Download MapBox offline map and store it on internal storage - mapbox

Is it possible to download a MapBox map as a file on a computer rather than mobile. Then load that file into iOS and Android MapBox SDK?
The idea is to have many phones who will never have internet access and just to load the map off internal storage.

Talked to MapBox reps and it looks like this isn't possible without being on the MapBox Enterprise plan. There is not functionality in the public API for this to work.


Is there a PixiOverlay alternative for mapbox?

I'm developing 3 map-based apps - the first one is a web app (using React.js) and the others are Android and iOS apps (using mapbox).
I'm using Leaflet library with mapbox tiles for the web app, and therefore we enjoy the plugins that Leaflet offers us. One of those plugins is PixiOverlay ( which speeds up our map performance.
As a result, I have two questions:
Does mapbox as an alternative solution (like PixiOverlay) for their mobile SDK?
In PixiOverlay's documentation, they have the following example: The markers' size is dynamically changed based on zoom level, and they do not override each other. Can I implement something similar by using mapbox SDK?
Thanks for your help!

Is it possible to download map in runtime?

I'm developing an Android application and I need to implement offline maps. For this I use OpenStreetMap, or rather osmdroid.
I need to implement the loading of maps when executing the program based on where the user is located. My question is, is it possible to load maps when I run the application and how do I do this?
Off device, using MOBAC, you can follow this guide:
On device, using osmdroid, you can use the cache manager:
There are several links to examples and source code, such as the one in the osmdroid sample app, which is on the play store or available for download on github.

Use OpenStreet Maps in my blackberry application

I would like to use openstreet maps in my blackberry application. The idea is the application fetches the current location through GPS/cell tower. The user has an option to click on a button and load the map within the application (same display) below. I have researched a little and BlackBerry maps seem to be limited and Google Maps requires installing a seperate API. I am hoping to fetch and load the maps through http connection (something like a webservice). Can somebody please guide?
I use the nutiteq library its usefull and it implements the openstreet maps in my blackberry. Here are some links quick start nutiteq RIM BlackBerry Mapping API SDK

Offline maps on IPhone

I'm looking for offline maps for IPhone.
For now I've discovered Route-me and CloudMade.
CloudMade doesn't have build in functionality for offline maps. There is an option to setup CloudMade to work offline but other question how to get a map you need.
Route-me works with MbTiles format. There is option to download osm file(From OpenStreetmap) and convert it to MbTiles file.
My questions: Are there sdk for IPhone that support offline maps? And how to get maps suitable for this sdk?
MapsWithMe is going to launch an offline maps API for iPhone in late Q1 or Q2 2012.
This app solves what you're looking for:

Suggestion needed for iPhone Map based App Development?

Hii friends,
i have to create a routemap for a university using maps as i preferred to use Google Maps API to develop it, as it seems easy for me with previous experience with maps API.
Does any Map library available for iPhone beyong google maps?
hey do try Route Me and open source library