How to achieve Default Select values in Multi-select prompt in jasper server? - jasperserver

Could you please help me, How to achieve Default Select values in Multi-select prompt in jasper server? for example, suppose that I have access to (India, usa, London) & other have access to India only. My requirement is multi select filter should select by default base on user value.


How can I create a LOV where the user can select as many options as they want (like a series of checkboxes and select all that apply)?

How can I create a list of values (LOV) where the user can select as many options as they want (like a series of checkboxes and select all that apply)? I am only away of being able to select one option as opposed to selecting many, but please correct me if I'm wrong.
"The property you will attach the LOV to will need to be an array. Then in TC you can multi-select more than one value of the LOV."

Loading values in ireport parameters box

In ireport when clicking on preview, and you have parameters, you'll get a parameter box where you put a certain value to get specific record(s).Now i am trying to put specific values in the parameter box, so that the user would choose between it.
The same goal as in this so question : Loading promt box with parameters in iReport
However i want to do it without using Jasper Server. Is it possible to achieve this only from within IReport Designer?
You can do this,right click on the input control and select to add the local input control and provide id and name for the input control
Under the input control details select single select list of values if you have the list of values with you or if you want to add the data of a column as drill down select single select select query and extract that field.
This will help you to drill down the data.
Thanks and Regards
I'm pretty sure you can not do this in iReport preview. Have no clue what #Megha is refereeing to....
You can provide default value for your parameter through the <defaultValueExpression> tag and decide if you wan't it to prompt or not to prompt with the isForPrompting attribute.
Why can't we have select list, well I guess iReport is a tool for developers, so the preview is only to test the report. For customers jasper soft have developed the jasper report server.
And remember you can always develop your own interface (in swing or on the web)

Crystal Reports limit Select Expert dropdown

How do I limit the Select Expert drop downdown to only a few records which I want in there?
In the image, the dropdown which I am referring to is the one with "01-NON-Exempt" in it. This dropdown pulls all records from the hrtables.fdesc field. I want to limit the records to only a select few which will populate this dropdown.
The dialog you're trying to use (Select Expert) is a design-time feature, and it will show all the records in the dropdown. The only way to change/restrict what it shows is to change/restrict what the database returns.
What you are probably looking for is a way to offer a similar dropdown to users at report run-time. That's what parameters are for. You can provide a parameter with a list of values (which can be a subset of field values), and when a user refreshes the report, they will be prompted to choose a value from the list.
For some more details, I did a quick search and found this article (pages 3-4) seems to be a decent explanation of how to create a parameter and use it in the record select expert.

Crystal Reports Group Header edit

I'm trying to figure out how to change or edit Group Header titles in Crystal Reports. Group Header title is pulled from sql and I only have two Group Headers and it's the second one I need to edit. It reads SEP which is pulled from data table, but for reporting purpose I'd like it to read Separate Accounts. Group Headers are not text objects, so I don't know how to edit. Thanks.
click on the group Tab then Properties
so you can change the name
What version of Crystal Reports are you using? Exactly how do you want to edit the titles?
In the grey area of the designer, right click on the group you want to edit, select change group and look for 'Customize Group Field Name'. Depending on what version (I am looking at Crystal 2011 right now), you can choose another field or Use a Formula as a Group Name. I think that the latter should suit your needs. Create a formula (you will have to know how to use Crystal formula logic) to modify/append your groupname tiles.
Alternatively, you could make title changes in the SQL itself using SQL functions, CASE statement, etc.
I hope this helps

Jasper Reports Group VS Oracle Order By

I have a report that I am in the process of converting from Crystal Reports to JasperReports. I am designing the report using iReport 4.5 and JasperReport Server 4.5. Oracle Stored Procedure that returns REF_CURSORS is used to populate data. Below is a sample SQL:
Select First_Name, Last_Name, DOB, City From PPL Order By DOB;
When I use this SQL in the report designer and design a report and I create groups as follows
Parent Group is First_Name
Second Group is City
Basically I want to group all the people with similar first name in the all the cities it applies.
Expected results:
First_Name Last_Name DOB City
Alan Kum 10/01/2010 Mumb
Alan Boss 01/10/2001 Mumb
Alan Cross 10/10/2000 Irvn
But since the SQL has an order by clause my data is not displayed in the expected manner as displayed above. How do I overcome this issue?
The issue is I can not change the procedure as it's being used in the application and also an Excel version of the report uses the same query where they want to see the data in order by DOB.
Well... the "correct" solution is to change the query to order by the fields you want to order by: First_Name, City (and then perhaps by DOB or Last_Name to have a fully deterministic ordering).
But since you don't have that option available to you, you can instead do the sorting in JasperReports. Edit your query and then click the button "Sort options...". This should allow you to re-sort the data as you like. It will be slower sorting in the report engine, but slower and correct is far better than a quick result which doesn't meet your needs.