How to Create Mask for MaskedEditExtender for Special Characters? - ajaxcontroltoolkit

Suppose I want to allow the user to enter numbers, letters, and some special characters like *, $.
Plus limit to 3 characters.
How do I create a Mask for the AjaxControlToolKit MaskedEditExtender to allow only those characters?
I thought the mask would look something like:
I started with this:
I can't enter any characters into the TextBox.
According to one article the {} characters are "repetition delimiters".
So I thought using those parens was the correct syntax usage for setting the mask to allow a set of characters for a single character position in the textbox.
Thanks, Ed

The solution is to use the FilteredTextBoxExtender.


How to add a vector notation above a variable name composed of multiple characters?

In Julia it is possible to add Unicode characters with LaTeX like syntax. All allowed unicode characters can be found here. For example, it is possible to add a right arrow over a character with this simple code
and it produces the following character
But I couldn't find a syntax to add the same right arrow over a whole word as \vec seems to always add the arrow over the previous character and does not allow to group them. For example
Does the syntax for this feature exists ?

Regular expression in Swift to validate Cardholder name

I am looking for a regular expression to use in Swift to validate cardholder name for a credit card. I am looking for a regEx which:
Has minimum 2 and maximum of 26 characters
Accept dashes (-) and apostrophes (') only and no other special character
Capital and small alphabets and no numbers.
Should not start with a blank space.
I was using this
but it only accepts dash (-) no apostrophe (')
try with this regex
(?<! )[-a-zA-Z' ]{2,26}
see here
Guessing from your description, this is what you are looking for:
^[\p{L}'-][\p{L}' -]{1,25}$
A few remarks:
you propbably do not want to allow all possible white-space chars [\r\n\t\f\v ] but just spaces.
you have to adjust the allowed lenght of the second string if you add a 1st group that does not include space and dash (since that group contributs an additional character).
with \p{L} you allow any kind of letter from any language (which is good); otherwise use [a-zA-z] if just want to allow the regular (ASCII) alphabet.
PS: Do not forget to escape the pattern properly: "^[\\p{L}'][\\p{L}' -]{1,25}$"

Replace '\t' with the correct amount of spaces inside a text object

I have a text box in my GUI, into which I want to write a tabbed text.
As you may or may not know, the \t modifier does not work in a tex-interpreted text strings.
What I ask is if there's an elegant solution to emulate the tab modifier with the CORRECT amount of spaces, also taking into account the fact that different characters might have different widths?
Result should be like this:
[tabText('Try\tThis') ; tabText(Tryy\tThis)]
ans =
Try This
Tryy This
'\t' in matlab is interpreted as it is: two characters \ and t, not the tabulation.
To obtain the tabulation character, you'll have to go through sprintf:
> 'Try\tThis'
> sprintf('Try\tThis')
Try This
Or with char(9) (ASCII code):
> ['Try' char(9) 'This']
Try This
Looking at the relevant part of the MATLAB documentation for text (at the time of writing, this points to the R2016b docs) one can see the TeX "subset" that is supported by MATLAB, and it does not include any tab-like character. Thus it seems that there's no proper way to do this with the tex interpreter.
You have several options:
If using uifigures is an option, text labels there allow MathML to be used. Which is very customizable...
If you switch to the 'latex' interpreter, you could use \quad, \qquad etc.
text(.5,.5,{'$$This \quad text$$','$$is \quad properly$$','$$tabbed, \quad Right?$$'},...
What O'Neil suggested.
Regarding the unequal character width - you might be able to overcome this by changing the font, using the 'FontName' argument to text(...).

Invisible characters - ASCII

Are there any invisible characters? I have checked Google for invisible characters and ended up with many answers but I'm not sure about those. Can someone on Stack Overflow tell me more about this?
Also I have checked a profile on Facebook and found that the user didn't have any name to his profile? How can this be possible? Is it some database issue? Hacking or something?
When I searched over Internet, I found that 200D is an ASCII value with an invisible character. Is it true?
I just went through the character map to get these.
They are all in Calibri.
Number    Name      HTML Code    Appearance
------    --------------------  ---------    ----------
U+2000    En Quad           " "
U+2001    Em Quad           " "
U+2002    En Space        " "
U+2003    Em Space        " "
U+2004  Three-Per-Em Space      " "
U+2005  Four-Per-Em Space         " "
U+2006 Six-Per-Em Space       " "
U+2007 Figure Space         " "
U+2008 Punctuation Space        " "
U+2009 Thin Space         " "
U+200A Hair Space        " "
U+200B Zero-Width Space ​      "​"
U+200C Zero Width Non-Joiner ‌   "‌"
U+200D Zero Width Joiner ‍      "‍"
U+200E Left-To-Right Mark ‎      "‎"
U+200F Right-To-Left Mark ‏      "‏"
U+202F Narrow No-Break Space        " "
How a character is represented is up to the renderer, but the server may also strip out certain characters before sending the document.
You can also have untitled YouTube videos like by using the Unicode character ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER (U+200C), or ‌ in HTML. The code block below should contain that character:
There is actually a truly invisible character: U+FEFF.
This character is called the Byte Order Mark and is related to the Unicode 8 system. It is a really confusing concept that can be explained HERE The Byte Order Mark or BOM for short is an invisible character that doesn't take up any space. You can copy the character bellow between the > and <.
Here is the character:
> <
How to catch this character in action:
Copy the character between the > and <,
Write a line of text, then randomly put your caret in the line of text
Paste the character in the line.
Go to the beginning of the line and press and hold the right arrow key.
You will notice that when your caret gets to the place you pasted the character, it will briefly stop for around half a second. This is becuase the caret is passing over the invisible character. Even though you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there. The caret still sees that there is a character in that area that you pasted the BOM and will pass through it. Since the BOM is invisble, the caret will look like it has paused for a brief moment. You can past the BOM multiple times in an area and redo the steps above to really show the affect. Good luck!
EDIT: Sadly, Stackoverflow doesn't like the character. Here is an example from
Other answers are correct - whether a character is invisible or not depends on what font you use. This seems to be a pretty good list to me of characters that are truly invisible (not even space). It contains some chars that the other lists are missing.
'\u2060', // Word Joiner
'\u2062', // INVISIBLE TIMES
'\u2064', // INVISIBLE PLUS
'\u2066', // LEFT - TO - RIGHT ISOLATE
'\u2067', // RIGHT - TO - LEFT ISOLATE
'\u200B', // Zero-Width Space
'\u200C', // Zero Width Non-Joiner
'\u200D', // Zero Width Joiner
'\u200E', // Left-To-Right Mark
'\u200F', // Right-To-Left Mark
'\u061C', // Arabic Letter Mark
'\uFEFF', // Byte Order Mark
'\u180E', // Mongolian Vowel Separator
'\u00AD' // soft-hyphen
The question about invisible characters in Unicode deserves a more thorough explanation.
Short answer - there are lots
Here are 134 invisible characters →­؜᠎​‌‍‎‏‪‫‬‭‮⁠⁡⁢⁣⁤⁧⁦⁨⁩𝅳𝅴𝅵𝅶𝅷𝅸𝅹𝅺󠀁󠀠󠀡󠀢󠀣󠀤󠀥󠀦󠀧󠀨󠀩󠀪󠀫󠀬󠀭󠀮󠀯󠀰󠀱󠀲󠀳󠀴󠀵󠀶󠀷󠀸󠀹󠀺󠀻󠀼󠀽󠀾󠀿󠁀󠁁󠁂󠁃󠁄󠁅󠁆󠁇󠁈󠁉󠁊󠁋󠁌󠁍󠁎󠁏󠁐󠁑󠁒󠁓󠁔󠁕󠁖󠁗󠁘󠁙󠁚󠁛󠁜󠁝󠁞󠁟󠁠󠁡󠁢󠁣󠁤󠁥󠁦󠁧󠁨󠁩󠁪󠁫󠁬󠁭󠁮󠁯󠁰󠁱󠁲󠁳󠁴󠁵󠁶󠁷󠁸󠁹󠁺󠁻󠁼󠁽󠁾󠁿← and here is their escaped ASCII representation: U+00AD U+061C U+180E U+200B U+200C U+200D U+200E U+200F U+202A U+202B U+202C U+202D U+202E U+2060 U+2061 U+2062 U+2063 U+2064 U+2067 U+2066 U+2068 U+2069 U+206A U+206B U+206C U+206D U+206E U+206F U+FEFF U+1D173 U+1D174 U+1D175 U+1D176 U+1D177 U+1D178 U+1D179 U+1D17A U+E0001 U+E0020 U+E0021 U+E0022 U+E0023 U+E0024 U+E0025 U+E0026 U+E0027 U+E0028 U+E0029 U+E002A U+E002B U+E002C U+E002D U+E002E U+E002F U+E0030 U+E0031 U+E0032 U+E0033 U+E0034 U+E0035 U+E0036 U+E0037 U+E0038 U+E0039 U+E003A U+E003B U+E003C U+E003D U+E003E U+E003F U+E0040 U+E0041 U+E0042 U+E0043 U+E0044 U+E0045 U+E0046 U+E0047 U+E0048 U+E0049 U+E004A U+E004B U+E004C U+E004D U+E004E U+E004F U+E0050 U+E0051 U+E0052 U+E0053 U+E0054 U+E0055 U+E0056 U+E0057 U+E0058 U+E0059 U+E005A U+E005B U+E005C U+E005D U+E005E U+E005F U+E0060 U+E0061 U+E0062 U+E0063 U+E0064 U+E0065 U+E0066 U+E0067 U+E0068 U+E0069 U+E006A U+E006B U+E006C U+E006D U+E006E U+E006F U+E0070 U+E0071 U+E0072 U+E0073 U+E0074 U+E0075 U+E0076 U+E0077 U+E0078 U+E0079 U+E007A U+E007B U+E007C U+E007D U+E007E U+E007F
Are there more? Yes.
Are there invisible characters in the ASCII range? Depends on the font.
Long answer - ready? set. go!
The Unicode Standard enables anyone to read and write in their own language. To do that, it lists unique code points󠁗󠁲󠁩󠁴󠁴󠁥󠁮󠀠󠁢󠁹󠀠󠁚󠁶󠁩󠀠󠁁󠁺󠁲󠁡󠁮󠀠󠀻󠀩 (U+hex), that are categorized into letters (D,ž,Dž,ʶ,愛,𓂀), symbols (+∊≠,£¥₪,҂˚˟˿), marks (ם֑֟֯ ,ী,◌҉ ), separators ( , , , ,  ), emojis (😊,🙏,👍), and much more. ASCII/Basic Latin is the very beginning of the table and more code points are added every update.
Simply listing unique numbers for characters is not enough. Characters can change their shape or change the sentence depending on the context. To support that, every code point comes with a list of properties . These properties may define the width (AA), its role in the sentence (-“.), its direction (cכ), and much more.
Most invisible characters have the property General_Category=Format (other answers here included Spaces as well). Theis characters have a supporting role to a word/sentence. Here are some examples:
General Punctuation Block -
Invisible characters that are an integral part of some writing systems and emojis. Common ones are Zero width joiner (U+200D), Zero width non joiner (U+200C), Word joiner (U+2060)
Explicit Bidirectional Formatting characters - 12 invisible characters󠁗󠁲󠁩󠁴󠁴󠁥󠁮󠀠󠁢󠁹󠀠󠁚󠁶󠁩󠀠󠁁󠁺󠁲󠁡󠁮󠀠󠀻󠀩 used to enforce different direction constraints on the sentence. Helping present text to more than 300 million speakers of right-to-left languages e.g. Hebrew or Arabic.
Tags - 97 invisible characters that mirror ASCII (just drop the E and you get characters in the ASCII range). These are used as emoji modifiers and digital signatures to prove who copied your text.
This all leads to talk about exploiting invisible characters for homograph attack/visual spoofing. Sometimes it's harmless like invisible names and titles but in lots of cases they are used maliciously. For example U+202E is one invisible character that keeps doing more harm than good for decades!!
Last point, there is another way to make invisible characters using fonts. Fonts are files that store glyphs (pictures of characters), that present the characters' look. If the font does not contain a glyph for a codepoint, a substitute/replacement󠁗󠁲󠁩󠁴󠁴󠁥󠁮󠀠󠁢󠁹󠀠󠁚󠁶󠁩󠀠󠁁󠁺󠁲󠁡󠁮󠀠󠀻󠀩 character is displayed (e.g. �, □). But if the font contains a transparent glyph for a codepoint, then the character is invisible, only when displayed by that font. This is the only way to have invisible characters in the ASCII range (for example can you see →``← U+000C Form Feed).
Hope you find this explanation helpful and may you check strings for invisible characters more often 󠁗󠁲󠁩󠁴󠁴󠁥󠁮󠀠󠁢󠁹󠀠󠁚󠁶󠁩󠀠󠁁󠁺󠁲󠁡󠁮󠀠󠀻󠀩😉
Yes you can use invisible or blank name on facebook by using some HTML code/symbols.
Method 1:
Copy and paste (ﹺ                         ﹺ) symbols without brackets in your first and last name field.
Method 2:
Click on edit name. Now copy and paste following symbol in first and last name.
ՙՙ ՙՙ
An invisible Character is ​, or U+200b

Print Unicode Characters in 8086

As you know, the print function in 8086, puts character in 8bits ( db ) and shows it in screen. Now, i want to print the Unicode character in 8086emu environment not ASCII. So, my challenge is how to use Unicode character in my program ? Does 8086 support Unicode characters?
Thanks in advance :)
If you mean printing in text mode, via interrupt 10h: you can't, as you only have a character map with just 256 characters available. You can redefine how these characters look like (load your custom font), but that still gives you only 256 characters. So you would need to identify the ones you need and then first somehow "render" the ones you need into the character table and for printing you would need to map the Unicode glyph to you character table indexes.
See also my answer to a similar question for more details.