Multiple selectors using Sling Servlets - annotations

Short version: How do I force the most matching on a servlet based on multiple selectors using Felix annotations for sling servlets?
I have a few servlets defined in an OSGI bundle. I'm using the annotations.
selectors {"v1"}
public class MyServlet extends SlingAllMethodsServlet {}
selectors {"v1","special"}
public class MySpecialServlet extends MyServlet {}
My problem is that I can not find a way to force MySpecialServlet to only handle requests when both selectors are present.
GET http://localhost/my/resource.v1.special.json
Sometimes it will handle requests for only the v1 selector.
GET http://localhost/my/resource.v1.json
It seems that after using posting a new jar through the felix webconsole, if I request the double selector resource.v1.special.json before any other resource, then MySpecialServlet will also continue to handle v1 only requests.
Is there a way I can force the more general servlet to handle the more general list of selectors using the current annotations? Am I missing some part annotation? I believe that this system might be using an older annotation. Perhaps it is worth migrating? I'm trying not to be too intrusive for this small task that I've been asked to do.
Bear with me if I've conflated parts of these technologies. I've just walked up to this problem and I'm still sorting it out. Please correct any misalignment of terms.

Register your MySpecialServlet by v1.special, like selectors = {"v1.special"}.
According to the documentation:
... The selectors must be configured as they would be specified in the URL that is as a list of dot-separated strings such as print.a4 ...
I understand that when registering the servlet by a list of selectors, Sling treats them individually (as within OR condition). So, in the case of registering your special servlet by selectors = {"v1","special"}, the doGet method will be called if you request:
http://localhost/my/resource.v1.special.json or
http://localhost/my/resource.special.json or


Jersey 2: filters and #Context injections

I've the following question:
ContainerRequestFilter is a singleton, but reading this:
Jaxrs-2_0 Oracle Spec
in chapter 9.2, they say:
Context is specific to a particular request but instances of certain JAX-RS components (providers and resource classes with a lifecycle other than per-request) may need to support multiple concurrent requests. When injecting an instance of one of the types listed in Section 9.2, the instance supplied MUST be capable of selecting the correct context for a particular request. Use of a thread-local proxy is a common way to achieve this.
In the chapter 9.2, the HttpServletRequest is not mentioned.
So the question is: is it safe in terms of concurrency to inject the HttpServletRequest inside a custom ContainRequestFilter?
I mean this:
public class AuthenticationFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
#Context private HttpServletRequest request;
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
// This is safe because every thread call the method with its requestContext
String path = requestContext.getUriInfo().getPath(true);
// Is this safe? The property request is injected by using #Context annotation (see above)
String toReturn = (String)request.getAttribute(name);
I did some empirical tests on my IDE in debug mode, sending with two different browsers two different and concurrent requests and it seems to work well; I noticed that the filter's instance is ever the same (it's a singleton), but the injected HttpServletRequest is different in the two cases.
I readed even this thread: How to access wicket session from Jersey-2 request filter? and it seems that my tests are confirmed.
But I still have doubts.
Yes it's safe. To understand the problem, you should understand how scopes work. In any framework that deals with scopes (and injection), the feature is implemented similarly. If an object is in a singleton scope and another object in a lesser scope needs to be injected, usually a proxy of the object will be injected instead. When a call is made on the object, it's actually a call on the proxy.
Though the spec may not mention the HttpServletRequest specifically, most JAX-RS implementation have support for this. With Jersey in particular, if this was not possible (meaning the object is not proxiable), then you would get an error message on startup with something like "not within a request scope". The reason is that the ContainerRequestFilter is created on app startup, and all the injections are handled at that time also. If the HttpServletRequest was not proxiable, it would fail to inject because on startup, there is no request scope context.
To confirm that it is not the actual HttpServletRequest and is a proxy, you can log the request.getClass(), and you will see that it is indeed a proxy.
If you are unfamiliar with this pattern, you can see this answer for an idea of how it works.
See Also:
Injecting Request Scoped Objects into Singleton Scoped Object with HK2 and Jersey

No event context active - RESTeasy, Seam

I'm trying to add a RESTful web service with RESTeasy to our application running on JBoss 7.x, using Seam2.
I wanted to use as little Seam as possible, but I need it for Dependancy Injection.
My REST endpoints are as follows:
#Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON+"; charset=UTF-8")
public class MyEndpoint {
#In private FooService fooService;
public Response foobar(#CookieParam("sessionId") String sessionId,
#PathParam("bar") String bar)
{ ... }
I'm using a class extending Application. There is no XML config.
I can use the web service methods and they work, but I always get an IllegalStateException:
Exception processing transaction Synchronization after completion: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No event context active
Complete StackTrace
I did try everything in the documentation, but I can't get it away. If I leave out the #Stateless annotation, I don't get any Injection done. Adding #Scope doesn't do jack. Accessing the service via seam/resource/ doesn't even work (even without the Application class with #ApplicationPath).
It goes away if I don't use Dep. Injection, but instead add to each and every method
fooService = Component.getInstance("fooService");
which isn't really a good solution. Nah, doesn't work either...
I have resolved the issue. For some reason (still not sure why, maybe because I tried to use Annotations and code exclusivly and no XML config), my REST service was availiable under a "non-standard" URL.
Usually it'd be something like "/seam/resources/rest".
Anyway, if you have a "custom" path, Seam doesn't know it should inject a context. You need to add <web:context-filter url-pattern="something" /> to your component.xml.
Specifically we already had this tag, but with the attribute regex-url-pattern and I extended it to match the REST URL.

Implementing Hypermedia in RESTful JAX-RS Apache CXF

I am working in a RESTful application developed in Apache CXF and I would like to introduce hypermedia functionality to it.
Most of our jaxrs:serviceBeans follow this template:
public ExampleJSON get(#PathParam("exampleId") Integer exampleId) {
ExampleJSON example;
// Load data from repository here...
// Add link to self.
String href =;
// HypermediaLink is a custom object to hold a "href" and "rel" strings
HypermediaLink linkToSelf = new HypermediaLink();
linkToSelf.setHref(href + example.getId());
// Inherited method, just adds a HypermediaLink to a collection in the parent class
// Return JSON compatible object, JACKSON will serialize it nicely.
return example;
This is the basic concept. Keep in mind that I simplified this code for explanation purposes; so, it can be easily understood.
This code works fine; but I am wondering if there is a better way to do this with Apache CXF. I have some ideas for how to enhancing it; however, it will require some custom annotations.
I see some examples using Jersey, but I would like to stick with Apache CXF.
Any help would be appreciated.
I would leverage some features of JAX-RS and / or Jackson to implement the link adding under the hood at the serialization level. So you wouldn't need to have a specific field for the link within the bean itself.
You could implement a custom MessageBodyWriter to generate a different JSON payload (for example) for your POJOs than the default. So you could dynamically add the link.
See this answer for more details: How to write an XML MessageBodyWriter provider with jersey.
If you use Jackson for the serialization, you could implement a custom serializer. Note that this is generic and will work for all supported format of Jackson.
Below is a sample code:
public class LinkBeanSerializer extends JsonSerializer<SomeBean> {
public void serialize(SomeBean bean, JsonGenerator jgen,
SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException,
JsonProcessingException {
// Fields
jgen.writeNumberField("id", bean.getId());
// Things could be generic using reflection
// Link
String href =;
HypermediaLink linkToSelf = new HypermediaLink();
linkToSelf.setHref(href + bean.getId());
jgen.writeObjectField("hypermediaLink", linkToSelf);
Note that we could make this serializer more generic I think (something like extends JsonSerializer<Object>)
See this answer for more details: Processing JSON response using JAX-RS (how to register the custom serializer within JAX-RS, ...).
Perhaps implementing a WriterInterceptor could solve your problem but there is impact on the beans since you need to have field hypermediaLink. The interceptor could be responsible of filling the field.
See this answer for more details: Jersey Update Entity Property MessageBodyWriter.
IMO the more convenient solution is the second one. It's transparent and support all the formats supported by Jackson.
Hope it helps you,

Using Guice/Peaberry for osgi declarative services

I want to solve the following problem and need advice, what the best solution is.
I have a bundle A in which a service interface X is defined. A bundle B provides a service implementation of X and contributes the implementation to the tool. A and B use Google Guice and Peaberry to configure the setup of the objects.
There are two possibilities I can use to contribute the service implementation:
Using an eclipse extension:
In this solution I can use the GuiceExtensionFactory mechanism of Peaberry to create the service implementation using Guice and therefore can inject stuff needed by the implementation. The disadvantage here is that in the bundle defining the extension point, I need the boilerplate code for the resolution of the extensions because there is to my knowledge no way to get the extensions injected into the class which uses the extensions.
This looks like this:
<extension point="A.service.X">
but I need the boilerplate code like this:
private List<X> getRegisteredX() {
final List<X> ximpls = new ArrayList<>();
for (final IConfigurationElement e : Platform.getExtensionRegistry().getConfigurationElementsFor( X_EXTENSION_POINT_ID)) {
try {
final Object object = e.createExecutableExtension("class"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (object instanceof X) {
ximpls.add((X) object);
} catch (final CoreException ex) {
// Log
return ximpls;
Using an OSGI service:
My main problem here is to ensure that the service is registered. I want the bundle loaded lazily, so at least an access to one of the classes of the bundle is required. Registering the service programmatically using Peaberry has an issue, because nobody ever asks for a class of the bundle. The solution is to provide the service as a declarative service, but I do not know a way to create the service implementation in a way, that I can use Guice to inject required objects.
So I have some questions:
Is there something I do not know so far that implements the code needed to read the extensions at an extension point generically and allows to inject the extensions to the class using the extensions?
Is there a way to ensure that the service is provided even if it is added using the standard Peaberry mechanism, i.e., the bundle is activated when the service is requested?
Is there a way like the GuiceExtensionFactory for declarative services, so that the creation of the service implementation can be done by the injector of the bundle?
Something that look like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scr:component xmlns:scr="" name="Ximpl">
<implementation class="some.generic.guiceaware.ServiceFactory:B.Ximpl"/>
<provide interface="A.X"/>
Summarized, I want a service implementation generated by Guice and I want to get the service implementations simply injected into the classes using the service without extensive boilerplate code. Has anybody a solution for that?
Sorry, to ask, but I searched the web for quite a while and so far I did not find a solution.
Thanks and best regards,
I found a solution, but since I did not find it without a lot of trying out and thinking I thought I share it here. From the options I mentioned in my posting, my solution uses the first one, that is Eclipse extension points and extensions. In order to use Guice in the context of extension points there are two aspects to consider:
Providing an extension that is created by an Guice injector
This is explained very well here: There is one remark to make from my side. The creation of the extension object is done in an injector inside of the GuiceExtensionFactory, so it is an own context, which needs to be configured by the module given as additional extension to the factory. This can become an issue, if you have other needs that require creating the injector in the bundle on your own.
Defining an extension point so that the extensions are simply injected into the classes which use the extensions.
First thing to do is to define the extension point schema file as normally. It should contain the reference of an interface that has to be implemented by the extensions.
The id of the extension point has to be connected to the interface which is provided by the extensions and which is injected by guice/peaberry. Therefore peaberry provides an annotation to be used to annotate the interface:
import org.ops4j.peaberry.eclipse.ExtensionBean;
public interface InjectedInterface {
On some web pages you also find the information that if the id is equal to the qualified name of the interface, it can be found directly without the annotation but I did not try this out.
In order to enable the injection, you have to do two things to configure the Guice injector creation.
First the EclipseRegistry object of Peaberry has to be set as ServiceRegistry. Second the binding of the extension implementations to a provided service has to be done.
The injector creation has to be done in this way:
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.ops4j.peaberry.eclipse.EclipseRegistry;
import static org.ops4j.peaberry.Peaberry.*;
void initializer() {
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(osgiModule(context, EclipseRegistry.eclipseRegistry()), new Module() {
The extension implementations can then simply be injected like this:
private Iterable<InjectedInterface> registeredExtensions;
void setSolvers(final Iterable<InjectedInterface> extensions) {
registeredExtensions = extensions;
With the described way it is possible to have injected extensions which are implemented by classes using Guice to get dependencies injected.
I did not find a solution to use osgi services so far, but perhaps there is someone who has an idea.
Best regards,

Jersey Guice Accessing Post Parameters

I have a Jersey client that is hooked up using Guice. Really hooked up :)
The resources are also created using Guice.
Something like:
class TestResource {
#Inject DataFatcher fetcher,
Now, DataFetcher object is created using Guice and has deep nested guice-created objects using composition. Now, some of these object need access to parameters passed over using POST.
I have a HttpServletModule that does that for me. I I thought that does the right work.
Map<String, String[]> providerRequestParametersMap(HttpServletRequest reuquest) {
Now, unfortunately, It looks like Jersey, has already intercepter the request and removed the POST parameters from the request parameters Map. So, this Map of mine is empty.
How, can I get access to the POST Parameters in Guice ? I do not want to Inject the Form of MultivaledMap in the Resource directly, since that will need to be passed down all the way from the Resource which will mess up my design.
Any tips greatly appreciated. I can think of creating a Filter that intercepts the HttpServletRequest before the Jersey filters kicks in. Hoping that there is a better,easier solution :).
The easiest solution is probably a servlet Filter that does what you suggest: intercepting the HttpServletRequest before it's handled by Jersey and setting data in a request-scoped object.
If you're using Guice Servlet, filtering is at least a few keystrokes less setup than it is in web.xml.
If you'd prefer a Jersey-only solution, you could use a ContainerRequestFilter. This gives you access to ContainerRequest, which in turn provides you with a Form (a