How do I test out production confluence cloud plugin? - confluence

I am able to test out my confluence cloud plugin with the base url set to:
This loads the plugin fine on my confluence test environment that's hosted on
When I update the baseUrl in my atlassian-connect.json it's unable to load the same plugin when I run npm start and have the plugin files uploaded to the S3 account (It throws this: Tunnel not found). it's able to create the marketplace listing though.. How do I test my plugin to make sure it'll work in production?

Turns out if I create a private listing, I can view the app page, grab the install url and install via UPM. This will verify if the production app works before going live.


how to work with a CapRover project that is already in production

How did I connect to an existing CapRover application? I have to upload the project that I have finished but to upload it to production they are using CapRover, there is already an old version of the project in production but I do not understand how to connect with it to be able to upload the new version until now I have only seen that the tutorials cover how to upload a new project from 0 but not how to work on one that already exists
i try with caprover login but i cannot
Caprover is a PAAS,you need to login into the admin url, usually captain.yyy.uuu and navigate to the app or simply ssh into the server hosting it and check for the particular container with your app.

Local Development Server for Lightning Web Components

I'm trying to set a Local Development Server for Lightning Web Components according to this link but when I try to install the plugin #salesforce/lwc-dev-server I get this error message :
Code: ShellParseError
and a .js file named npm-cli.js opens in my editor with this content:
#!/usr/bin/env node
Anyone knows what to do? Thanks in advance.
In general, the local development for Lightning Web Components still has beta status: Local Development (Beta)
However, even the beta version can now be used relatively reliably. To set up local development you only need to authorize an org and install the development server. This allows you to develop locally without the need to push your components to an org first.
The local development server and its configuration are provided by a Salesforce CLI plugin. Before you install the plugin make sure you are using the latest Salesforce CLI version by running:
sfdx update
Then the lwc-dev-server plugin can be installed as follows:
sfdx plugins:install #salesforce/lwc-dev-server
After installing the plugin, to start the server on http://localhost:3333 and access all components of the project just run:
sfdx force:lightning:lwc:start
There is even a short official guide on how to set it up: Set Up LWC Local Development

Deploying ionic 4 website to digitaloceans spaces CDN

I'm trying to deploy a basic ionic 4 application to spaces CDN provided by digitalocean.
I uploaded the static website on gitlabpages and the website is working.
I've tried to replicate the results on spaces CDN but the file instead of being opened by the browser get downloaded once opened.
I figured out it could be the --base-href, and I tried to modify it, but without success, the index file provided by the build still get downloaded
At first I build the ionic app
ionic build --prod --base-href="" //code used to deploy for gitlab pages
Then for gitlab pages I deployed it using gitlab-ci.yml file, as explained here, while for deploying on spaces I used a python script
I would expect to be able to upload an ionic build into spaces CDN and being able using the link provided to see the website.
I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong at conceptual level using a CDN, it is actually my first time trying to serve a website using this tech.
I've uploaded to the CDN again, and I realized that if I use the origin link, it actually load the html (even tho it gives me a lot of errors).
While is I use the CDN link, it try to download the file.
I have purged the cache of the CDN so in my opinion the CDN and the origin should behave exactly the same, Am I wrong?

What files to package Atlassian Connect Express Confluence Macro

I am trying to find what files to upload and where for my web confluence plugin. I know the atlassian-connect.json needs to be uploaded to an https:// location. Do I upload that project root direct in the same location as well as all the folders, or can I skip uploading the node_modules folder?
You need to host the whole app on a hosting platform that you choose, and yes that includes the atlassian-connect.json file. Once you upload it and have it running you can install it into your Confluence app using the url to your atlassian-connect.json file.
If you haven't already, you should go through the Getting Started guide on the docs. This will walk you through setting up an app and getting it running locally and installing a running app into Confluence.

Switching to newly created site from bench not working

I am learning frappe framework following the tutorial on the website.
I created a new site as well as an app, after thatinstalled the new app on the newly created site, the used the command $ bench use library but i am unable to load the new site "library". but when i go to localhost:8080 i get ERPNext site. i am using Virtual Image.
I have already tried restarting bench
the currentsite.txt file contains "library"
Are you using production setup (gunicorn/nginx) or developer setup (bench start)?
If you are developing, use bench start instead of production setup.
If you want to access your site in your browser using the site name, you have to add it to /etc/hosts first.
/etc/hosts library
Now, you can access your site at http://library:8000 in your browser.
The tutorial is now updated and explains these steps in detail: