successfully installed MATLAB Runtime on CentOS 7? Any help would be appreciated.
In case anyone else has this issue the following library install fixed the issue for me:
sudo yum install libXmu.x86_64

opening Omnet from ubuntu 11.10

I am new to Omnet++. I installed Omnetpp-3.3p1 and am having trouble opening it. I tried creating a makefile within the project which has simulation codes with command opp_makemake -f -N, but I am getting command opp_makemake not found error. Am I missing something here?
The error might raise if OMNeT++ is not properly installed or the lib is not properly linked. This PDF should be what you are looking for, since it explains how to properly install version 3.3p1. - Hope to help!