Tableau Crashes when refreshing extract (Custom SQL) - tableau-api

After making changes to custom SQL and clicking back into a tab, tableau can sometimes crash while creating the new extract, especially large ones.
Not sure what is causing this but if it happens once it happens every time!

This problem can often be avoided by clicking save instead of clicking back into the tab when you finish editing the custom SQL.
This will prompt you to save the extract and when you do it should finish without crashing!


How do I make the .vscode/setting.json to stop being in my side window

Every time I open VSCode I see this .vscode/setting.json. i tried deleting it but I don't know how to make it go away for good
I tried to delete it but it kept appearing in my window.

Can I disable the Problem Window when using Go to Problem

When press F8 (Go to next Problem), a window opens with an explanation of the problem. Can I disable this window or set something different?
Can I instead of this window get the definition info? (assuming the problem is with the definition of something)
As far as I can tell from looking at the settings that exist in the current version at the time of thsi writing (v1.75) that contain the substring problem in the setting ID, there is not a setting to disable this problem explanation upon navigating back and forth between problems.
I also did not see any command/action to navigate back and forth between problems without opening the problem explanation.
It can be pretty easily closed by pressing escape.
If you really want such a feature, you can create a feature-request on the VS Code GitHub issue tracker.

Source control keeps sidebar opening automatically

I am fairly new to VS Code. I really like it, but there is one thing that is extremely annoying and if I cant fix it, I might switch back to vim.
Every time I click into a editor tab (In my case I use a split layout and click into the other split) the source control side bar opens itself. It is really annoying, because it almost takes a quarter of my screen.
How can I disable it fully and only open the bar when I need it?
The moment I posted this yesterday it stopped happening. Now it happens again. I have no idea why.
It might be related to the split layout. I just closed the split and reopened it and it stopped happening.

Create a backup file with MongoVUE

Is there a way to create a back file of an entire database using MongoVUE?
I can't see anything in the UI to do this
Sadly you can only backup (they call it Export) a collection at a time.
Select a collection to view and then click the drop down arrow to the right of the "Refresh" button at the right of the View display and click Export.
Select the export format (csv, excel etc) and save as required.
I also miss this feature but I think writing an export/backup application will be easy enough that I will try when I have time

Evaluate live javascript edits in Chrome?

How do I tell the Chrome developer tools that I'm done live-editing a section of javascript, and want the result to be "evaluated"?
Editing the javascript on the fly is simple, I simply put the cursor somewhere in a script in the Scripts tab and start typing, but how do I finish the editing process?
I read here that "changes you apply to the code are expressed only at the time when execution passes through them", but even if I try editing a function when it's being called (i.e., when having a hit breakpoint inside it), I can't get my changes to be acknowledged. Edit: this whole, "execution passes through it" stuff seems false or out of date at best.
Editing javascript on the fly in the developer tools is demoed by Paul Irish in this video around 3:30, but I can't figure out how he goes from editing code, to having it actually be used by the browser.
Ctrl+S or "right-click > Save".
Make sure you haven't enabled pretty-print, as you can't live-edit code, then.
This is what you are looking for:
1.- Navigate to the Source tab and open the javascript file
2.- Edit the file, right-click it and a menu will appear: click Save and save it locally.
In order to view the diff or revert your changes, right-click and select the option Local Modifications... from the menu. You will see your changes diff with respect to the original file if you expand the timestamp shown.
More detailed info here:
Go to sources, choose the file you want.
Click the pause button to pause debugging .
Modify the script adding a console.log or whatever you want, wherever you want
Save the file (cmd-s or ctrl-2)
Click the pause/resume button to resume execution
the modified code will be executed