Can we subtract a value to the total amount of a payment in zen cart? - zen-cart

I have a zencart web site in which I need to subtract some amount from the total value of the payment befor going to the paypal site to pay it. Can I do that in zen cart?
Is there any plug in for that?

Take a look at Group Discounts - this shows you how to reduce the total value of the cart by a percentage for certain groups; you could base your price reduction on this module.


Magento - PayPal Plus and Zero Subtotal Checkout

I'm having problems with Zero Subtotal checkout and Paypal Plus. I have some products with Zero cost, and when I try to buy it the button "Place Order" is disabled.
But when I disable Paypal Plus, it works normally.
I'm using Magento 2.1.5 and this module:
Someone already suffered with this issue?
Amount is always requested to more than zero. You can set 0.01 (or the equivalent minimum amount for other currency) if you want to show your customer free payment. Or, you can refund.

Is there a way to calculate shipping by dollar amount of the order AND the weight?

We want to start insuring shipments over $100. Currently we calculate shipping based off the weight of the order. Is there a way to still calculate shipping that way, but then say, if order total > 100.00 add 3.50 to shipping cost?
This cannot be done if you are using the shipping profile within PayPal for PayPal Payments Standard. The only way to do so would be via custom coding your cart.

PayPal buy now / shopping cart with and without postage assistance

I am looking for assistance with multiple buttons on a page, some which have postage and nultiple items, some without or free postage.
At present i have a standard shopping cart option on a page created from the standard create button PayPal page, which provides a space for the buyer to type in their requirements with includes free postage and works fine.
A second shopping cart on the same page offers a similar buyer feature but adds postage, all works fine.
Third, fourth and fifth buying options are single buy now buttons each with added postage.
But the problem for the buyer is that when they a add a single item with postage and a multi-buy shopping cart option, they end up with duplicate postage...
If they buy 2 single items using the buy now buttons + a multi-buy they end up having three duplicate postage costs in their order.
Any suggestions welcomed to avoid duplication of postage costs, thanks.
I'm not sure how you currently have the shipping set up (whether via the buttons themselves or the shipping profile), but this is how I would tackle this:
For the items that are free shipping, within the shipping option in the button itself I would set a shipping cost of 0.00. Then set up the shipping calculations section in Tools or your Profile for your shipping rates for the items that do have shipping costs. In the last step of the shipping calculations creation, you want the box to be checked to use the shipping cost in the transaction instead of your calculator settings and that will allow the buttons you have a shipping cost entered directly into to override the shipping costs you set in the shipping calculator.
If you need any assistance setting up the shipping calculator you may call into PayPal Support and they can assist you.

How do I calculate a fee percentage to a transaction upon submit to Paypal?

I'm trying to calculate a fee on an amount that users want to pay via paypal. If they want to donate $20 I need to be able to calculate 2.9% fee so that when the user clicks the donate button to launch paypal they can see the amount with the fee included. I haven't been able to figure it out reading the various questions/answers. Here is the code for the button. Any help would be greatly appreciated! After clicking save it doesn't look like the code is being displayed. It's html code so that's what I'm looking for, the code to calculate the fee percentage. Thanks again!
(donation amount * fee percentage) / 100
This will give the fee amount based on the percentage. That'll be...
($20 * 2.9) / 100 = $0.58

Discount with PayPal REST API

When submitting a payment via PayPal's REST API a collection of Items must be provided where the price * quantity = total.
The following screen grab from Fiddler illustrates my problem:
The value for the "price" element must be in the format "0.00". However, in the case above I started with a price for loose photos of "£0.08" then added 20% VAT to give "£0.096". 300 * £0.096 is £28.80, so the total cost of the order is given correctly. Problem is, I have no way to present the unit cost to PayPal. Could anyone please advise how to solve this problem?
I had similar issues with shipping options and chose to write my own shopping cart code which displays individual items selected plus tax and shipping options. A 'pay using PayPal' button on the form simply submits the total price to PayPal. This gives me total flexibility - I recently switched to free shipping on orders over $x. Also the shopping cart is much faster and responsive than using Paypal for every item selected - so I get more orders going through to completion - always a good thing!