PostgreSQL ODBC connection doesn't recognise my schemas - postgresql

I am working with postgreSQL 9.6, postgis 2.3 and tatukgis viewer 3. I can succesfully connet using ODBC driver but I can't load a layer, an error is sent : "public schema doesn't exist".
It seems like it can't read my table.
Can somebody help me please ?


DB2 Connection is not working in DBeaver when i'm trying to connect

i'm trying to connect DB2 Database in DBeaver client, i tried with some of DB2 Drivers, but always it's showing the same error:
My drivers:
What could be the problem?

Can you update/insert/delete via MongoDB ODBC driver?

I'm looking to migrate a system that uses an ODBC driver to talk to MySQL and change it to talk to MongoDB. By using mongosqld, BI Connector and a DRDL schema I can access the data and my "select * from ..." queries all work fine. However, I keep getting an error when I try to UPDATE the data. Is this a limitation of the driver or am I doing something wrong?
The error I get is:
[MySQL][ODBC 8.0(w) Driver][mysqld-5.7.12 mongosqld v2.14.0]parse sql 'update `User` set name='Simon Sawyer' where `userid`='3ecdf4a51478644780782b20'' error: unexpected UPDATE at position 8 near update

SQL Developer missing a library

I'm fairly new to Oracle SQL developer. As I'm trying to make a new connection via TNS, I'm getting this error down below which I've been looking to solve for a while fruitlessly.
Error Message:
Statut : échec -Echec du test : no ocijdbc18 in java.library.path
Assuming MySQL is a typo (You are using port 1521, which is the default port for Oracle database, also its giving you ODBC error, so I assume its an Oracle database. Remember that you can connect SQL developer to a MySQL database, so please clarify if you want to connect to a MySQL database rather than Oracle) your problem is due to lack of Oracle Data Base Connector driver (ODBC). From this link download the latest version of Oracle Instant client and install it on your machine. Then define ORACLE_HOME to the path of Instant client installation (To the actual installation folder, the one that contains folders like bin, network and so on) and restart SQL Developer, then you should be good to go.
P.S. : as #thatjeffsmith has mentioned correctly in the comments, it's not necessary to have Oracle Client and/or ODBC (or similar) drivers in order to connect to an Oracle database. Using basic as the connection type and adding the correct connection info would suffice. This Article in Oracle Magazine has extensively talked about the different connection types.

Connecting to PostgreSQL Data Source in SQL Server Import Export Tool

I'm trying to setup an easily-replicable (or even manual and I do it once a month or so) process for moving data from a large Azure PostgreSQL database to a more manageable Azure SQL database for end users that are most familiar with SQL Server. I've successfully connected to the PostgreSQL database via PGAdmin, so I know all my connection string info.
I started by installing the latest ODBC driver from here.
I then used a connection string which was given to me from the Azure portal, filled in the proper database name and password, and attempted to use the following drivers:
PostgreSQL ODBC Driver(ANSI)
I am getting the following error with either of them:
ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
What step am I missing in this process? Or how best can I troubleshoot this?
After more research, I attempted to add the ODBC driver here:
And got the following error (I'm not sure why Tableau is relevant to this?):
Thank you.

Why is Nhibernate SchemaExport unable to create a PostgreSQL database?

I have the following code to generate the schema for a database in Nhibernate
new SchemaExport(configuration).Execute(true, true, false);
but when run against a PostgreSQL database, I end up getting the following error
[NpgsqlException (0x80004005): FATAL: 3D000: database "dbname" does not exist]
If I however create the database manually, the schema is exported without errors. An so the question: Why is Nhibernate SchemaExport unable to create a PostgreSQL database and yet this works against other databases like SQLite, MsSqlCe and MsSql Server.
I have searched for online literature but have been unable to locate any highlighting on this issue.
I am using Nhibernate 3.3.1 with PostgreSQL 9.2.
You must create the database before you can create the tables and other objects within the database.
Do this with a CREATE DATABASE statement on a PostgreSQL connection - either in your app, or via psql or PgAdmin-III.
PostgreSQL doesn't support creating databases on demand / first access. Perhaps that's what your tool is expecting?
If you think the DB does exist and you can see it in other tools, maybe you're not connecting to the same database server? Check the server address and port.