Does the Charts library support showing a message when there's no data to display? - ios-charts

I'm using the Charts library (Charts) and I want to display a message on the chart if there's no data to display - something like this:
I've read the documentation, searched the code base, and searched the issues on Github and the only thing I could find is an old issue that suggests ChartViewBase has a property called noDataTextDescription. As far as I can tell, that's not in the Charts 3.1.1 code.
There is a chartDescription property, but that only shows a description in the bottom right corner of the chart. Is this intended to be used for a message like 'There's no data to display`?

In newer version after 3.X many properties name updated and as per your requirement for No Data Text you can use below property for the same.
lineChartView.noDataText = "<Your custom Text>"
Hope this will help to show Message while there is no data.


Grafana Timeseries Panel: How to change color of annotations bar based on a tag

I am using Grafana version 8.1.0 and have a timeseries panel on which annotations are added using HTTP create annotation API and GUI both.
I want to change the color of the annotation bar based on tags added to that annotation.
I have tried to go through documentation but have not found a way to do it. Could someone help me out with this? I think this is a very basic requirement and I must be missing something here.
It seems like it's not implemented yet, as you can see on this open issue from 2018.
You can also see from the annotations API documentation that it's not possible yet.

Google Visualization Chart Stopped Working

I have created a dashboard which uses JSON data to create several different kinds of google visualization charts. This dashboard has been working perfectly for two years. Just in the past day or so, the column chart and the line chart give a "Cannot read property 'Do' of undefined" error while my tables and maps continue to work. I have checked all of the most recent records to make sure there is nothing that could be undefined and I have found no issues. I've checked my arrays in the console and they all look correct. I've also checked the chart objects in the console just before drawing and they are properly populated, so I am stumped. Can anyone help me figure out what could be happening?
load google charts with a saved version (a.k.a. Frozen Charts Version)...
google.charts.load('50', {
when implementing a page or application,
always use a saved version of google charts.
this way, changes to the 'current' version can't mess with your code.
you can find a list of the saved versions at the following link,
along with the changes that were implemented...

How to set grafana's radar graph(InfluxDB)?

I have a struggle to present my data with radar graph plugin for Grafana. My goal is to obtain something like in this picture:
Single branch represents an object. Points on the branch represent object's properties.
Can anybody support me with a simple instruction?
Edit 1.
I've tried to set it like it is in the link.
It is not clear which kind of radar plugin are you using. Did you try and did you read plugin documentation ?
Snuids radar seems to be slightly broken in the latest versions of Grafana and InfluxDB.
To get the above working (albeit not 100%) you need to use a time-series format.
See for the issue.

Get Drill down URL from FusionCharts events

I'm working with FusionCharts (specifically a column chart). The chart is created from a rest endpoint that outputs chart xml. The endpoint also encodes xml-urls into the chart for drill-down. I want to capture these urls in order to change the contents of the surrounding form (to make it appear the parameters chosen generated that chart).
The problem I'm running into is that the BeforeLinkedItemOpen and LinkedItemOpened events do not contain the url the chart is pulling its xml from.
The LinkedChartInvoked event does contain this information - its just only called navigating the first level of the drill-down.
I have five levels of drill-down, so that won't work. Anyone know of a way to get the information I'm looking for?
I never did find an answer for this. It appears that FusionCharts simply does not report this information and I could not do what I was trying to do.

Using overlayButtons on FusionCharts with javascript links

I would like to use a javascript function link such as 'link:j-myJS-data' for drill down type charts. I have everything working great to drill down but cannot figure out how to incorporate the overlayButton through the configureLink when drilling down. At present, I can drill down but cannot go back. Can anyone provide a basic example of how I may go about this? Is it even possible?
I thought I could add my own "Back" button to hande this as one option. I do not want to use a jsonURL as there is a lot of data and many paramertes need to be passed resutling in a long links and a lot of extra data in the JSON.
Thanks in advance.
There are multiple options available to create a drill-down chart with FusionCharts XT. Here is a table which explains all of them, with each one's syntax.
The method that you've used is the JavaScript function link. Using this one, you won't get an overlay button to go back to the parent chart.
The overlay button is available only when a LinkedChart is created.
So there are 2 ways that you could go about:
You could change all your charts to use the LinkedCharts technique. Here is a blog post detailing how LinkedCharts can be created using PHP + MySQL. If you aren't using PHP, the general idea shown still applies to any server-side environment.
You could create a separate button sitting near the chart, and this button would re-create the parent chart for you.
The button (which we call "overlay-button") can be made automatically visible using LinkedCharts alone.
However the overlay-button can be internally invoked using the charts' private API. Since these APIs are private, it may change between implementations and may not work as desired under certain circumstances. I would not recommend you to use this. If you are still interested in knowing more on this API, put in a comment and I will update this post.