Add JAR files to a project in Eclipse using Maven - eclipse

I am trying to add certain JAR files, related to the Spring Framework, required for a project using Maven.
Project Name: Spring
Is it possible to do this using Maven?
The dependency is as follows:
<!-- -->

You should import the project as a Maven project. If it is not a Maven project you can convert it using Eclipse.
And then you should put your dependency as one of the dependencies in the pom.xml of the project like this:
<!-- -->

You don't need to add JAR files manually. Maven will do it for you. You just need to define dependency in pom.xml.
Following is an example pom.xml:
<project xmlns=""


Unable to add Spring Artifact IDs to project

Can anyone tell me why I am unable to add the following dependencies to my pom.xml file?
The moment I add the spring-web dependency the first error is displayed:
Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.springframework:spring-web:jar4.3.6.RELEASE.
The first two dependencies added just fine. No errors.
Here is my entire pom.xml
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- Shared version number properties -->
<!--Spring Framework-->
If it's a Maven project in Eclipse do :
Right click on the project > Maven > Update Project
If it's a Java Project in Eclipse do :
mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse -U in your console
If it doesn't work, go in your Maven Repository and delete the folder org/springframework/spring-web/4.3.6.RELEASE
I'm just going to download them and install them manually. Just would have been nice to use maven.
I uninstalled Eclipse and reinstalled it. I also removed everything that was referencing Eclipse in my local profile. I'm able to add the dependencies. Not the best resolution but something in their was causing an issue.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/core/runtime/Plugin

I am using eclipse Kepler.
Version: Kepler Service Release 1
Build id: 20130919-0819
I installed Drools plugin and created a maven project that I converted to a
drools project.
( Could figure out how to create a maven enabled drools project directly )
I then create a new Drools project from the Drools menu, and choose to
create sample files, rules, test classes etc. Copy those file to my maven
drools project.
But when running the I get ..
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/core/runtime/Plugin
here is my pom.xml :
<project xmlns=""
I added :
But now I get :
Error creating Groovy language support:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.codehaus.jdt.groovy.integration.internal.GroovyLanguageSupport
You need to add eclipse-core lib in your dependencies
Add this as your dependency. Your issue will be resolved.

add jsr80 on maven

I am trying to add jsr80 with maven on eclipse on linux(Lubuntu).
My pom.xml is
<project xmlns=""
I have tried mvn clean, mvn update dependeces ...
Log4j it's addes fine
The error message is
Missing artifact jsr80:jsr80:jar:1.0:system
Missing artifact jsr80_ri:jsr80_ri:jar:1.0:system
Missing artifact jsr80_environment:jsr80_environment:jar:1.0.1:system
The problem may be caused by different interpolation rules inside the systemPath tag.
It's anyway better to first install your artifacts as normal dependencies to a repository:
local: use mvn install:install-file
remote: use mvn deploy:deploy-file (this need some more configuration in settings.xml)
Then change your dependencies to default (compile) scope:
This approach has the effect that you need to use a repository to share it with others. On the other hand, it allows you to avoid committing binaries with code which is harmful for several reasons.

Building maven project in Bamboo gives me an empty jar

I'm working with Eclipse, Maven 2.0 and Bamboo. I checked out a project from GitHub and debugged it in Eclipse. I had it ready and when I exported the JAR from Eclipse I got a 76KB JAR (which is correct), but when I make Bamboo use a plan to build the same JAR using a maven pom.xml file, Bamboo gives me a 1KB JAR saying there's nothing to compile.
What am I missing? Here's my pom.xml file:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

gwt-servlet.jar missing in the WEB-INF/lib on compiling GWT with maven

In my pom file, I have included the dependency of gwt-servlet but if i run mvn clean install and mvn eclipse:eclipse and open the project in eclipse, I get the following error
GWT SDK JAR gwt-servlet.jar is missing in the WEB-INF/lib directory
Here is my dependency (we use a custom maven repository):
EDIT 2 (main pom):
There are two things I noticed.
1) The smartgw dependency you specified cannot be resolved from the maven central repository
It only has the 2.4 version of smartgw (see here Instead I had to use this
notice that the artifact ID is different too. (If you have a custom repository containing this then please update your question)
2) You dont need to do eclipse:eclipse instead you can issue the
File > Import > Existing Maven projects
this will auto generate the eclipse project from your pom.xml
I tested with the following :
Parent pom in gwttest2 folder
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
child pom in gwttest2/gwttest2-module1 folder
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Tell Eclipse to use Maven dependencies by right-clicking on your Project folder and selecting
Configure > Convert to Maven Project.
It seems that even after running mvn eclipse:eclipse, you must do this manually to get Eclipse to actually let Maven take care of your dependencies.
If you don't see this option you may not have the M2Eclipse plugin installed in your Eclipse...