How can I update Customer metadata in stripe? [.NET] -

In documentation, I could only find how to update the customer. I'm not sure if I could update a certain metadata of a customer this way.
Anywhere in documentation I can study from?

So I found out that overriding the meta with original dictionary items with changed values actually does the job.


NetSuite SOAP API: Populate PurchaseOrderList on VendorBill record retrieval

When using the NetSuite SOAP API I would like to retrieve the purchaseOrderList for a VendorBill record. The purchaseOrderList field is shown as a RecordRefList on this docs page, however that field doesn't populate on responses when performing a get to retrieve a vendorBill based on the internalId.
I've tried setting the bodyFieldsOnly header to false, hoping this would cause it to return all related fields, however this doesn't change the response.
Does anyone know how to force a RecordRefList field type to populate?
After searching through the docs online it seems that the purchaseOrderList property on the Vendor Bill is only used when updating the bill to associate it with Purchase Orders, it doesn't look like the property can be returned when retrieving Vendor Bill records. See this docs page under the 'Linking Purchase Orders to a Vendor Bill' section.
In order to retrieve the PO numbers associated with a Vendor Bills items and expenses I am retrieving them from the itemList and expenseList properties which are present on the Vendor Bill. If anyone knows of another way please feel free to comment or edit.

Firestore Structure for public/private fields

I'm after some advice on a Firestore DB structure. I have an app that has a Firestore db and allows a single user (under the one UID) to create a profile for each member of their family (each profile is a document within the collection). In each of the documents, there are the personal details of the family member (as fields. For example, field1 = firstname, field2 = last name, field3 = phone number and so on). This works well but there is one other detail I need to attribute to each and every field within each profile. I need to be able to set a private or public flag against each individual field (for example: firstname has public flag, last name has private flag, Phone number has private flag and so on..). It would be nice if each field could have nested fields underneath (such as a "private" bool field) but that's not how Firestore works. It seems to be Collection/Document/Collection/Document/and so on...
If I didn't need to private/public flag, I would not have an issue. My data would fit perfectly to the Firestore structure.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I might best achieve this outcome?
Cheers and thanks in advance...
Family Profiles current structure without flags
You can use structure above. With this structure you can fetch private data and public data separately whenever you need. But I have to tell you if you want to show only first name to other users in your app you can use queries on what to show to users. And also always use unique ids to store data rather than hardcoded Names such as JaneDoe or JoeDoe. Otherwise you can face some problems in the future regarding fetching data from firestore.
If you have questions feel free to ask
Take a look at the official documentation of Firebase. The information provided there will help you to understand what could be the most suitable solution for work with the data structure on this service. On the other hand for your question, it depends of your use case, will be useful if you could provide us with more context about why would your implementation needs to be as you wanted.
Also, since your concerns are related about how to manage the privacy of your data check this document too.
I hope this information will help you

How to use "correctAction" and "correctInstitutionTransactionId" in Intuit's Customer Account Data API

My questions concern the Transaction data object in Intuit's Customer Account Data API.
I am not sure how to use the following fields (or even really what they mean):
correctAction: The documentation does mention that "replace" and "delete" are possible values, which leads me to think that the word "correct" is being used to mean "fix", not as in the opposite of "incorrect".
correctInstitutionTransactionId: The documentation does not provide any details on this field. My best guess is that this id is used in conjunction with the "correctAction" field. I do not know how.
How do I use these fields?

MongoDB ObjectId foreign key implementation recommendation

I'm looking for a recommendation on how best to implement MongoDB foreign key ObjectId fields. There seem to be two possible options, either containing the nested _id field or without.
Take a look at the fkUid field below.
{'_id':ObjectId('4ee12488f047051590000000'), 'fkUid':{'_id':ObjectId('4ee12488f047051590000001')} }
{'_id':ObjectId('4ee12488f047051590000000'), 'fkUid':ObjectId('4ee12488f047051590000001')} }
Any recommendations would be much appreciated.
I'm having a hard time coming up with any possible advantages for putting an extra field "layer" in there, so I would personally just store the ObjectId directly in fkUid.
I suggest to use default dbref implementation, that is described here and is compatible with most of specific language drivers.
If your question is about the naming of the field (what you have in the title), usually the convention is to name it after the object to which it refers.
The both ways that you have mentioned are one of the same meaning. But they have different kind of usages.
Storing fkUid like 'fkUid':{'_id':ObjectId('4ee12488f047051590000001')} an object has it's own pros. Let me give an example, Suppose there is a website where users can post images and view images posted by other users as well. But when showing the image the website also shows the name/username of the user. By using this way you also can store the details like 'fkUid':{'_id':ObjectId('4ee12488f047051590000001'), username: 'SOME_X'}. When you are getting details from the db you don't have to send a request again to get the username for the specific _id.
Where as in the second way 'fkUid':ObjectId('4ee12488f047051590000001')} } you have to send another request to the server only for getting the name/username and nothing else is useful from the same object.

Core data relationship count update

I have a core data model with blog groups, blogs, and posts. A blog group has a to-many relationship to blogs, and each blog has a to-many relationship to posts. A post has an attribute "hasBeenRead." Both the blog and the blog group have a attributes "numberUnreadPosts."
I'd like to know the best practice for propagating the number of unread posts up through each relationship. For instance, if I read a post, I'd like to decrease the number of unread posts by one in both the blog and the blog group. Thanks!
There are a couple of ways to do this.
KVO observer
Your BlogGroup could watch for changes on the Blog entity -numberUnreadPosts property and when it changes it can update itself.
Likewise, your Blog can watch for changes on the Post entity -hasBeenRead property and when it changes it can update itself which will propagate up to the BlogGroup.
The problem with this design is that it assumes that the BlogGroup and Blog entities are both in memory (because you would turn the observer on in the -awakeFromFetch method). This may not always be the case and I find it best not to rely on that situation.
Propagate the update
When a Post changes the -hasBeenRead property you can override the setter and have it call it's parent (Blog) and tell it about the change. Blog would then update it's own unread count and tell the BlogGroup that it has updated.
This design is far more consistent and is unlikely to fail. However it can have unforeseen consequences because of the ripple. When you change a post a number of objects get fetched into memory to be updated.
Or don't worry about it
A third option is that only the post actually has the value. You could then produce a convenience method on both the Blog and the BlogGroup that merely counts the unread from the objects below.
This is pretty simple to do but it is not an observable property so may not work in your design.
The design of your application will determine which design works better for you. If you know that the BlogGroup and Blog will always be realized when you are working with a post then option one is a better solution imho.
This sounds like a job for Fetched Properties
Without using fetched properties (which I haven't done - maybe it's the right way), I'd go upwards from Posts. Create a fetch request for entity Post with a predicate for hasBeenRead == NO. Iterating over the resulting array use the inverse relationship to identify the Blog owning each post and BlogGroup owning each Blog and create two dictionaries.
First dictionary has Post->Blog's unique name as key, if there is no entry for that then you create and store [NSValue valueWithInt:1] for the key else increment what's there. Second dictionary is the same but has Post->Blog->BlogGroup's id as key. Unread count for either Blog or BlogGroup is found by looking at the value stored for the relevant key.
You would need to do the complete count once when your program starts and then follow the relationships and update your counts when you change a post from unread to read..