Updating a Domino room reservation using the Domino Data API - rest

We are integrating another application with Domino using the Domino REST API from here
We are able to update the details of the room reservation but it doesn't release the availability of the room from the updated date/time
For instance, if someone booked a room for a meeting from 9am - 10am and it ended at 9.30am, our application can update the EndDateTime of the document but the room is still blocked in the resource calendar till 10am.
How do we properly update the room reservation?

Booking a room with the data API is tricky. You need to understand every detail of the data model in the reservation database. I recommend using the REST calendar API instead of the data API.
For more details, see the answer to this question.


Microsoft Graph Api GET events showing details of private meetings in meeting room calendars

To collect data on the occupancy of rooms I am querying MS Graph API using the List Events endpoint
The issue is that I need the number of occupants in a room and the time of a meeting however it seems to return information about Private events showing the name of the events plus the attendees. For privacy reasons, this data cannot be handed out around the organization. I have tried using getschedule API endpoint but this seems to not show enough data. i.e. doesn't show the number of attendees
Does anyone know if I am missing something with List Events on how to not look into details of Private Events?

Does anyone know what is the API hit limit for the APP STORE SERVER API per day?

I am trying to fetch recent subscription information by using original transaction Id on a "app store server API" provided by an Apple. I want to know how many request can I hit per day. Anyone who has worked in this API requests previously, please help me.

Does Azure RateCard REST API cater price changes?

Does Azure RateCard REST API include information about price changes?
For example, if the price changed in June 2016, is there a way to find out both the old and new prices for a particular meter?
There is an EffectiveDate attribute but I haven't seen a case where there are multiple attributes with this name to indicate price change.
Azure RateCard Rest API is still in preview. We can use this API to get meter metadata information along with price, as I know, it does not support show old price for a particular meter. please submit this voice at Azure feedback forum.

time interval after which analytics server is updated

I am creating a report, in which i have to show the number of sessions, users and registrations that have occurred today in a live feed. I see that the ga dashboard is updated only till 7 am in the morning although its 10:41 am right now. Can I know after what time interval does the analytics server is updated? I am using core analytics api to fetch the data as of now, if any other api suits my requirements do suggest.

How to read or detect new data in REST Webservice

I've created a REST-webservice with cakePHP for my mobile app. And the idea is to allow customers to load new data in to the system. Now the mobile app will have to check if there is new data available in the system. It can do this by asking the webservice which returns json. Now my question is how can i store the customers data so when i query the webservice it shows which data is new so i can use the new data and leave the old ones?
When querying you will need a way to track which data is already loaded. Depending on the type of data, sending or tracking the last update may suffice (to filter by a creation date), as may a "sent" flag per client on the server side.