Perl setting value of a variable in strict -T mode errors - perl

I have a script running strict with the -T parameter or 'taint' mode. If I try to set the value of a variable already defined, it craps out. I didn't make much of it, I'm just trying to modify it and don't know why it's breaking. Here's the gist of what it looks like:
#!/usr/bin/perl -T
use 5.010;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw/fatalsToBrowser/;
use strict;
use warnings;
use localtime;
my #months = qw(january february march april may june july august september october november december);
my $q = CGI->new();
say $q->header(), $q->start_html(-title=>'Calendar');
for my $param ($q->param()) {
my $safe_param = $q->escapeHTML($param);
for my $value ($q->param($param)) {
my $params = $q->escapeHTML($value);
local $ENV{"PATH"} = "/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin";
local $ENV{"BASH_ENV"}="";
my $date = "";
my $white = /^\s*$/;
my $singleyear = /^\d{2,4}$/;
my $nummonth = /^\d{1,2}\s\d{1,4}$/;
# If $params is empty or all white space, set $date to a single space
if ($params =~ $white) {
my($day, $month, $year)=(localtime)[3,4,5];
my $monthname = $months[$month];
$date = "$monthname $year"
# If $params is only a single 1-4 digit year, set $date to year
if ($params =~ $singleyear) {
$date = $params;
# If $params is a 1-2 digit month and a 1-4 digit year set $date to month and year
if ($params =~ $nummonth) {
my $monthnumber = $params =~ /^\d{1,2}/;
my $monthstring = $months[$monthnumber];
my $yearnumber = $params =~ /(\d{1,4})$/;
$date = "$monthstring $yearnumber";
if ($date eq "") {
say "<h1>Invalid Parameters: $params</h1>";
} else {
say "<h1>Parameters: $params</h1>";
my $cmds = "cal -h " . $date;
my #lines = `$cmds`;
say ("<pre>");
for my $line (#lines) {
print ("$line");
say ("</pre>");
say '</p>';
say $q->end_html();
At any point I set the value of $date it throws the error:
Insecure dependency in `` while running with -T switch
if I set my $date it throws no error, but doesn't actually update the value of date.
Also, I'm pretty sure all my regex is wrong, because I did some testing, and all of those cases evaluate to true for some reason, regardless of the user input. But that's not really the problem I'm facing now.
Example user input for $params
02 1999

$date = $params;
Such code assigns the tainted $params value to $date without untainting it.
Instead: Match the exact data you want with a regex, and use regex captures to extract an untainted value. For example:
if ($params =~ /^(\d{2,4})$/) {
$date = $1;
And so on for the other cases.
Note that assigning a regex $foo = /bar/ does not assign a regex object, but assigns the result of matching that regex against the $_ variable! If you need to create regex objects, use the qr/.../ operator. However, using regex objects seems unnecessary in your program – just write down the regex in each condition in order to avoid problems.


Perl Get File Last Modified Date Time No Module

I'm creating a script where I need to get the Last Modified Date of the files
I checked this thread How do I get a file's last modified time in Perl?
So I used the script below to get the last modified, at first it was working but when I try to run it again, the timestamp returns 00:00 January 1, 1970.
Why is that happening and how can I get the correct last modified date and time?
my $dir = '/tmp';
opendir(DIR, $dir) or die $!;
next unless ($_ =~ m/\bfile.txt|file2.csv\b/);
my $epoch_timestamp = (stat($_))[9];
my $timestamp = localtime($epoch_timestamp);
$f_detail = $_ .' '.$timestamp;
print "$f_detail\n";
exit 0;
When I tried to run the perl, I will get this result
file.txt Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970
file2.csv Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970
Ok, last update, it is working now, I try to run all of the scripts you've given to me, standalone script. I found what's causing the default time, see the script below, I remove that in my program and it works, didn't notice this at first, sorry. But still, it feels weird because I was sure that it is working when I first run it, but now it is working so yeah thank you guys!
if (($month = ((localtime)[4] + 1)) < 10)
$month = '0' . $month;
if (($day = ((localtime)[3])) < 10)
$day = '0' . $day;
if (($year = ((localtime)[5]+1900)) >= 2000)
if (($year = $year - 2000) < 10)
$year = '0' . $year;
$year = $year - 1900;
$date = $month . $day . $year;
readdir returns file names without the full path. You need to prepend the path manually:
for (#content) {
next unless /^(?:file\.txt|file2\.csv)\z/;
my $epoch_timestamp = (stat("$dir/$_"))[9];
# ~~~~~~~~~
Also note how I changed the regex to match the file names.
If you have a directory name, and you want to see if some files whose names you already know exist in that directory, there's really no need for opendir/readdir - that's more helpful if you don't know the filenames ahead of time. When you do, you can just build a path using both parts and use file test operators/stat/etc. on it.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw/say/;
my $dir = '/tmp';
my #files = qw/file.txt file2.csv/;
for my $file (#files) {
# Better to use File::Spec->catfile($dir, $file), but your question
# title said no modules...
my $name = "$dir/$file";
if (-e $name) { # Does the file exist?
# _ to re-use the results of the above file test operator's stat call
my $epoch_timestamp = (stat _)[9];
my $timestamp = localtime $epoch_timestamp;
say "$file $timestamp";
Example execution:
$ perl
file.txt Tue Feb 8 07:26:07 2022
file2.csv Tue Feb 8 07:26:10 2022
Following demo code utilizes glob to obtain modification time for specified files in a directory.
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
my $dir = '/tmp';
my #files = qw(file.txt file2.csv);
my $mask = join ' ', map { "$dir/$_" } #files;
say "$_\t" . localtime((stat($_))[9]) for glob($mask);

How can I extract the number from the output of a shell command?

The output for the command is ent3, and from that output I want 3 to be stored in a variable
Perl code
sub {
if ( $exit == 1 )
$cmdStr = "lsdev | grep en | grep VLAN | awk '{ print \$1 }'\r";
$result =_run_cmd($cmdStr);
my #PdAt_val = split("\r?\n", $result);
my $num = $result =~ /([0-9]+)/;
print "The char is $num\n";
$exit = 0;
Tidied code
sub {
if ( $exit == 1 ) {
$cmdStr = "lsdev | grep en | grep VLAN | awk '{ print \$1 }'\r";
$result = _run_cmd($cmdStr);
my #PdAt_val = split("\r?\n", $result);
my $num = $result =~ /([0-9]+)/;
print "The char is $num\n";
$exit = 0;
Your code that is doing the work here is:
my $num = $result =~ /([0-9]+)/;
Let's put that into a simple program so we can see what's going on.
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
my $result = 'ext3';
my $num = $result =~ /([0-9]+)/;
say $num;
And that prints 1. Which isn't what we want. What's going on?
Well, if you read the documentation for the match operator (in the section Regexp Quote-Like Operators in "perlop"), you'll see what the operator returns under different circumstances. It says:
Searches a string for a pattern match, and in scalar context returns true if it succeeds, false if it fails.
So that explains the behaviour we're seeing. That "1" is just a true value saying that the match succeeded. But how do we get the value that we have captured in our parentheses. There are a couple of ways. Firstly, it's written into the $1 variable.
my $num;
if ($result =~ /([0-9]+)/) {
$num = $1;
say $num;
But I think the other approach is what you were looking for. If you read on, you'll see what the operator returns in list context:
m// in list context returns a list consisting of the subexpressions matched by the parentheses in the pattern, that is, ($1, $2, $3 ...)
So if we put the match operator in list context, then we'll get the contents of $1 returned. How do we put a match into list context? By making the expression a list assignment - which we can do by putting parentheses around the left-hand side of the assignment.
my ($num) = $result =~ /([0-9]+)/;
say $num;
Using regex, something like this should work:
if($result =~ /([0-9]+)/) {
$num = $1;
print $num;

Split to get only characters in Perl

I have a string like this :
Reporting EXE1 BASE,Normal
I need to get a var for every words like :
$info = "Reporting";
$host = "EXE1";
$device = "BASE";
$status = "Normal";
In fact, i saw the function "Split" might be a good use, but i don't understand the patern to use.
I prefer to use a global regex pattern match instead of split. That way you can specify the characters that you're interested in instead of the ones that you want to discard, and there's no chance of a spurious initial empty field if your string happens to start with a separator
It looks like you want to pick out "word" characters, which are upper and lower case letters, decimal digits, and the underscore character. There's a built-in character class \w for that, so finding all sequences that match \w+ should find the data for you
Here's an example program
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
my $s = 'Reporting EXE1 BASE,Normal';
my ( $info, $host, $device, $status ) = $s =~ /\w+/g;
print qq{\$info = "$info"\n};
print qq{\$host = "$host"\n};
print qq{\$device = "$device"\n};
print qq{\$status = "$status"\n};
$info = "Reporting"
$host = "EXE1"
$device = "BASE"
$status = "Normal"
If you want to allow more characters than \w matches then you could use
my ( $info, $host, $device, $status ) = $s =~ /[^\s,]+/g;
which matches sequences of characters that are neither space nor comma
Given your sample data the results are identical, but I cannot tell what your real data looks like
Use split(/\s|,/,"Reporting EXE1 BASE,Normal") to split the string on comma and blank
You might try this code.
my $str = "Reporting EXE1 BASE,Normal";
my #fields = split /\s|,/, $str;
my $info = $fields[0];
my $host = $fields[1];
my $device = $fields[2];
my $status = $fields[3];
print "$info\n";
print "$host\n";
print "$device\n";
print "$status\n";
Or more compact version -
my $str = "Reporting EXE1 BASE,Normal";
my ( $info, $host, $device, $status ) = split /[\s,]/, $str ;
print "$info\n";
print "$host\n";
print "$device\n";
print "$status\n";
No need to store the data in an array. Directly create the list and give the variable name to it.
my $string = "Reporting EXE1 BASE,Normal";
my ($info ,$host,$device,$status) = split(/\s|,/,$string);
print "$info ,$host,$device,$status";
Or else you could use pattern matching
my ($info ,$host,$device,$status) = $string =~m/(\w+)/g;

Parsing a GenBank file

I trying to parse a GenBank file so I could get the accession number, the definition, the size of the file and the DNA sequence
Is there a way to modify my code and make it shorter and just declare all the variables at once like they do in the book and parse the file in one or two blocks of code?
If you have access to Bio Perl, you might find a solution such as the following.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bio::SeqIO;
my $in = Bio::SeqIO->new( -file => "input.txt",
-format => 'GenBank');
while ( my $seq = $in->next_seq ) {
my $acc = $seq->accession;
my $length = $seq->length;
my $definition = $seq->desc;
my $type = $seq->molecule;
my $organism = $seq->species->binomial;
if ($type eq 'mRNA' &&
$organism =~ /homo sapiens/i &&
$acc =~ /[A-Za-z]{2}_[0-9]{6,}/ )
print "$acc | $definition | $length\n";
print $seq->seq, "\n";
print "\n";
I was able to capture the 5 variables from a sample GenBank file I have (input.txt). It should simplify your code.

Issue with Perl File::stat output, need to show date

I am having an issue with getting File::stat to output the last modified date of the file. This is my code so far:
use Time::localtime;
use File::stat;
use warnings;
use File::Find;
my $dirloc = 'E:\tmp\testdir';
sub find_txt {
my $F = $File::Find::name;
if ( ! -d $F && $F =~ /.tar|.exe|.zip/ ) {
my #result = $F;
foreach my $result (#result){
my $timestamp;
$timestamp = (stat("$result"))->[9] or die "No $_: $!";
print "$result : $timestamp\n";
find({wanted => \&find_txt}, $dirloc);
It is outputing something like this:
C:/tmp/testdir/foo/bar/test.tar : 1415305933
I need it to output instead (date format doesn't have to be what is listed, i just want to see the date):
C:/tmp/testdir/foo/bar/test.tar : 11/07/2014
I know that the output it is giving me is the time since epoch but I thought stat was supposed to give the date. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks!
edit: I have tried localtime, and i get: Time::tm=ARRAY(0x245b220), not sure what is happening there
You can use the localtime (Note: not Time::localtime) function to convert the timestamp into something useful
my $date = localtime $timestamp
which will make it a human readable string like Fri Nov 7 15:33:00 2014
Or you can use it in a list context to spit it into individual fields:
my($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year, $weekday, $yearOfDay, $isDST) = localtime $timestamp