How to start watchApp from iPhone - apple-watch

I am developing a watch app and I want the watch app to activate when I start the app on the iPhone, but I can't find out how to do that.
The question has been asked in a number of forums and the answer has always been "Not possible", but there must be another answer as there are plenty of apps that do open the watch app automatically: Maps, Podcasts to name but two.
So what's the secret?

Here is the code snippet. You are supposed to only use it for a workout app but on the watch side you don't really have to start HKWorkoutSession.
let workoutConfiguration = HKWorkoutConfiguration()
workoutConfiguration.activityType = .traditionalStrengthTraining
workoutConfiguration.locationType = .indoor
if WCSession.isSupported(), WCSession.default().activationState == .activated , WCSession.default().isWatchAppInstalled{
healthStore.startWatchApp(with: workoutConfiguration, completion: { (success, error) in


CloudKit CKShare URL Goes Nowhere

I have successfully saved a CKShare URL to CloudKit, and I can see that the user is INVITED in the CloudKit Dashboard. My Mac app emailed the URL to that person, but when they click it, all they see it this screen on
Clicking OK makes everything disappear so all you see is the background on the web page.
My understanding is that the URL is supposed to open my Mac app where it will fire userDidAcceptCloudKitShareWith in my app delegate. But it does nothing.
Could this be because my app is in development and not in the Mac App Store yet? Do I need a custom URL scheme to get it to open my app?
Documentation on this stuff is pretty sparse. I'd love any help someone can provide.
I have since learned that you must specify a fallback URL for your CloudKit container. In cases where the app isn't installed (or isn't recognized, which seems to be the case when doing dev builds in Xcode like I am), CloudKit will forward share URL to somewhere you specify. They append the unique share ID to the URL so that you can process it on your own web page.
In the CloudKit dashboard, go to Environment Settings... and you'll see this popup:
I have it redirect to and on my web page where it redirects to, I do a $_GET['id'] to grab the id. I then do another redirect to my application using a custom URL scheme and pass the share ID (e.g. myapp://abc123 where abc123 is the share ID).
In my app delegate, I receive the URL like this:
func application(_ application: NSApplication, open urls: [URL]) {
if let url = urls.first, let shareId ={
fetchShare(shareId) //<-- sharedId = abc123
I then use CKFetchShareMetadataOperation to look up the URL of the share and CKAcceptSharesOperation to accept it like this:
func fetchShare(shareId: String){
if let url = URL(string: "\(shareId)"){
let operation = CKFetchShareMetadataOperation(shareURLs: [url])
operation.perShareMetadataBlock = { url, metadata, error in
if let metadata = metadata{
acceptShare(metadata: metadata)
operation.fetchShareMetadataCompletionBlock = { error in
if let error = error{
print("fetch Share error: \(error)")
func acceptShare(metadata: CKShareMetadata){
let operation = CKAcceptSharesOperation(shareMetadatas: [metadata])
operation.acceptSharesCompletionBlock = { error in
if let error = error{
print("accept share error: \(error)")
//Share accepted!
I think there are easier ways to work through this using NSItemProvider and NSSharingService, but I'm doing a lot of custom UI and wanted to have full control of the share workflow.
I hope this helps someone. :)

Is the SKStoreReviewController API also available for MacOS, and if yes, how to implement it?

I am using the SKStoreReviewController API in my iOS app to get reviews of my app. I also wanted to implement this into my MacOS app, but it seems that this is not possible. I imported StoreKit, but it says "Use of unresolved identifier 'SKStoreReviewController'". Do I need to implement this differently, or is this not meant to be used for the Mac Appstore?
As Marek pointed out, the SKStoreReviewController class is available since macOS 10.14+.
Use the requestReview() method to indicate when it makes sense within the logic of your app to ask the user for ratings and reviews within your app.
Apple still recommends in the Human Interface Guidelines to don't use buttons or other controls to request feedback and trigger, but trigger it only in other situations.
Apple has a nice example code to handle the review showing only for specific actions:
// If the count has not yet been stored, this will return 0
var count = UserDefaults.standard.integer(forKey: UserDefaultsKeys.processCompletedCountKey)
count += 1
UserDefaults.standard.set(count, forKey: UserDefaultsKeys.processCompletedCountKey)
print("Process completed \(count) time(s)")
// Get the current bundle version for the app
let infoDictionaryKey = kCFBundleVersionKey as String
guard let currentVersion = Bundle.main.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: infoDictionaryKey) as? String
else { fatalError("Expected to find a bundle version in the info dictionary") }
let lastVersionPromptedForReview = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: UserDefaultsKeys.lastVersionPromptedForReviewKey)
// Has the process been completed several times and the user has not already been prompted for this version?
if count >= 4 && currentVersion != lastVersionPromptedForReview {
let twoSecondsFromNow = + 2.0
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: twoSecondsFromNow, execute: {
UserDefaults.standard.set(currentVersion, forKey: UserDefaultsKeys.lastVersionPromptedForReviewKey)
Even though when I only call SKStoreReviewController.requestReview() there's no review prompt appearing. Does anyone know a a specific trick for macOS?
Edit: I've submitted an update to the app store and the review prompt is working! I don't know why it's not appearing when testing, but in production it seems to work!
SKStoreReviewController is for iOS only as seen in the "SDK" section of the
To let users write reviews, you will have to use the link to the Mac App Store.
let appid = 9999999999 // put your app id here
if let url = URL(string: "\?(appid)ls=1&mt=8&action=write-review") {
SKStoreReviewController is available even on macOS 10.14+, but sometimes i wasn't able to make it work with SKStoreReviewController.requestReview() so I use the manual mode that you can find here:
let appId = 1547575778 //Your app Id from the Itunes Connect portal
if let url = URL(string: "\(appId)?action=write-review") {
SKStoreReviewController is available since macOS 10.14
You can use my tiny wrapper:
// Review after 3 launches
AppReview.requestIf(launches: 3)
// Review after 5 days
AppReview.requestIf(days: 5)
// Review after 3 launches and 5 days
AppReview.requestIf(launches: 3, days: 5)

Unable to open YouTube URL to be played on YouTube tvOS Application

How do I open a YouTube URL (from my tvOS Application) to the YouTube tvOS Application?
My url fits the youtube url scheme indicated by apple. The prints I get when I run this (on the actual apple tv device) is as follows:
"Can open shared application url."
"tvOS 10.0 detected"
"Result... false"
So for some reason it's telling me that I'm able to open the url, but then when I attempt to open it. Nothing happens (except for that last print ( see 3. above ))
let url = URL(string: "")
if UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url){
print("Can open shared application url.")
if #available(tvOS 10.0, *) {
print("tvOS 10.0 detected"){res in
print("Result..." + String(res))
} else {
// Fallback on earlier versions
Youtube URL Scheme:
Native app URL strings:
Many tvOS devs would like to have an option to play YouTube content in their apps on the AppleTV, which is only possible through the YouTube app. It's up to Google to add support for URL schemes compatible with the ones available in the iOS version of the app and they don't seem motivated to make this extra effort.
While the methods do exist to open a URL in a shared application, it does not seem to be supported (by YouTube?) as of right now.
The best I was able to do was to open YouTube Apple Tv App, but it is unable to play the video I wanted.

How to launch Health iOS app from another iOS APP

I am trying to launch Health app from my application.
I usually try with the following lines of code for launching application like as
let mystr = "health://"
let myurl = NSURL(string: mystr)!
if (UIApplication.sharedApplication().canOpenURL(myurl))
print("unable to open")
I tried above code.i am getting error ("null").
Some one please help in this issue.
Thanks in advance.
With iOS 10+ try this:
let mystr = "x-apple-health://"
Maybe in objective.c:
-(IBAction)openAppHealth:(id)sender {
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"x-apple-health://"] options:#{} completionHandler:nil];
with new openURL for iOS 10
openURL: deprecated in iOS 10
You cannot open HealthApp directly from your app. Because OS is supporting only for opening the settings App using UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString. If we use URL scheme to open the HealthApp, then Apple may reject the App in review process.
I don't have any experience with the HealthKit framework but here's what I found :
According to Open Apple Health programmatically you cannot create a deeplink from your app to the Health app because it is not supported.
If you'd wish to use the Health app's data you'll have to implement the HealthKit framework into your app and asks for permission to your users.
I tried to deeplink into the Health app using code that works for other apps and got the same results as you.

Sharing on WhatsApp in iOS 9.0

I m new in iOS development and i want to integrate WhatsApp sharing in my app in ios 9.0 . i have searched various methods but they all are depreciated in ios 9.0
Can anyone suggest me updated method for the same,
#IBAction func whattsappInvite(sender: UIButton)
let urlString = "Hello Friends, Sharing some data here... !"
let urlStringEncoded = urlString.stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(.URLHostAllowedCharacterSet())
let url = NSURL(string: "whatsapp://send?text=\(urlStringEncoded!)")
if UIApplication.sharedApplication().canOpenURL(url!) {
Apple changed the canOpenURL method on iOS 9. Apps which are checking for URL Schemes have to declare these Schemes as it is submitted to Apple. Else canOpenURL returns false.
Add whatsapp field in LSApplicationQueriesSchemes in info.plist of your app.
Or try using whatsapp share extension
To share with Whatsapp, you can use your code or this one as a base :
var whatsappURL:NSURL?= NSURL(string: "whatsapp://send?text=Hello%2C%20World!")
if (UIApplication.sharedApplication().canOpenURL(whatsappURL)) {
None of these methods are deprecated in iOS 9.0.