MongoDB Java driver aggregate String - mongodb

I am getting a String with the structure of JSONArray [ { "abc" : "123" }, { "def" : "456" } ]which I need to use to call mongoCollection.aggregate(theString);
The aggregate function takes List<? extends Bson> and I am not sure what is the best way to convert the String to List<? extends Bson>.
For find() method which takes Bson var1 I am just converting the String to Document using Document.parse(theString);
I am using mongodb 3.4.

I was able to come up with this but it looks a little ugly.
JSONArray array = new JSONArray(theString);
List<Document> list = new ArrayList<>();
for(Object jsonObject : jsonArray){
Document document = Document.parse(jsonObject.toString());


How to use $in mongo query with ReactiveMongo in Play! Framework 2.6?

I am trying to use the following find query,
"uid" : { "$in" : ["value1", "value2"] }
The array ["value1", "value2"] should be set dynamically from Scala Array[String].
Here is my code,
def find(uids: Array[String]): Future[Seq[User]] = {
val query: JsObject = Json.parse(JsonUtil.toInQuery(uids, "uid")).asInstanceOf[JsObject]
The method JsonUtil.toInQuery(uids, "uid") is creating the json string of the query. I have tried using BSONDocument and writing Json query manually instead of passing json string, but it does not seem to work.
Can anyone suggest me a working way to use that query in reactive-mongo with play framework 2.6 ?
public static String toJsonString(String[] arr){
return Json.toJson(arr).toString();
public static String toInQuery(String[] arr, String item){
return "{ \""+item+"\": {\"$in\": "+toJsonString(arr)+"}}";
I got it working. But, not sure if this is the correct approach.

MongoDB:Spring data:- Embedded Array Count

How to identify the number of elements in the particular embedded document (or) how to find the number of elements in the embedded array?
"brand" : [
"name" : "multi",
"descr" : "Multpple"
"name" : "multi",
"descr" : "two"
"name" : "multi",
"descr" : "three"
"name" : "Test",
"narname" : "Nar"
For Eg: In the above document how to find the number of elements that is inside the embedded array BRAND using Spring Data.?
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated !
I don't think there is a method which can get the answer directly.
You can use aggregate to implement it. For example, if you want to get the count of elements in array brand in a specific document, this way should be available (run on mongo shell):
db.Award.aggregate({$match:{_id:id}}, {$unwind:"$brand"}, {$group:{_id:"$_id", count:{$sum:1}}});
count is the result you want.
Then implement that using spring-data-mongodb syntax.
-------------- APPENDED ---------------------
// You can find the relative aggregation method from file to handle your requirements.
// For exmaple:
// public <O> AggregationResults<O> aggregate(Aggregation aggregation, Class<?> inputType, Class<O> outputType)
// The version is around spring-data-mongodb-1.5.0 or higher.
// Below I call the mongo-java-driver directly because I find it needs some time to learn it from spring-data-mongodb. :)
protected int getArraySize(Object id, String collName) {
// Attention: make sure id is in the correct data type because the following statement would not convert it automatically.
// Issue codes according to this command line:
// db.Award.aggregate({$match:{_id:id}}, {$unwind:"$brand"}, {$group:{_id:"$_id", count:{$sum:1}}});
DBObject match = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().push("$match").append("_id", id).get();
DBObject unwind = new BasicDBObject("$unwind", "$brand");
DBObject group = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().push("$group").append("_id", "$_id").push("count").append("$sum", 1).get();
List<DBObject> pipeline = Arrays.asList(match, unwind, group);
// This aggregate method is supported in higher version of mongo-java-driver, here I use is 2.12.3
AggregationOutput aggr = this.mongoTemplate.getCollection(collName).aggregate(pipeline);
for (DBObject dbo : aggr.results()) {
Object count = dbo.get("count");
if (count instanceof Number) {
return ((Number)count).intValue();
return 0;

How to build an $in query of ObjectIds using QueryBuilder with MongoDB

I am trying to build an $in query with QueryBuilder (MongoDB Java API 2.9.1). I have no problem when the query is an array of strings but when I try with an array of ObjectIds it doesn't work (returns nothing).
I am able to run the query successfully and get a result from the console:
Query in console:
db.collection.find({removed:false,app_id: {$in : [ObjectId("4f75c533ac99d845186e19b2"), ObjectId("4f75c533ac99d845186e19b3")]}})
Query created by QueryBuilder (MongoDB Java API 2.9.1):
Object[] ids;
Java code:
DBObject query = QueryBuilder.start("app_id").in(ids).and("removed").is(false).get();
ToString on DBObject produces:
{ "app_id" : { "$in" : [ { "$oid" : "4f75c533ac99d845186e19b2"}]} , "removed" : false}
Not sure if I am doing something wrong or the API doesn't support and $in query of type ObjectId. Any ideas?
Your ids should be of type org.bson.types.ObjectId so something like this should work:
import org.bson.types.ObjectId;
ObjectId[] ids = new ObjectId[]{
new ObjectId("1234568abcd"),
new ObjectId("1234567abcd")};
DBObject query = QueryBuilder.start("app_id").in(ids)

Remove an array entry in an object using spring data mongodb

I recently spent some time trying to use the $pull operator through Spring's Data MongoOperations interface, so I thought it would be nice to share my findings in case anyone bumps into a similar problem.
So here it goes...
I have 2 java POJOs like so :
public class OutterObject{
private String id;
private String name;
private List<InnerDocument> innerDocs;
public class InnerDocument{
private String id;
private String name;
This is stored in a Mongo collection like so :
"_id" : "doc2",
"_class" : "OutterObject",
"name" : "doc2",
"innerDocs" : [{
"_id" : "innerDoc21",
"name" : "innerDoc21"
}, {
"_id" : "innerDoc22",
"name" : "innerDoc22"
I'm trying to use the $pull operator in order to remove all objects inside the innerDoc collection having a name value = "innerDoc22".
I know how to accomplish this using the mongo driver like so :
List<String> ids =
BasicDBObject find = new BasicDBObject();
BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("$in", ids).get());
BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject();
BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("name", "innerDoc22").get()).get());
DBCollection col= mongoOperations.getDb().getCollection("outterObject");
col.update(find , update);
I'm trying to accomplish the same thing using Spring's MongoOperations Interface.
Here is my code using the MongoOperations interface :
List<String> ids = Arrays.asList("innerDoc22");
Query removeQuery = Query.query(Criteria.where("").in(ids));
WriteResult wc = mongoOperations.upsert(
new Update().pull("", "innerDoc22"),
I'm not getting any errors when calling getLastError() the update is simply not done in the database.
I know a similar question has already been asked here but the answer that was given does not use the MongoOperations interface.
After searching a bit and looking at the source code I realized that I needed to pass an InnerDocument object as a second parameter to the pull method so that the spring classes would be able to do the mapping correctly.
As it turns out I can navigate objects while selecting objects (I'm using "" in the removeQuery) but I cannot (or havent found a way) do the same when updating a document.
Below is how I implemented the query using MongoOperations :
List<String> ids = Arrays.asList("innerDoc22", "innerDoc21");
Query removeQuery = Query.query(Criteria.where("").in(ids));
WriteResult wc =
new Update().pull("innerDocs",
new InnerDocument("innerDoc22", null)),
You can also use the BasicDBObject instead of the InnerDocument I found this out by accident. By printing out the update object, you can see the actual mongo shell query json, which is super helpful for debugging.
Update updateObj = new Update()
.pull("innerDocs", new BasicDBObject("","innerDoc22"));
System.out.println("UPDATE OBJ: " + updateObj.toString());
results in:
UPDATE OBJ: { "$pull" : { "innerDocs" : { "" : "innerDoc22"}}}
I tried the solution given by med116 and I had to modify it to work :
Update updateObj = new Update().pull("innerDocs", new BasicDBObject("name","innerDoc22"));
Because otherwise there was no matching object in my array.
in spring data mongo,just like this:
//remove array's one elem
UpdateResult wc = mongoTemplate.upsert(removeQuery,new Update().pull("tags",Query.query(Criteria.where("tag").is("java"))),TestPull.class);
//remove array's multi-elem
UpdateResult wc1 = mongoTemplate.upsert(removeQuery,new Update().pull("tags",Query.query(Criteria.where("tag").in(Arrays.asList("mongo", "netty")))),TestPull.class);
If you simply want to remove an element from array which does not have any other property like name then write the query you wish and
Update update = new Update();
That's my solution - thanks to #ufasoli:
public Mono<ProjectChild> DeleteCritTemplChild(String id, String idch) {
Query query = new Query();
Update update = new Update();
update.set("tasks.$", null);
return template
// findAndModify:
// Find/modify/get the "new object" from a single operation.
query, update,
new FindAndModifyOptions().returnNew(true), ProjectChild.class
This works for me!
UpdateResult updateResult = mongoTemplate.updateMulti(new Query(where("id").is(activity.getId())), new Update().pull("comments", new Query(where("id").is(commentId))), Activity.class);
It will generate:
Calling update using query: { "_id" : { "$oid" : "61f900e7c7b79442eb3855ea"}} and update: { "$pull" : { "comments" : { "_id" : "61fac32e3f9ab5646e016bc8"}}} in collection: activity

Mongo DB query in java

I have to write a complex mongo query using java but am not able to do it.
The mongo query looks like this: {
$or: [
{ key1: { $in : [764] } },
{ key2: {$in : [list2] } },
{ $and [ { key2 : 3}, {key4:67} ] }
I have to write the above query using the QueryBuilder class. In what way can I do it?
Using QueryBuilder your query should look like this
DBObject query = QueryBuilder.start().or(
Consider using jongo (an API over mongo-java-driver) you can simply copy/paste queries from the shell :
collection.findOne("{$or:[{key1: {$in:[764]}},{key2:{$in:[#]}}, {$and:[{key3:3},{key4:67}]}]}", keys).as(People.class);
I had the same problem and i got a solution in another way :
ArrayList orList = new ArrayList();
ArrayList andList = new ArrayList();
orList.add(new BasicDBObject("key1", new BasicDBObject("$in", 764)));
orList.add(new BasicDBObject("key2", new BasicDBObject("$in", list2)));
andList.add(new BasicDBObject("key2", 3));
andList.add(new BasicDBObject("key4", 67));
orList.add(new BasicDBObject("$and", andList));
BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("$or", orList);