How to make external application that login using IP Board user database? - invision-power-board

Please someone help me to develop login feature (just login feature) that using IP Board user database for external application? I am using PHP language. Pure PHP is enough, but better if using Laravel framework.
Thank you in advance.


iPhone communicating with Ruby on Rails web site for login/logout

I'm developing an iPhone app which allows users to login to a web service by using the token and api
However I'm having trouble in this part, could anyone could please help me?
You can use AFNetworking( framework for communicating with webservices.

Custom Wifi hotspot with Facebook or Twitter login

I would like to install a custom Wi-fi hotspot which needs login to enable Internet access with this requirements and I would like to know if someone has installed.
Login server: I have my own OAuth server built with Java/Spring to
enable user login with Twitter and Facebook via REST API.
Wi-fi access point: allows user Internet access when login success.
When the user selects the Wi-Fi network, the landing page must appear with the login button.
I' ve got the login module, but I don' t know how to install some kind of Wi-fi hotspot with a custom landing page that could link with this login server. I've searched for some kind of tool or software, but I found nothing. Any ideas or suggestions, please?
Thank you very much!
I just stumbled over a google code project which achieves what you want for routers running openwrt.
The basic setup is this: You run a router with openwrt (a list of supported Hardware can be found on their wiki). Then you install wifidog to provide your portal page and run the project (which now seeems to have moved here and has been renamed to KikiAuth) as the auth provider for wifidog.
Since KikiAuth is opensource it should be easy to adopt the method it uses to provide the auth information for wifidog into your existing software and use it as the provider instead if you want to manage the login process yourself.
More details about the setup can be found on the page of the google code project.

Facebook Login + Registration

I have looked through dev docs and and tutorials via google engine, but I am kinda lost plus I am no expert in logic or programming..
I am trying to combine with login and register on the page. If user have fb account, they can log in. and then have database store their information for shopping purpose. if not, they could register and again have database store their info.
How to combine them using PHP SDK? Also I notice that I couldn't use Javascript SDK for login and register (do I need to create two apps for login and register?)
Insight will be appreciated. thank you very much
If you are talking about the "Registration Plugin" then I've written a tutorial about this:
How To: Use Facebook Registration Plugin As Your Registration System

How to login a Drupal site from an iPhone app?

Supposed there is a page which is only accessible for authenticated users on a Drupal site. What library/tools are available for iPhone developers to:
login the Drupal site (username password)
access the page with a loggin status
For example, I'd like to fill a UITableView with data from the Drupal page. Thanks!
You need a way to communicate with Drupal. You can do this with the "Services module". Download it from the drupal community.
After that, on your iPhone app, you need a protocol to retrive and send data to Drupal. The most used with the Services module is XMLRPC, but you can do it with Json and even plist. In the iPhone side we're using a Cocoa XML-RPC Client Framework made by Eric J. Czarny, from Divisible by Zero.
This way you have default methods (node.get, user.login....) to retrieve info from Drupal. You can create your own modules too.
It's not complicated. We have created an app that communicates with Drupal, but its a bit extended to explain it in just a few lines.
Start by downloading the Services module, configuring it and testing with XMLRPC Server. After that, the basic work is done.
Good luck :)

Is it possible to create a desktop app using facebook oauth 2.0 authentication without requiring a browser interaction?

Is it possible to have a client app which can authenticate using Facebook but without requiring browser(I mean no embedded browser in the code)?? User inputs the username/password and allow access to app using the client app only.
Any Suggestions will be of great help.
Tara Singh
Edit: I have created app in Python which requires browser interaction. Now I want to get rid of that and do it using my client app only. Any Links/Tutorials??
Thanks Again
I know this is an old question and it's answered but I thought 'horse mouth GET'. From Facebook:
Our OAuth 2.0 implementation does not
include explicit desktop app support.
However, if your desktop app can embed
a web browser (most desktop frameworks
such as .NET, AIR and Cocoa support
embedding browsers), you can use the
client-side flow with one
modification: a specific redirect_uri.
Rather than requiring desktop apps to
host a web server and populate the
Site URL in the Developer App, we
provide a specific URL you can use
with desktop apps:[cont]
Actually the answer is absolutely not.
In order to authorize your app a user has to enter their facebook username and facebook password on facebook site and you need web browser for this. There is no way to skip this step (you can't ask what their username and password are and then exchange it automatically for access token). You can read more about this here.
absolutely yes, but, we'll need to know which programming language you want to use before we can give much advice.
For example, it's possible using httpclient for java and python to encapsulate all the functionality you need, others can chime in with libraries that they use for C, C++, perl, etc.
search for httpclient and how it's used with python. if you run wireshark on your system, you will be able to watch the data interchange (if you don't understand the http protocol completely) and then implement that in your code.[/edit]
Some good links in this regard:
Apparently now you can, if you're a beta tester for their newest feature: Reminds me of PIN's on Wifi
Yes and no,
I've had the same problem with my server. It was console only, so I had to make a solution. First I've logged in using the lobo java webbrowser. I've transfered the cookies of lobo to my server.