Simple Alert Bootbox acknowledgement and exit of code - bootbox

I am looking for a very simple bootbox.alert alert/exit and I am not able to stop the code from executing after the acknowledgment. Also what I don't get is that I have four of these and they report empty from the bottom and work backup to the first one.
if (sireid == ""){
bootbox.alert("You must select a sire!", function(){ exit(); });
if (damnid == ""){
bootbox.alert("You must select a dam", function(){ exit(); });

Not sure why finding a solution for something so simple was so difficult.
My code was exiting but unlike the javascript alert box that closes this one you have to explicitly hide.
if (sireid == ""){
bootbox.alert("You must select a sire!", function(){


Vue JS 2 - Vuetify and Vulidate on openning modal

so there is my problem.
I simply put a form in a dialog, when I open it for the first time it's all good, vuelidate works, errors if my fields are empty works too. I complete the form send it, it close the modal.
But then, when I open it to complete it again,errors are display for no reason :
Image of the error
fieldErrors($v.selectedDoctor, $t(''))"
addTeleconsultant () {
if (this.$v.$invalid || this.isSaving) {
} else {
const query = {
this.$repositories.teleconsultations.create(query).then((reponse) => {
this.teleconsults =
It seems like vuelidate check if my fields are required when I open the modal but never the first time. I really don't understand what's going on so if someone have a solution or something...
Thanks !
Just one line this.$v.$reset()

getContent triggers even on dragging of selected text

I have this callback in my html:
editor.on('getContent', function(e) {
if ((typeof(obj) !== 'undefined') && (obj !== null)){
When I select some text in the editor and drag the selected part some distance (doesn't have to be dropped to the text, the actual event is triggered as soon as you start dragging), TinyMce will trigger the getContent-event!
Now, as you can see in the code snippet above, I have a callback to my application, which will sync the editor text with the application.
So, if you select 'Hello' from the text 'Hello there' and drag it (doesn't matter where you drop it), the application will think that the text in TinyMce is 'Hello' now, when it in fact still is 'Hello there'!
Is this a bug?
I would really like to know how to either:
In editor.on('getContent'... check for a "This is a dragged selected text"-event and then just skip it. or.....
Stop getContent from triggering on dragging selected text.
How can I do this?
Here's a codepen where you can try this for yourself!
- Bring the codepen console up if it's not up already.
- Select some part of the text, like " is a te" or something.
- In the console you will now see that the getContent event fired with your selected text.
I found it!
e.selection holds a boolean that is true if the event is a selection.
The rest was easy...
editor.on('getContent', function(e) {
if ((typeof(obj) !== 'undefined') && (obj !== null) && !e.selection){

Click an element based on a comparison in protractor

In my e2e testing using protractor,I am taking data from a file and checking whether that data is present in the UI. If present,then click it.
There are about 10 chapters in the page and my file has 2 chapters(indicated as chapterName).I want to check whether the chapterNames in my file are there in the UI and if so,then click one by one.I am working with the below code,but dont know how to do the looping
How to do that in protractor?
element.all(by.repeater('chapter in chapters')).filter(function (ele,index) {
return ele.getText().then(function(text){
return text === chapterName;
You need to use closure function to achieve looping inside a promise. look at the below example code.
function clickChapterByName(){
var chapterNames= ['chapter-1','chapter-2','chapter-3','chapter-4','chapter-5']
function closure(chapterName) {
element.all(by.repeater('chapter in chapters')).filter(function (ele,index) {
return ele.getText().then(function(text){
return text === chapterName;
Not quite sure that i am correct, but i think you are almost there:
element.all(by.repeater('chapter in chapters')).filter(element=> {
return ele.getText().then(text=> text === chapterName);
Result of .filter will be only elements that match condition, so you will get new ArrayElementFinder, and you can iterate thru it with .map()
For your requirement, you need to do loop operation.So you can achieve this by each() method which is available in protractor api.
Code Snippet:
element.all(by.repeater('chapter in chapters')).
each(function (ele, index) {//for looping purpose
if(text == inputChapterName){;//click chapter is

bootstrap-validator check form

I am using 1000hz BootstrapValidator and after click on button (not submit because I need to stay on page without refresh) I want to check if form is correct.
I just can call $("#form2").validator('validate'); but I am not able to get return value.
I know about isDefaultPrevented but it is called after submit and I do not want submit.
$('#form').validator().on('submit', function (e) {
if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
// handle the invalid form...
} else {
// everything looks good!
Yeah one way is to change the from submit button type from submit to buttonand handle the validation via click function and count the length if any input field has error ($('#form2').validator('validate').has('.has-error').length) and handle it with if/else condition.
$("#myButton").click(function() {
if ($('#form2').validator('validate').has('.has-error').length) {
} else {
Fiddle Example

Stop window from closing in tinyMCE in onSubmit function

I am trying to add some validation logic to the code plugin for tinyMCE.
It seems, however, that when a window's onSubmit function is called, the window closes by default.
The onSubmit function currently looks like this:
onSubmit: function (e) {
// We get a lovely "Wrong document" error in IE 11 if we
// don't move the focus to the editor before creating an undo
editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
What I would like to do is add some validation logic to the plugin to prevent tinyMCE from reformatting invalid html and, rather, display a message that the html is invalid. Essentially, something like this:
onSubmit: function (e) {
// We get a lovely "Wrong document" error in IE 11 if we
// don't move the focus to the editor before creating an undo
var isCodeValid = true;
//check if code valid
isCodeValid = ValidateCode(;
if (isCodeValid) {
//if code valid, send to tinyMCE to let it do it's thing
editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
else {
//if code invalid, display error message and keep text editor window open
tinyMCE.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("Your HTML is invalid. Please check your code and try submitting again.");
However, it seems that the onSubmit function closes the text editor window regardless. I was wondering if there is a way to stop it from doing this. I have scoured the documentation which leaves much to be explained and have looked at other plugins as examples. The closest I can find is the searchandreplce plugin. The 'Find' button calls the onSubmit function, but it seems to stay open if the 'find' text field is blank. However, the logic behind it seems very different from what I can use in the Code plugin as it is.
Can anyone who is familiar with the tinyMCE API give me any ideas on how to prevent the window from closing when onSubmit is called? Or do I have to go another route?
As per this question the way to cancel an event is to return false;. This will keep the popup open. Your code would then become:
onSubmit: function (e) {
// We get a lovely "Wrong document" error in IE 11 if we
// don't move the focus to the editor before creating an undo
var isCodeValid = true;
//check if code valid
isCodeValid = ValidateCode(;
if (isCodeValid) {
//if code valid, send to tinyMCE to let it do it's thing
editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
else {
//if code invalid, display error message and keep text editor window open
tinyMCE.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("Your HTML is invalid. Please check your code and try submitting again.");
return false;
I figured it out finally. All you need to do is add e.preventDefault(); at the start of the onSubmit function and the window will not close. The documentation was no help, but looking at the searchandreplace plugin as an example lead me to the answer. What I have now is like this:
onSubmit: function (e) {
// We get a lovely "Wrong document" error in IE 11 if we
// don't move the focus to the editor before creating an undo
var isCodeValid = true;
//check if code valid
isCodeValid = ValidateCode(;
if (isCodeValid) {
//if code valid, send to tinyMCE to let it do it's thing
editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
else {
//if code invalid, display error message and keep text editor window open
tinyMCE.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("Your HTML is invalid. Please check your code and try submitting again.");
e.PreventDefault() seems to stop the default behavior of the onSubmit function.