SCTP Init abort is happening - init

enter image description hereCan someone please help me to solve the init abort happening from our server side.
Verification tag is always coming as 0 from the transmitter end. But receiver is giving some random value of verification tag.
Please help.
enter image description here

In general, it might happen that endpoint is not able to establish association and send ABORT chunk as response on INIT. This might happen in various situation (such as misconfiguration, when you haven't created endpoint on server side for that association; or lack of resources).
INIT chunk is a bit special (packet that carries it always has verification tag set to zero in common header). INIT chunk also has so called initiate tag - it is basically a verification tag that sender of the INIT chunk expect to see in all the packet it will receive in the scope of this association.
When ABORT is sent as a response on INIT chunk, it will be sent with verification tag set to the initiate tag from INIT. That is exactly what you can see in you wireshark log.
What seems to be strange in you log file is that the sender of ABORT chunk does not follow RFC 4960 in respect to using t-bit.
RFC 4960, chapter 8.4, bullet 3 says:
If, for whatever
reason, the INIT cannot be processed normally and an ABORT has to
be sent in response, the Verification Tag of the packet
containing the ABORT chunk MUST be the Initiate Tag of the
received INIT chunk, and the T bit of the ABORT chunk has to be
set to 0, indicating that the Verification Tag is NOT reflected.
In your case the sender of ABORT chunk is using initiate tag as verification tag (as defined in RFC), but it also sets t-bit to 1 - it is a violation of RFC. Since t-bit is set incorrectly in the packet that carries ABORT chunk, it stop the sender of INIT from handing it correctly. Basically the sender of INIT chunk cannot handle that ABORT.
The sender of ABORT could have also include cause code in ABORT chunk to provide more details about reason of ABORT. However for whatever reasons it hasn't been done and the actual reason of ABORT will remain mystery.
In conclusion:
It is hard to say why the ABORT has been sent based on information
provided. If you can - contact you vendor and suggest to include
cause code in the ABORT chunk as it defined in RFC in order to make
debugging easier.
I would guess that something has not been initialized/configured on you server side, that is why the association is not setup up. I
would start with checking sockets/endpoint configuration on server
The server side of your association (receiver of INIT/sender of ABORT) violates RFC 4960 and set t-bit incorrectly. Because of that
the sender of INIT chunk cannot handle ABORT correctly. I would
suggest to submit a bug report for your server side
implementation/vendor in order get it fixed.


Bidirectional communication of Unix sockets

I'm trying to create a server that sets up a Unix socket and listens for clients which send/receive data. I've made a small repository to recreate the problem.
The server runs and it can receive data from the clients that connect, but I can't get the server response to be read from the client without an error on the server.
I have commented out the offending code on the client and server. Uncomment both to recreate the problem.
When the code to respond to the client is uncommented, I get this error on the server:
thread '' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap() on an Err value: Os { code: 11, kind: WouldBlock, message: "Resource temporarily unavailable" }', src/
MRE Link
Your code calls set_read_timeout to set the timeout on the socket. Its documentation states that on Unix it results in a WouldBlock error in case of timeout, which is precisely what happens to you.
As to why your client times out, the likely reason is that the server calls stream.read_to_string(&mut response), which reads the stream until end-of-file. On the other hand, your client calls write_all() followed by flush(), and (after uncommenting the offending code) attempts to read the response. But the attempt to read the response means that the stream is not closed, so the server will wait for EOF, and you have a deadlock on your hands. Note that none of this is specific to Rust; you would have the exact same issue in C++ or Python.
To fix the issue, you need to use a protocol in your communication. A very simple protocol could consist of first sending the message size (in a fixed format, perhaps 4 bytes in length) and only then the actual message. The code that reads from the stream would do the same: first read the message size and then the message itself. Even better than inventing your own protocol would be to use an existing one, e.g. to exchange messages using serde.

What http code should I return when the request is rejected while process is running?

I have a REST api that launch a heavy calculation on the serveur (it tikes a few seconds). For that I'm returning 202 (ACCEPTED) http code to the client, which will not expect a returning value. Ok so far.
What will I return for another client how calls this url while the process (launched by the first call) is not terminated ?
This second call will not be processed, it will be ignored and the client must try again later.
If you insist on the current behavior, then you'll return 503. This tells the (standard compliant) client that your server is temporarily overloaded, and it can retry later (you can even hint when it can on Retry-After header. While standard-compliant, you'll only want to do this if queuing the process requested by the second call later is impossible, perhaps because the internal state will have changed so the second call is invalid. If it's possible to just queue the process with an identical result as when the client manually retry the call, then just return 202.

Ensure Completeness of HTTP Messages

I am currently working on an application that is supposed to get a web page and extract information from its content.
As I learned from my research (or as it seems to me at least), there is no ideal way to determine the end of an HTTP message.
Generally, I found two different ways to do so:
Set O_NONBLOCK flag for the socket and fetch data with recv() in a while loop. Assume that the message is complete and break if it occurs once that there are no bytes in the stream.
Rely on the HTTP Content-Length header and determine the end of the message with it.
Both ways don't seem to be completely safe to me. Solution (1) could possibly break the recv loop before the message was completed. On the other hand, solution (2) requires the Content-Length header to be set correctly.
What's the best way to proceed in this case? Can I always rely on the Content-Length header to be set?
Let me start here:
Can I always rely on the Content-Length header to be set?
No, you can't. Content-Length is an optional header. However, HTTP messages absolutely must feature a way to determine their body length if they are to be RFC-compliant (cf RFC7230, sec. 3.3.3). That being said, get ready to parse on chunked encoding whenever a content length isn't specified.
As for your original problem: Ensuring the completeness of a message is actually something that should be TCP's job. But as there are such complicated things like message pipelining around, it is best to check for two things in practice:
Have all reads from the network buffer been successful?
Is the number of the received bytes identical to the predicted message length?
Oh, and as #MartinJames noted, non-blocking probably isn't the best idea here.
The end of a HTTP response is defined:
By the final (empty) chunk in case Transfer-Encoding chunked is used.
By reaching the given length if a Content-length header is given and no chunked transfer encoding is used.
By the end of the TCP connection if neither chunked transfer encoding is used not Content-length is given.
In the first two cases you have a well defined end so you can verify that the data were fully received. Only in the last case (end of TCP connection) you don't know if the connection was closed before sending all the data. But usually you get either case 1 or case 2.
To make your life easier, you might want to provide
Connection: close
header when making HTTP request - than web-server will close connection after giving you the full page requested and you will not have to deal with chunks.
It is only a viable option if you only are interested in this single page, and will not request additional resources (script files, images, etc) - in latter case this will be a very inefficient solution for both your app and the server.

How is determining body length by closing connection reliable (RFC 2616 4.4.5)

I can't get one thing straight. The RFC 2616 in 4.4.5 states that Message Length can be determined "By the server closing the connection.".
This implies, that it is valid for a server to respond (e.g. returning a large image) with a response, that has no Content-Length in the header, but the client is supposed to keep fetching till the connection is closed and then assume all data has been downloaded.
But how is a client to know for sure that the connection was closed intentionally by the server? A server app could have crashed in the middle of sending the data and the server's OS would most likely send FIN packet to gracefully close the TCP connection with the client.
You are absolutely right, that mechanism is totally unreliable. This is covered in RFC 7230:
Since there is no way to distinguish a successfully completed,
close-delimited message from a partially received message interrupted
by network failure, a server SHOULD generate encoding or
length-delimited messages whenever possible. The close-delimiting
feature exists primarily for backwards compatibility with HTTP/1.0.
Fortunately most of HTTP traffic today are HTTP/1.1, with Content-Length or "Transfer-Encoding" to explicitly define the end of message.
The lesson is that, a message must have it own way of termination; we cannot repurpose the underlying transport layer's EOF as the message's EOF.
On that note, a (well-formed) html document, or a .gif, .avi etc, does define its own termination; we will know if we received an incomplete document. Therefore it is not so much of a problem to transmit it over HTTP/1.0 without Content-Length.
However, for plain text document, javascript, css etc. EOF is used to marked the end of the document, therefore it's problematic over HTTP/1.0.

How much data to receive from server in SSL handshake before calling InitializeSecurityContext?

In our Windows C++ application I am using InitializeSecurityContext() client side to open an schannel connection to a server which is running stunnel SSL proxy. My code now works, but only with a hack I would like to eliminate.
I started with this sample code:
In the sample code, look at SendMsg and ReceiveMsg. The first 4 bytes of any message sent or received indicates the message length. This is fine for the sample, where the server portion of the sample conforms to the same convention.
stunnel does not seem to use this convention. When the client is receiving data during the handshake, how does it know when to stop receiving and make another call to InitializeSecurityContext()?
This is how I structured my code, based on what I could glean from the documentation:
1. call InitializeSecurityContext which returns an output buffer
2. Send output buffer to server
3. Receive response from server
4. call InitializeSecurityContext(server_response) which returns an output buffer
5. if SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE, go back to step 3,
if SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED go back to step 2
I expected InitializeSecurityContext in step 4 to return SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE if not enough data was read from the server in step 3. Instead, I get SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED but an empty output buffer. I have experimented with a few ways to handle this case (e.g. go back to step 3), but none seemed to work and more importantly, I do not see this behavior documented.
In step 3 if I add a loop that receives data until a timeout expires, everything works fine in my test environment. But there must be a more reliable way.
What is the right way to know how much data to receive in step 3?
SChannel is different than the Negotiate security package. You need to receive at least 5 bytes, which is the SSL/TLS record header size:
struct {
ContentType type;
ProtocolVersion version;
uint16 length;
opaque fragment[TLSPlaintext.length];
} TLSPlaintext;
ContentType is 1 byte, ProtocolVersion is 2 bytes, and you have 2 byte record length. Once you read those 5 bytes, SChannel will return SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE and will tell you exactly how many more bytes to expect:
Data for the whole message was not read from the wire.
When this value is returned, the pInput buffer contains a SecBuffer structure with a BufferType member of SECBUFFER_MISSING. The cbBuffer member of SecBuffer contains a value that indicates the number of additional bytes that the function must read from the client before this function succeeds.
Once you get this output, you know exactly how much to read from the network.
I found the problem.
I found this sample:
I was missing the handling of SECBUFFER_EXTRA (line 987 SslSocket.cpp)
The SChannel SSP returns SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE from both InitializeSecurityContext and DecryptMessage when not enough data is read.
A SECBUFFER_MISSING message type is returned from DecryptMessage with a cbBuffer value of the amount of desired bytes.
But in practice, I did not use the "missing data" value. The documentation indicates the value is not guaranteed to be correct, and is only a hint for developers can use to reduce calls.
InitalizeSecurityContext MSDN doc:
While this number is not always accurate, using it can help improve performance by avoiding multiple calls to this function.
So I unconditionally read more data into the same buffer whenever SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE was returned. Reading multiple bytes at a time from a socket.
Some extra input buffer management was required to append more read data and keep the lengths right. DecryptMessage will modify the input buffers' cbBuffer properties when it fails, which surprised me.
Printing out the buffers and return result after calling InitializeSecurityContext shows the following:
read socket:bytes(5).
InitializeSecurityContext:result(80090318). // SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE
inBuffers[1]:type(0),bytes(0). // no indication of missing data
read socket:bytes(74).
InitializeSecurityContext:result(00090312). // SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED
inBuffers[0]:type(2),bytes(79). // notice 74 + 5 from before
And for the DecryptMessage Function, input is always in dataBuf[0], with the rest zeroed.
read socket:bytes(5).
DecryptMessage:len 5, bytes(17030201). // SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE
DecryptMessage:dataBuf[0].BufferType 4, 8 // notice input buffer modified
DecryptMessage:dataBuf[1].BufferType 4, 8
DecryptMessage:dataBuf[2].BufferType 0, 0
DecryptMessage:dataBuf[3].BufferType 0, 0
read socket:bytes(8).
DecryptMessage:len 13, bytes(17030201). // SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE
DecryptMessage:dataBuf[0].BufferType 4, 256
DecryptMessage:dataBuf[1].BufferType 4, 256
DecryptMessage:dataBuf[2].BufferType 0, 0
DecryptMessage:dataBuf[3].BufferType 0, 0
read socket:bytes(256).
DecryptMessage:len 269, bytes(17030201). // SEC_E_OK
We can see my TLS Server peer is sending TLS headers (5 bytes) in one packet, and then the TLS message (8 for Application Data), then the Application Data payload in a third.
You must read some arbitrary amount the first time, and when you receive SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE, you must look in the pInput SecBufferDesc for a SECBUFFER_MISSING and read its cbBuffer to find out how many bytes you are missing.
This problem was doing my head in today, as I was attempting to modify my handshake myself, and having the same problem the other commenters were having, i.e. not finding a SECBUFFER_MISSING. I do not want to interpret the tls packet myself, and I do not want to unconditionally read some unspecified number of bytes. I found the solution to that, so I'm going to address their comments, too.
The confusion here is because the API is confusing. Ordinarily, to read the output of InitializeSecurityContext, you look at the content of the pOutput parameter (as defined in the signature). It's that SecBufferDesc that contains the SECBUFFER_TOKEN etc to pass to AcceptSecurityContext.
However, in the case where InitializeSecurityContext returns SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE, the SECBUFFER_MISSING is returned in the pInput SecBufferDesc, in place of the SECBUFFER_ALERT SecBuffer that was passed in.
The documentation does say this, but not in a way that clearly contrasts this case against the SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED and SEC_E_OK cases.
This answer also applies to AcceptSecurityContext.
From MSDN, I'd presume SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE is returned when not enough data is received from server at the moment. Instead, SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED returned with InBuffers[1] indicating amount of unread data (note that some data is processed and must be skipped) and OutBuffers containing nothing.
So the algorithm is:
If SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED returned, check type of InBuffers[1]
If it is SECBUFFER_EXTRA, handle it (move InBuffers[1].cbBuffer bytes to the beginning of input buffer) and jump to next recv & InitializeSecurityContext iteration
If OutBuffers is not empty, send its contents to server