Crystal Reports Group Header edit - crystal-reports

I'm trying to figure out how to change or edit Group Header titles in Crystal Reports. Group Header title is pulled from sql and I only have two Group Headers and it's the second one I need to edit. It reads SEP which is pulled from data table, but for reporting purpose I'd like it to read Separate Accounts. Group Headers are not text objects, so I don't know how to edit. Thanks.

click on the group Tab then Properties
so you can change the name

What version of Crystal Reports are you using? Exactly how do you want to edit the titles?
In the grey area of the designer, right click on the group you want to edit, select change group and look for 'Customize Group Field Name'. Depending on what version (I am looking at Crystal 2011 right now), you can choose another field or Use a Formula as a Group Name. I think that the latter should suit your needs. Create a formula (you will have to know how to use Crystal formula logic) to modify/append your groupname tiles.
Alternatively, you could make title changes in the SQL itself using SQL functions, CASE statement, etc.
I hope this helps


How to repeat table in jasper report based on grouped data from SQL

This is the output from my SQL query
I am trying to create a report in Jasper Studio which will create a separate table for each city.
Right now, what I have created is something that looks like below. It shows all the data with the City listed as St. Louis. What features in Jasper will allow me to do as above?
Finally figured this out.
Create a group band for your report in Jasper. (Right click report Outline-> Create Group)
Next you have two options - create group from a report object or create group from expression. I used the first option and selected City from the list of group objects displayed. Click Next.
Selected the checkbox Add the group header and click finish.
The other change I did was - Previously my headers were under column header, I moved them under the new band group header. Now it works exactly like how I wanted.

Is it possible to adjust the amount of columns (left to right) in Crystal Report based on user input?

I am trying to get crystal to print the details field from Left to Right to an excel spreadsheet output, rather than from the top of the page to the bottom. Setting the details section to 'Format with Columns' and using the layout option of 'Across then Down' doesn't seem to acheive the effect I am looking for. I want to create a given number of columns to the right based on user input passed into Crystal parameters, but I can't seem to find anything within crystal reports that will allow this.
Is it possible that I'm missing something simple, or does Crystal Reports lack the functionality to accomplish columns/rows being generated from left to right rather than up to down?
Thanks in advance for any help!
No such functionality in Crystal alone but you can take control of the Excel output logic using a UFL (User Function Library) allowing a detail-level Crystal formula to write to a specified Excel cell. As the formula progresses through the detail rows, it would increment column/row targets based on the Columns parameter.
You can create the UFL yourself. Alternatively, at least one of the 3rd-party UFLs listed here provides such a function.

Jasper Subtotal

I have a report- from another question: Jasper report data summary which shows totals for a number of columns by location. I need to sub-total some of the location_cds and am not sure where to start. I have one group - by location_cd. Some location_cds have sub-locations, i.e. 3A has 3A1, 3A2, 3A3. Right now I have the totals for each individual row displayed in the group footer. I would like to see a subtotal for any location_cd that has sub-locations. I am trying to puzzle out how I am going to approach that. Should I see if I can do that in the query or will Jasper help me out here?
I am querying Sybase ASE 15.7.0 and am using Jasper Studio 5.5.1
Sub totals are the same as totals, just check the following:
add the order by corresponding to your list - usually add the item to the order by list
ORDER BY some_name_wharever, my_subtotal_thing_to_be_ordered
create a new group using the wizard, right click the root of the report on the report inspector and select "add report group"
create a new variable just like the total one but mind the reset and increment group
That should do it. Hope it helps. Good luck.
I feel like you are trying to create a crosstab, with different subtotals and a general total... Do try looking into crosstabs.. they may be tricky to use, but the end result is great if used properly!

Rearrange fields in crystal report (in bulk)

I have a report with about 20 fields and 1 group by field. When I create a new report and follow the wizard, it helps me create the complete report but all the field are really cramped in togather. They are not really usable in its default layout. I would like to rearrange them (increase size, and move them apart). Can I do that in Crystal Report by selecting multiple fields and change the size. Is there a work around?
Another option for me would be to have all the fields layout on page page sidwise and an top of eachother as if in a table. This actually does look pretty and professional except that headers are missing in this case. Since I am using group by and 1 group contains about 1-5 records, this layout really suits me. Any suggestion what you do when you too many fields in a Crystal Report. I am new to Crystal.
Yes, you can rearrange all the field into crystal report design. you can change the page size from portrait to Landscape. Default wizard provided you some default design. you can change all things after the completing wizard.

Displaying a Tree Structure in Crystal Reports

Does anyone know of a way to represent a tree structure in Crystal Reports?
My big issue is that I don't know the depth of the tree. It is represented in a database table with a simple "childId -> parentId" relationship.
A perfect example would be to open Windows Explorer, and look at the directory tree on the left side. If anyone knows a way to represent that tree, then it'll work for what I need to do too.
My initial attempts have been:
1) to programatically (in C#) add Groups to the report. Unfortunately, you can't create a new instance of the Group class and add it to the Groups collection.
2) recursively nest the same report into itself for each level. In other words:
Unfortunately, SubReports can't contain SubReports.
I really don't want to just add X number of groups into a report and hide the ones I don't need, because I'd have to add a fixed number of nested groups, but technically the data design can support an infinite depth, even though in practice we see up to about 5 levels of depth.
So, any other ideas?
Crystal XI added hierarchical grouping. You'll find this under the Reports menu. I put together a quick org chart report with n-level depth using this. The database table is like:
In the Crystal Report, you select these columns, group by id. Then under "Hierarchical Grouping options" menu under Reports, check off "Group Data Hierarchically", parent Id managerId, and indent appropriately.
The output is like the tree you described in Explorer.