WooCommerce Pinpoint Booking system not showing prices correctly - plugins

I'm Pinpoint booking system for reservations and WooCommerce for payment. And I see the following problem:
The system is supposed to calculate prices based on number of selected days for the booking, but, when selecting multiple days for a booking site, in the WooCommerce cart the amount reflected in the woocommerce screen is not what is reflected in the booking pinpoint piece (the booking Pinpoint piece is calculating correclty the amount based on qty of days, but the WooCommerce section shows the price for only 1 item).
For example, if I book for 2 nights at $8/night, the check in/check out part of the cart shows $16, but the Woocommerce part of the cart page shows QTY 1 at $8 (being the product price for a single product).
How do I fix this?


How to set discount price for Grouped Product In Magento 2

For Example: I have two simple product Mobile Phone of Price: 500$ and 1 Memory Card of price 10$. Total is 510 $.
I want to sell both product as a group at Price 505$.
From Admin section i'm not able to see any price configuration for Group Product IN Magneto 2.
It looks like the price attribute is missing in your Attribute set.
Please check: Stores --> Attributes --> Attribute Set
Normally, you can choose Advanced Pricing for this
For Grouped Products the price is calculated as the sum of the prices of the individual products.
That's also why the price section is missing for grouped products.
The grouped products in Magento mainly serve as a way to display few products on one page. You can't set a price for the grouped product since Magento calculates the price dynamically by summing up the children products' prices that were selected by the customer. That is if the customer adds the mobile phone and the memory card to cart from within the grouped product page, the price will be $500+$10 = $510.
Therefore, if you want to be able to set a different price for products that were purchased together, there are two options:
1) Use a Bundled Product (with Price Type = Fixed Price) and set the phone and the memory card as it's children. In this case, you can set the bundled product price to be $505.
There are few limitations to this solution:
The customer can't just add the mobile phone or the memory card to cart separately from this page, he can only add them together. That is the customer will need to go to a separate page to purchase the mobile phone (or the memory card) standalone.
Once the user added the bundled product to his cart, he can't just remove one child product from the cart (e.g the memory cart) - he has to remove both.
2) You can use an extension for it. One of the extensions that implement this functionality is Bundled Discount. It allows you to set the products of group A (in your case - the mobile phone) and the products of group B (in your case the memory card) and set the special price whenever they are purchased together (eg: $505).
It also allows you to create a separate page for the bundled promotion. This way, the user can select whether he wants to add only the mobile phone for $500, the memory card for $10, all both for $505.
The user can also remove one of the products from his cart and only pay for another product (eg: the user removes the memory card from his cart and only pays $500 for the phone).
Disclaimer: I am the CEO of the company that developed the Bundled Discount extension.

Discount with PayPal REST API

When submitting a payment via PayPal's REST API a collection of Items must be provided where the price * quantity = total.
The following screen grab from Fiddler illustrates my problem:
The value for the "price" element must be in the format "0.00". However, in the case above I started with a price for loose photos of "£0.08" then added 20% VAT to give "£0.096". 300 * £0.096 is £28.80, so the total cost of the order is given correctly. Problem is, I have no way to present the unit cost to PayPal. Could anyone please advise how to solve this problem?
I had similar issues with shipping options and chose to write my own shopping cart code which displays individual items selected plus tax and shipping options. A 'pay using PayPal' button on the form simply submits the total price to PayPal. This gives me total flexibility - I recently switched to free shipping on orders over $x. Also the shopping cart is much faster and responsive than using Paypal for every item selected - so I get more orders going through to completion - always a good thing!

Manipulating txn_id in shopping cart for receiving Paypal IPN

My shopping cart for a ski lessons website works as follows:
A customer selects dates that they want ski lessons on. Some dates have different prices, for example school holidays and weekends. They submit the selected dates, and the event and its details is provisionally logged in an SQL table with a random transaction ID.
The shopping cart has also added up the cost of all the selected dates and creates a Paypal Advanced Buy Now Button with the price.
The customer pays for their selected ski lessons Paypal which sends an IPN back to my IPN listener for verification and to confirm the order.
There's a problem with this though, my IPN script only knows how to verify for a static price, and since every order will have a difference price depending on selection, I need to relate the received IPN to the specific order that was originally placed.
After some poking around I wondered if it is possible to manipulate the txn_id to be the same as the random transaction ID set in the first step above. That way when the IPN report comes back the script will know know exactly which event it is referring to and I can compare the details of that event (e.g. the amount paid compared to the amount calculated_ to the variables returned in the IPN report.
Is it possible to manipulate the txn_id, or otherwise send a different identifier with the Paypal button so that I can identify the payment?
It's possible to send the identifier in the "invoice" field, which PayPal will send back in the IPN.

Can we subtract a value to the total amount of a payment in zen cart?

I have a zencart web site in which I need to subtract some amount from the total value of the payment befor going to the paypal site to pay it. Can I do that in zen cart?
Is there any plug in for that?
Take a look at Group Discounts - this shows you how to reduce the total value of the cart by a percentage for certain groups; you could base your price reduction on this module.

Paypal Recurring Payments

Here is what I need:
Let's say I have a hotel rooms rental website
People can come rent a room for some period and pay with paypal(first they pay, than thay get a room)
In some cases person might want to use some services when they are staying in hotel (like room service, mini bar, etc.) - So after person leaves I need to charge them with that extras..
How it works in paypal ? the only thing I found is subscribe options - but they are like per-month, per-day subscriptions.. And I need manually charge some amount from customer from my site
Does it possible ?
The standard way of doing that is to pre-authorize a charge for $200-$500 without completing the transaction. After person leaves you add up everything and finalize the transaction with the right amount. You can do that using PayPal API if you have Website Payments Pro ($30/month). Check "Authorization Payment Action" on page 93 in WPP Integration Guide:
Why don't you total up all amounts for all selected services and then pass that total amount to paypal.
Another option is to send a 'cart-overview' with multiple items to paypal. This way you can seperate the rental price from the extra options prices (like breakfast, full pension, etc). Some info about setting up a multiple-items cart can be found here