Can you update/insert/delete via MongoDB ODBC driver? - mongodb

I'm looking to migrate a system that uses an ODBC driver to talk to MySQL and change it to talk to MongoDB. By using mongosqld, BI Connector and a DRDL schema I can access the data and my "select * from ..." queries all work fine. However, I keep getting an error when I try to UPDATE the data. Is this a limitation of the driver or am I doing something wrong?
The error I get is:
[MySQL][ODBC 8.0(w) Driver][mysqld-5.7.12 mongosqld v2.14.0]parse sql 'update `User` set name='Simon Sawyer' where `userid`='3ecdf4a51478644780782b20'' error: unexpected UPDATE at position 8 near update


Pass SQL query parameters to MongoDB Connector for BI

I using MongoDB Connector for BI and MongoDB ODBC Driver with Microsoft reporting services to can make reports depend on MongoDB ,But when I tried to query the the MongoDB using SQL
select * from students where studentId=?id
I get error
"This command is not supported in the prepared protocol yet"

Connecting to PostgreSQL Data Source in SQL Server Import Export Tool

I'm trying to setup an easily-replicable (or even manual and I do it once a month or so) process for moving data from a large Azure PostgreSQL database to a more manageable Azure SQL database for end users that are most familiar with SQL Server. I've successfully connected to the PostgreSQL database via PGAdmin, so I know all my connection string info.
I started by installing the latest ODBC driver from here.
I then used a connection string which was given to me from the Azure portal, filled in the proper database name and password, and attempted to use the following drivers:
PostgreSQL ODBC Driver(ANSI)
I am getting the following error with either of them:
ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
What step am I missing in this process? Or how best can I troubleshoot this?
After more research, I attempted to add the ODBC driver here:
And got the following error (I'm not sure why Tableau is relevant to this?):
Thank you.

Tomcat 8 Db2 Error: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-551, SQLSTATE=42501, SQLERRMC=M25044

I have been trying to resolve this error which was working for so long
out of nowhere we have started facing this issue.
My application, which is a plain Java web application (Jsp/Servlets and couple of utilities and control classes) running on Tomcat 8
One of the functionality is, the user keys in an id which is a key for a DB query to fire up the Database and get the results
In doing so I get this below error, which is more or less a symptom of user not having the privilege to execute the query on the
Db2 Database table.
When I am trying out the same query from any kind of Db2 Client tools or SQL prompt, I don't get this error at all:
" DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-551, SQLSTATE=42501, SQLERRMC=M25044"
SQLCODE -551 means that the User executing the Query does not have the right Privilege. So find out which User is running the Query and grant the Privilege to that User. May be from other SQL Clients you use a different User.

Unable to connect to a data base in mongo db from power BI

Getting the following error:
DataSource.Error: ODBC: ERROR [HY000] [MySQL][ODBC 1.0(a) Driver][mysqld-5.7.12 mongosqld v2.6.0-beta3]Unknown database ''
As shown in the image the error arise as i am trying to get the data from Reports collection from test Database. How can I solve this problem?
Per the comment by CodeCaster the most likely scenario of you getting a successful connection but not loading actual data is the fact you may have not selected a db from the dropdown when setting up the ODBC driver
After you setup your connection and port go to the last choice of Database: and select a db in the dropdown from the available list of db's in your environment.
Then when setting up the excel sheet for use of the ODBC data, via the data tab, choose your collection and documents from that collection should load.

PostgreSQL ODBC connection doesn't recognise my schemas

I am working with postgreSQL 9.6, postgis 2.3 and tatukgis viewer 3. I can succesfully connet using ODBC driver but I can't load a layer, an error is sent : "public schema doesn't exist".
It seems like it can't read my table.
Can somebody help me please ?