Repositioning of Tab Bar Issues - swift

For the app that I am making, I am using two tab bars, one at the bottom of the screen and one under the navigation bar at the top of the screen. After repositioning the tab bar to the top, when I run the app there is a black rectangle where it would be if not repositioned. How do I get rid of this black box?
Here is the code that moves the tab bar:
import UIKit
class tabControllerDistrict: UITabBarController {
#IBOutlet var bar: UITabBar!
override func viewDidLoad() {
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() { = CGRect( x: 0, y: 0, width: 320, height: 50)
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {

Two things.. first your frame is incorrect. The y value must be 64, because that is the height of the Navigation Bar. Your tool bar would appear behind it if you set it to 0.
Secondly, setting the frame in viewDidLayoutSubviews() is incorrect. According to Apple:
When the bounds change for a view controller's view, the view
adjusts the positions of its subviews and then the system calls this
You aren't changing the superview, so no need to call this function.
Simply set the frame of the bar in viewDidLoad() and it will work perfectly.


get height of a tableView

I have a tableView between a label which is on top (constraints: align center x, align top to 20).
A button is on the bottom (constraints: align center x, align bottom to 50).
And the tableView is aligned between those two objects by top/bottom to 20.
I am trying to read out the height of the tableView, because depending which device I use the height should differ?
But if I use in my code the following, I always get the same height for the tableView.
The print result is always 616.
What am I missing/not understanding correctly?
#IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
Try this method
override func viewWillLayoutSubviews() {
The reason that you see two different values printed is because this method is called right after viewdidload and once again after all the auto layout or auto resizing calculations on the views have been applied. Meaning the method viewDidLayoutSubviews is called every time the view size changes and the view layout has been recalculated.
For more info on this refer to
Apple documentation on viewdidlayoutsubviews
try getting your height in
override func viewWillLayoutSubviews() {
When your view controller is created from a storyboard, all initial frames are equal to your storyboard selected ones, so they will be correct only to device selected in the storyboard
First time you can access real frames is after first layoutSubviews, so you need this:
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
Check out more about view lifecycle here
p.s. newer forget to call super. method when you're overriding something, you may break something easily. Unless the documentation says so or you're really knowing what you're doing

Swift text field border isn't the right width

I have a bottom border that I generated after following the answer here.
This works absolutely great except the border isn't the right width. It's set with constraints to match the width of the button below it but as you can see is coming up short.
What am I missing?
Code :
extension UITextField
func setBottomBorder(withColor color: UIColor)
self.borderStyle = UITextBorderStyle.none
self.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
let width: CGFloat = 3.0
let borderLine = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: self.frame.height - width, width: self.frame.width, height: width))
borderLine.backgroundColor = color
then in the VC :
override func viewDidLoad() {
authorNameOutlet.setBottomBorder(withColor: UIColor.lightGray)
Then Xcode shows...
but the simulator shows...
I've tried this both setting the width of the text field to be 0.7 x the superview width (same as the button below it) and also setting the width of the text field to be equal width of the button but neither works.
This is because of AutoLayout.
You can add autoresizingMask to your line.
borderLine.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleTopMargin]
You are working with with a static frame for the border line view. After viewDidLoad your view controller's view gets resized.
Option 1: (Fast and dirty)
Move your code from viewDidLoad() to viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool). viewWillAppear gets called after the first layout of your view controller's view
Option 2:
Add constraint for your border line view. So that your border line view will resize automatically.
Importent hint:
Do not forget super calls in overrides or you will get strange bugs!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// your code

How to hide NSCollectionView Scroll indicator

I have an NSCollectionView and I would like to hide the horizontal scroll indicators.
I've tried
collectionView.enclosingScrollView?.verticalScroller?.isHidden = true
But it is not working.
Thank you in advance.
hidden didn't work for me too.
The only way I found to hack this, is by changing inset:
(scrollViewCollectionView is of type NSScrollView, this example is while creating NSCollectionView programmatically)
scrollViewCollectionView.documentView?.enclosingScrollView?.scrollerInsets = NSEdgeInsets.init(top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 100, right: 0)
Please note: My NSCollectionView is horizontal, and less then 100 height, this is why this hack resolved in a hidden indicator.
Override hasHorizontalScroller or horizontalScroller to false and nil will cause NSScroller not to be displayed, and NSScrollView will not respond to scroll events.
This means that you can't scroll through NSScrollView's many scrolling methods.
When hasHorizontalScroller = true, horizontalScroller != nil will cause a drawing error.
class MyScrollView : NSScrollView {
// !!! Don't use this !!!
override var hasHorizontalScroller: Bool {
get {
// return false will cause NSScroller not to be displayed
// and NSScrollView will not respond to scroll events,
// this means that you can't scroll through NSScrollView's many scrolling methods.
set {
super.hasHorizontalScroller = newValue
// !!! Don't use this !!!
override var horizontalScroller: NSScroller? {
get {
// return nil will cause NSScroller not to be displayed,
// but it still occupies the drawing area of the parent view.
set {
super.horizontalScroller = newValue
This is the way to hide NSScroller and respond to scroll events correctly. Only useful in versions above 10.7:
class HiddenScroller: NSScroller {
// #available(macOS 10.7, *)
// let NSScroller tell NSScrollView that its own width is 0, so that it will not really occupy the drawing area.
override class func scrollerWidth(for controlSize: ControlSize, scrollerStyle: Style) -> CGFloat {
Create an outlet for the ScrollView which contains the CollectionView as seen here. I've named mine #IBOutlet weak var collectionViewScrollView: NSScrollView!
in viewDidAppear() function add:
collectionViewScrollView.scrollerStyle = .legacy
collectionViewScrollView.verticalScroller?.isHidden = true - for vertical scroll
collectionViewScrollView.horizontalScroller?.isHidden = true - for horizontal scroll
For some reason, in my case it only works if I set the collectionViewScrollView.scrollerStyle to .legacy. Not sure why, but it works.
Setting "Show Vertical Scroller" or "Show Horizontal Scroller" in storyboard doesn't remove the scrollers without setting constrains (height and width) of Bordered Scroll View of Collection View. After I did that and unchecked "Show Vertical Scroller" and "Show Horizontal Scroller" in Attributes Panel in storyboard they disappeared.
I got same problem and just solve it. You can write your own custom NSScrollView and override 2 stored property: hasHorizontalScroller, horizontalScroller, and 1 function scrollWheel(with:). Here's my code:
class MyScrollView: NSScrollView {
override var hasHorizontalScroller: Bool {
get {
return false
set {
super.hasHorizontalScroller = newValue
override var horizontalScroller: NSScroller? {
get {
return nil
set {
super.horizontalScroller = newValue
//comment it or use super for scrroling
override func scrollWheel(with event: NSEvent) {}
And don't forget to set Border Scroll View class to MyScrollView in .xib or storyboard.
Enjoy it!
You can also achieve that via storyboard
I also meet the same problem. MCMatan is right. Please adjust the position of scroller to some place invisible.
scrollView.scrollerInsets = NSEdgeInsets.init(top: 0, left: 0, bottom: -10, right: 0)
for Swift 4 & 5 in UIKit:
for Horizontal:
collectionView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = false
For Vertical:
collectionView.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = false
In my case, the horizontal and vertical scroller of the collection scroll view are only hidden if do exactly as follow:
1. In Interface Builder.
1.a. Select Scroll View —> Attributes Inspector:
+ Uncheck Show Horizontal Scroller.
+ Uncheck Show Vertical Scroller.
+ Uncheck Automactically Hide Scroller.
1.b. Select Size Inspector:
+ Uncheck Automatically Adjust.
1.c. Select Clip View —> Size Inspector:
+ Uncheck Automatically Adjust.
2. In code do exactly as follow:
[self.scrollView setBackgroundColor:[NSColor clearColor]];
[self.scrollView setBorderType:NSNoBorder];
[self.scrollView setHasVerticalScroller:NO];
[self.scrollView setHasHorizontalScroller:NO];
[self.scrollView setAutomaticallyAdjustsContentInsets:NO];
[self.scrollView setContentInsets:NSEdgeInsetsMake(0.0, 0.0, -NSHeight([self.scrollView horizontalScroller].frame), -NSWidth([self.scrollView verticalScroller].frame))];
[self.scrollView setScrollerInsets:NSEdgeInsetsMake(0.0, 0.0, -NSHeight([self.scrollView horizontalScroller].frame), -NSWidth([self.scrollView verticalScroller].frame))];
[self.scrollView setScrollEnable:NO];
NSClipView *clipView = (NSClipView *)[self.scrollView documentView];
if ([clipView isKindOfClass:[NSClipView class]])
[clipView setAutomaticallyAdjustsContentInsets:NO];
[clipView setContentInsets:NSEdgeInsetsZero];
Then the NSCollectionView will fit to the Clip View as same width and height without the horizontal and vertical scrollers.
If someone still needs it, this one trick should work
collectionView.enclosingScrollView?.horizontalScroller?.alphaValue = 0.0

Dragging NSSplitView divider does not resize views

I'm working with Cocoa and I create my views in code (no IB) and I'm hitting an issue with NSSplitView.
I have a NSSplitView that I configure in the following way in my view controller, in Swift:
override func viewDidLoad() {
let splitView = NSSplitView()
splitView.isVertical = true
The resulting view shows the two subviews and the divider for the NSSplitView, and one view is wider than the other. When I drag the diver to change the width, as soon as I release the mouse, the divider goes back to its original position, as if pulled back by a "spring".
I can't resize the two subviews; the right one always keeps a fixed size. However, nowhere in the code I fix the width of that subview, or any of its content, to a constant.
What I would like to achieve instead is that the right view size is not fixed, and that if I drag the divider at halfway through, the subviews will resize accordingly and end up with the same width.
This is a screen recording of the problem:
Edit: here is how I set the constraints. I'm using Carthography, because otherwise setting constraints in code is extremely verbose beyond the most simple cases.
private func createLeftPanel() -> NSView {
let view = NSView()
let table = self.createTable()
constrain(view, table) { view, table in // Cartography magic.
table.edges == view.edges // this just constraints table.trailing to
// view.trailing, to, etc.
return view
private func createRightPanel() -> NSView {
let view = NSView()
let label = NSTextField(labelWithString: "Name of item")
constrain(view, label) { view, label in
label.edges == view.edges
return view

NSPopover tooltip color change

Im totally new to drawing in cocoa and the graphics related stuff.I'm making a popover from the StatusItem button when clicked. But anyways the default appearance of the NSPopover is transient in OS X, but what I want is solid black background. So far I managed to do this. Heres my PopOver view Controller, the View object is totally empty yet.
class PopOverController: NSViewController {
#IBOutlet var PopView: PopOver!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do view setup here.
override func viewWillAppear() {
But anyways this code when compiled fills the Popover with the black solid color except that the little triangle's color from which the popover comes out is unchanged. So How can I not only set the content of the popover but also that popping tooltip?