How to open a relative path image within the IDE - eclipse

I have a series of status images, and switch that decides which to load
icon = "relative/path/image/green.gif";
I know I can just go to the file, but I saw someone else do it some time ago and I'd like to know exactly how. I tried to select, right click and all kinds of "open" but none seem to do the trick.
To try and add some clarity: select a string to a local file, right click said selection, open within an IDE view / window. I've seen it done, otherwise I'd think it's not possible


VS Code: Open Files as Last Tab instead of Next to Current

In VS Code, when I open another file, or create a new one (ctrl+n), said file open next to the currently selected tab. I would like this to behave the way browsers do. Well, at least the way firefox/chrome do for me.
I find I am dragging tabs around a lot because my file look ups end up inserted between my order of other files. I want it to instead always open the files as the last tab, the same way all my browsers do.
Ideally I would still like definitions to open in the next tab instead of the last, i.e., again, the way browsers do it.
I can't seem to find any settings for this, and I didn't find useful search results, just a bunch of stuff around not having the quick view tabs that get updated.

Can't edit files in Vscode

I've just started using Vscode and have a created a WebAPI project. On trying to open any of the default code files (Startup.cs and Program.cs) whatever I type starts to appear in the blue bar as shown below instead of where I have placed the cursor. I have no idea what's going on or what that blue bar is.
I am able to add my own code files and edit these as I would expect.
I'm running Vscode 1.29.1 on Win 10 on a Dell Latitude 12 7275. The vscode extension
Enabled extensions :
That's caused by Vim extension. Uninstall or disable it, otherwise use insert key on your keyboard to put it in insert mode.
I'l leave this here for future readers
Basically, if I split files in tabs in VS Code, I could work with the files on the left hand side but could "read-only" all the files on the right hand side.
When I went to the extensions tabs I noticed that whatever I typed was being typed in the field in the extensions search bar. After deleting that, and clicking back on the "Files" tab, it went back to normal and can basically edit files on the both sides of my split screen.
If cannot type
Check where whatever you type is going (e.g. Extensions > Search bar)
Delete wherever it's being typed, and click back on the "Files tab"
Check if it works
I had to change the parent folders permission...
Try changing the entire folder to:
Read & Write: Allows a user to open the item and change it.

Get Eclipse columns to stay as they've been set

I've customized the perspectives I use often in Eclipse pretty thoroughly. Sometimes, however, I accidentally close a window and I need to reopen it. However, when I do, all the selected columns reset to the defaults.
The easiest way to reproduce this, is in Java mode (or any mode, I suppose):
Choose upside-down triangle in the Tasks view
Click configure columns
Remove a column, such as "Completion".
Window -> Save Perspective as... It will say "do you wish to overwrite Java"?
Choose yes, because the changes don't actually save anyway
Window -> New Window
And you will see, in the new Window, the removed column has returned!
Is there a way to make this change permanent? I tried looking through the files in /.metadata/.plugins/.org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings but as I didn't know what I was looking for, I didn't know what to change. I also tried File->Export->General->Preferences, but the Tasks settings file created there had no mention of columns. I also tried the advice in this thread but none of it was helpful really. Does this feature exist?
Edit: After getting little response here and on their forums, I have created an Eclipse bug

Show the name of the containing folder in the Eclipse tab of a file

I have the same set of files in N folders, one of them, say, blank.xhtml. The files contain somewhat similar information and it is becoming overwhelming to figure out which file comes from which folder every time I switch between the tabs. When I open one of them to edit and happen to open a file with the same name from another folder I get confused and more often than not end up editing the wrong file: nullifying my hard work. So I am wondering if there is a way to show the name of a containing folder in the tab like this G-06/blank.xhtml or G-07/blank.xhtml. I will be very very thankful to anybody who has pointers to how I can make this happen.
As an addition to the Maroun's answer there is an alternative solution.
It's not exactly what you want (full name in the tab's title), but may be useful sometimes.
In the "Project Explore" view (the same goes to "Navigator" view) click the "Link with Editor" button. That way, whenever you choose some file opened in the editor, it will be automatically selected/highlighted (see the picture) in the "Project Explorer" view.
Here is the picture:
Maybe this will be useful to you too.
If you hover the mouse over the tab containing the file name then a popup appears showing the full path. Not exactly what you wanted, but it should help. (This with Eclipse Neon.3 Release 4.6.3 on a Mac).
Not quite what you're looking for, but ctrl+shft+e will open the switch editor window that shows all the open editors with their filepaths. I use this shortcut for the same reason. I'll have multiple build.gradle files open from multiple projects and this helps pick the correct one

when i click the drive shoing opwn with window dialog box

When i click the c-drive it is now opening , instead it showing the dialog box,
please check the screen shot ,
When i click the c-drive it opening like this screen shot
Well, I googled a bit and was able to find
You should also try opening the drive by clicking Explore in the context menu and see if there is an autorun.inf file that you could have copied by accident. It's probably going to be a hidden one, and maybe even a protected one, so check your Folder Option to make sure it shows all files. Although, that does sounds like something a virus would do.