How to integrate admin panel in sails js? - sails.js

I am new in sails js. I have created front-end in sails js. Now i have to create admin panel in sails. In front-end we have a login and signup functionalities. Then how can i create a admin panel in same server?
Please suggest me.
Thanks in advance.


logging in to a joomla website, using flutter and webview

I'm building a flutter app for a website made using Joomla. I was planning to use a webview but I don't know how to implement login and register for the Joomla website, from an external php code. Login and signup authentication works but as I have said, I don't know what to do next.
I have tried to create sessions but it doesn't work
I made a flutter app for my Joomla website. Actually my joomla website has been hacked, so I can access just to the database, so I have connected to the mySql database directly using php webservices, but I had to program everything by my own, registration, account activation, login, database searches, and so on.

How to make external application that login using IP Board user database?

Please someone help me to develop login feature (just login feature) that using IP Board user database for external application? I am using PHP language. Pure PHP is enough, but better if using Laravel framework.
Thank you in advance.

cakephp 2.1 Facebook Connect with Auth

Can any one help me in getting facebook connect working in my cakephp 2.1 app.
Now I am able to user authentication with Auth, I need to add facebook connect to the same.
where users can register themselves by filling a user form or they can sign up through facebook. Googled a lot but not able to get it working.
A tutorial link or an example with complete code will be very useful, I am new to cakephp.
Thanks in advance.
I'm using this plugin and it's working well with my Cake 2.1
There is a readme on that page ;)

Joomla , forms with upload and custom field from inside the administration panel

I want a plugin for joomla like jforms or chronoforms in order to make a form to upload videos along with other custom fields to db and manage them. The only problem is I want this functionality to be made from inside the administrator console and not to appear on a page at my site's frontend. My site does not have a login service , so I need to make the admin able to login to administration panel and from there to upload and manage videos.
Do you know of a plugin wich supports this functionality? Thank you in advance.
Found the correct plugin. It is fabrik.

Facebook Login + Registration

I have looked through dev docs and and tutorials via google engine, but I am kinda lost plus I am no expert in logic or programming..
I am trying to combine with login and register on the page. If user have fb account, they can log in. and then have database store their information for shopping purpose. if not, they could register and again have database store their info.
How to combine them using PHP SDK? Also I notice that I couldn't use Javascript SDK for login and register (do I need to create two apps for login and register?)
Insight will be appreciated. thank you very much
If you are talking about the "Registration Plugin" then I've written a tutorial about this:
How To: Use Facebook Registration Plugin As Your Registration System