time interval after which analytics server is updated - google-analytics-api

I am creating a report, in which i have to show the number of sessions, users and registrations that have occurred today in a live feed. I see that the ga dashboard is updated only till 7 am in the morning although its 10:41 am right now. Can I know after what time interval does the analytics server is updated? I am using core analytics api to fetch the data as of now, if any other api suits my requirements do suggest.


Importing google calendar availability for clients in flutter

I am creating an app for a business where the user is able to select an available time slot for an appointment, then schedule it. On the backend I'd like to pull available times from my personal google calendar, let them select a time slot, then see the events autopopulate to my google calendar so I have them clearly there. I am having a really hard time finding documentation on how to use the google calendar API to pull events from a hard coded (not a user authentication sign in) google account. Can anyone help here?

Does anyone know what is the API hit limit for the APP STORE SERVER API per day?

I am trying to fetch recent subscription information by using original transaction Id on a "app store server API" provided by an Apple. I want to know how many request can I hit per day. Anyone who has worked in this API requests previously, please help me.

Google analytics uses java to report, the time of reporting data is one day difference

request log
google analytics
You can see that I reported a purchase event on March 3rd, but the GA shows March 2nd,
I use this request address

Paypal Sync Api last_refreshed_datetime - what does it mean, how often it refreshes?

Paypal documentation for PayPal Sync API (https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/sync/v1/).
It gives some mysterious date, named "last_refreshed_datetime".
On the sandbox server it is usually in the past, once it was a few days in the past, now it is 2 hours in the past.
What does it mean? How often it refreshes?
I only know that if I create a transaction it will not be visible on PayPal Sync API until the refresh date will not be later than the transaction date. And I'm guessing it should be the transaction approval date that does not presented on this report. The transaction approval date is available on transaction object (https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/subscriptions/v1/#definition-transaction), it is called "time".
time string
The date and time when the transaction was processed, in Internet date and time format.
Read only.
I have reached out to the product development team for the SYNC API and have gotten the following clarifications in regards to your questions:
If the "last_refreshed_datetime" (Time until which we have data available in our system) is smaller than the requested end date then, in the API response we show end date as "last_refreshed_datetime". As we only have data up until that point. In general there should be around 4-6hrs of delay.
From my own experience on sandbox, on different occasions it was 6.5, 2.5 hours and even 2 days behind.

Receiving alerts for high error counts with no known source

We've been receiving alerts for two endpoints, GET {anonymous-user-id} and GET {anonymous-user-id}/permissions, and we've been unable to track down the source. There has been no change to any of our client or server code bases that call the Facebook API. In fact, I'm not even sure that we call these endpoints with our code. We allow users to join our site through Facebook authentication and that's about it. So I guess I need some basic (or perhaps a better adjective: stupid? apologies) questions answered for my own understanding.
After a Facebook Login, we call https://graph.facebook.com/v2.2/me to get the user's information. Is this somehow the cause of dashboard/analytics as the GET endpoints we're seeing reported?
What is the significance of the {anonymous-user-id}? Every API call we make for user information includes their authorization token, which seems to be strictly non-anonymous.
The Alert messages list the error codes 412 "User has not installed the application" and 100 "Invalid parameter". Is there any way to get more information on which users are encountering this problem? A user ID, IP address, User agent string, etc. Or which parameter being passed in is invalid?
Even more strange than the sudden ramp up of errors is that they seem to be dying down on their own without any intervention on our part. The counts go like this:
Feb 6th: ~300 errors per day, steady for as far back as we could observe in the dashboard
Feb 15th: Gradual ramp up to ~15k per day, roughly following exponential growth
Feb 20th: Growth between +50% and +100% per day, reaching 250k / day
Feb 22nd: Finally peaks at 315k / day
Feb 25th: Steady fall off to ~250k / day then rapid fall off down to 2k on Mar 1st
Could this be some kind of brute force attempt on user records in our app? The total API call count graph shows a similar bulge in requests, so successful calls (subtracting the error counts) seemed to stay flat during this time. Finally, the deeper metrics for logins by platform did not budge. We have not been able to find any client or server logs that report any increase in errored calls to FB APIs.
One finer point: yes our server code is still using graph version 2.2. I am executing the upgrade now, after having been thoroughly side tracked by this investigation. Our Desktop/mWeb code was upgraded to version 2.8 last year, and our mobile clients are being upgraded now as well.
Please let me know if there is anywhere else I can turn to get more information on this.