Firebird error: cannot start transaction for password database - firebird

I am looking for some help - today my firebird database has stopped opening the database files with the following error:
engine code: 335544654
engine message: cannot start transaction for password database
I've tried googling but can't find any resources that have any relevant information.

I eventually got this resolved by doing a number of restores of the security2.fdb database.

In my case, there was not enough data space in /var.
I cleared the contents of "/var/spool/clientmqueue/".


Why i am getting error code failed with exit code 1 when restoring my db

When i try to restore my postgress db , it failed with exit code 1. What is the reason. I created the backup using postgress 11 and restoring it to postgress 12.
Appreciate your help.
Sounds like you are using PgAdmin4. You should upgrade it to the latest version (4.30) where they fixed the bug that caused it to hide the real error messages from you. Then you can try again and show us the real errors.
Better yet, use command line tools to do it in the first place.
I you don't want to try again, you can instead look in the database servers log file to find the error messages.

PostgreSQL PANIC: WAL contains references to invalid pages

I have problem with PostgreSQL database running as replica of the master database server. Database on master runs without any problems. But replica database runs only for few hours (it is random time) and after that crashing down by this reason:
WARNING: page 3318889 of relation base/16389/19632 is uninitialized
PANIC: WAL contains references to invalid pages
Have you any idea what is wrong please? I'm not able to solve this problem for many days! Thanks.
There was more Postgres bugs with these symptoms. Lot of was fixed already. Please, check if your Postgres is latest minor release. And if it is, then report this issue to mailing list

SQL query to tell when server no longer has the requested starting point

I have a master-slave setup using postgres 9.5.3 and got the following error in my postgres log
"could not start WAL streaming: ERROR: requested starting point 0/D000000 on timeline 2 is not in this server's history"
I would like to know if there is sql query that can tell me that my server no longer has the requested starting point so I will be able to automatically start full copy of the master data directory.
I don't think that you can get this information with SQL; you'd have to examine the contents of pg_xlog.
Wouldn't it be a better solution to use a replication slot to ensure that WAL is kept long enough?

TYPO3 Backend is locked! #1270853884: TYPO3 Fatal Error

My TYPO3 Backend is locked after i changed the password (root) in the phpMyAdmin Extension in the backend. After that everything was locked and i get this error: #1270853884: TYPO3 Fatal Error: The current username, password or host was not accepted when the connection to the database was attempted to be established!
But the InstallTool is not locked so can make changes in there.
I searched in the internet for some solution but didn't find anything helpful.
What can i do now?
First of all you should not connect your TYPO3-System with the MySQL root user to your specific database. Add a MySQL user that is only privileged to the needed TYPO3 database.
You can edit your database credentials within the TYPO3 Install Tool without being connected to the database.
The database connection credentials will be stored in:
TYPO3 4.x: typo3conf/localconf.php
TYPO3 6.x and later: typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php
My problem was a corrupt innodb file. The table "tx_realurl_urlcache" was the reason. To solve the problem i just truncated this table and restarted mysql. After the restart everything worked again.
In detail:
Because the topics about changing typo3 config did not help me i checked the systems syslog file and found out the mysql system printed a lot of errors. Especially the entry "InnoDB: Database page corruption on disk or a failed" helped me finding out what my problem was.
By checking the database sizes i found out that the size of my typo3-database was very large (more than 1.5 GB). So i checked which tables use the space. The biggest one was tx_realurl_urlcache which used more than 1 GB. Because this is just a cache-table i truncated it and restarted the mysql service. This solved the problem.

Catalyst - Creating DB dump - Getting "No tables found, did you forget to specify db_schema?" on MS SQL Server connection

I'm trying to create a Catalyst project connecting to an existing MS SQL Server database. I got the correct connection string and it's authenticating, but it's not finding any tables. Anyone have an idea of what I might be missing?
I substituted the real ip address, database name, username, and password but you get the idea.
This is the command I run:
script\ model DB DBIC::Schema QA_Utility::Schema create=static "db_schema=DatabaseName" "dbi:ODBC:Driver={sql server};Server=,1433;Database=DatabaseName" username password
When I run this, I get the below error:
exists "C:\strawberry\perl\site\bin\QA_Utility\lib\QA_Utility\Model"
exists "C:\strawberry\perl\site\bin\QA_Utility\t"
Dumping manual schema for QA_Utility::Schema to directory C:\strawberry\perl\site\bin\QA_Utility\lib ...
Schema dump completed.
WARNING: No tables found, did you forget to specify db_schema?
exists "C:\strawberry\perl\site\bin\QA_Utility\lib\QA_Utility\Model\"
Check your db_schema as the error suggests. The default is usually "dbo".
So I had similar issues connecting with a mySQL database which drove me crazy for about 4 hours (I'm a newbie to Catalyst).
the create script was executing ok, but failed to pick up any tables giving the "WARNING No tables found...."
The tables were present however in the database.
Prior to this, I had been getting errors when the script tried to connect to the database, and after playing with the arguments for a while, the connection errors cleared and I assumed all was good at this point (wrong !!!!).
The suggested solution to specify the db_schema was misleading at this point, as the problem was more an issue with the connection failing to return any valid data. So I think what was happening was it was finding the database, connecting ok, but not returning any data, thus no tables....
After about 4 hours of playing with the arguments for the connection one combination just magically worked.
So here is the successful command line....
script/ model DB DBIC::Schema testcatalyst::Schema::perl_test create=static dbi:mysql:perl_test:user=root
The parameter which was causing the error was the last parameter which specifies the connection parameters dbi:mysql...
previously I had tried...
script/ model DB DBIC::Schema testcatalyst::Schema::perl_test create=dynamic dbi:mysql:perl_test,username=root
and many other formats from various online searches. The ":user=root" turned out to be the correct format.
Hope this helps someone else !!!!!!!