CloudKit CKShare URL Goes Nowhere - cloudkit

I have successfully saved a CKShare URL to CloudKit, and I can see that the user is INVITED in the CloudKit Dashboard. My Mac app emailed the URL to that person, but when they click it, all they see it this screen on
Clicking OK makes everything disappear so all you see is the background on the web page.
My understanding is that the URL is supposed to open my Mac app where it will fire userDidAcceptCloudKitShareWith in my app delegate. But it does nothing.
Could this be because my app is in development and not in the Mac App Store yet? Do I need a custom URL scheme to get it to open my app?
Documentation on this stuff is pretty sparse. I'd love any help someone can provide.

I have since learned that you must specify a fallback URL for your CloudKit container. In cases where the app isn't installed (or isn't recognized, which seems to be the case when doing dev builds in Xcode like I am), CloudKit will forward share URL to somewhere you specify. They append the unique share ID to the URL so that you can process it on your own web page.
In the CloudKit dashboard, go to Environment Settings... and you'll see this popup:
I have it redirect to and on my web page where it redirects to, I do a $_GET['id'] to grab the id. I then do another redirect to my application using a custom URL scheme and pass the share ID (e.g. myapp://abc123 where abc123 is the share ID).
In my app delegate, I receive the URL like this:
func application(_ application: NSApplication, open urls: [URL]) {
if let url = urls.first, let shareId ={
fetchShare(shareId) //<-- sharedId = abc123
I then use CKFetchShareMetadataOperation to look up the URL of the share and CKAcceptSharesOperation to accept it like this:
func fetchShare(shareId: String){
if let url = URL(string: "\(shareId)"){
let operation = CKFetchShareMetadataOperation(shareURLs: [url])
operation.perShareMetadataBlock = { url, metadata, error in
if let metadata = metadata{
acceptShare(metadata: metadata)
operation.fetchShareMetadataCompletionBlock = { error in
if let error = error{
print("fetch Share error: \(error)")
func acceptShare(metadata: CKShareMetadata){
let operation = CKAcceptSharesOperation(shareMetadatas: [metadata])
operation.acceptSharesCompletionBlock = { error in
if let error = error{
print("accept share error: \(error)")
//Share accepted!
I think there are easier ways to work through this using NSItemProvider and NSSharingService, but I'm doing a lot of custom UI and wanted to have full control of the share workflow.
I hope this helps someone. :)


Catch Error Reading File From Disk - You Don't Have Permissions

I am using the following code in the AppDel. This is triggered when a user taps on a gpx file or uses the share option to share the file with my app. At this point it is the user that specified that they are allowing my app to access the file so I'm a little confused a to why this is still being denied. Any advice much appreciated.
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any]) -> Bool {
if let dir = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first {
let fileURL = dir.appendingPathComponent(url.lastPathComponent)
if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: fileURL.path) {
print("File already exists")
else {
do {
try FileManager.default.copyItem(at: url, to: fileURL)
print("Did write file to disk")
catch {
print("Catch error writing file to disk: \(error)")
return true
The error prints to the console as follows:
Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=257 "The file
“Beech_Hill_Long_Route.gpx” couldn’t be opened because you don’t have
permission to view it."
NSUnderlyingError=0x282c19a70 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1
"Operation not permitted"}}
I'm less knowledgeable about exactly how this works on iOS, but I do have some knowledge about how it works for macOS, and the two should be similar. For macOS sandboxed apps the user has to select the file outside of the sandbox specifically via NSOpenPanel or NSSavePanel. The equivalent on iOS would be UIDocumentPickerViewController, but I assume an explicit share would work too. Based on that, here's how I would think about it and what I would try, if I were faced with your problem:
You've got two URLs involved in your call to FileManager.default.copy(). It's not clear which one is producing the error, so I'll consider both.
First let's look at fileURL. You're constructing it to put a file in the user's Documents directory. On macOS at least, that directory is not in the app's sandbox, which means asking the user via NSSavePanel (which also means they might decide to put it somewhere else). You might have to do the UIKit equivalent, or just make sure you're picking a location that is in your sandbox.
To test that, instead of doing the copy, try writing to fileURL to isolate just that one. For example:
do { try "TestString".data(using: .utf8)?.write(url: fileURL) }
catch { print("Write failed: \(error.localizedDescription)") }
If that fails, then your problem is with fileURL, in which case you may need to use UIDocumentPickerViewController to save it, or pick a location that's definitely in the app's sandbox.
If the test succeeds, the problem must be with the incoming URL.
I'm going to assume that url is already security scoped, because I'm not sure how sharing would even work otherwise. What I think is most likely happening behind the scenes is that when the user shares a URL with your app, iOS creates a security-scoped bookmark from the URL and sends the bookmark rather than the URL to your app. Then on your app's end, that bookmark is used to reconstitute the URL before passing it on to your app's delegate. If I'm right about that you'll need to open and close a security scope to use it:
// access your file here
Note that stopAccessingSecurityScopeResource() has to be called on the main thread, so if you're code is happening asynchronously you'll need to schedule it to run there:
// access your file here
DispatchQueue.main.async { url.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() }
If you need to save the URL itself to use in a future run of your program... you can't. Well, you can, but it won't be valid, so you'll be right back to permissions errors. Instead you have to save a bookmark, and then in that future run, reconstruct the URL from the bookmark.
let bookmark = try url.bookmarkData(
options: .withSecurityScope,
includingResourceValuesForKeys: nil,
relativeTo: nil
bookmark is an instance of Data, so you can write that to UserDefaults or wherever you might want to save it. To get a URL back from it later:
var isStale = false
let url = try URL(
resolvingBookmarkData: bookmark,
options: .withSecurityScope,
relativeTo: nil,
bookmarkDataIsStale: &isStale
if isStale
let newBookmark = try url.bookmarkData(
options: .withSecurityScope,
includingResourceValuesForKeys: nil,
relativeTo: nil
// Save the new bookmark
Note that if isStale is true after the initializer returns, then you need to remake and resave the bookmark.
It's a shame that we have to go through this much trouble, but we live in a world where some people insist on doing bad things to other people's devices and data, so it's what we have to deal with the protect users from malicious data breaches.

Firebase Offline Support: upload posts while user is offline and sync when user comes online in iOS Swift app

I am using firebase in an iOS-Swift project in which I have to enable offline support for uploading posts, in the post there is a picture and caption just like Instagram, so what I want is when user is offline and he/she wants to upload a post, his/her picture get saved in cache and when user comes online that photo get uploaded and give back a download url that we can use for saving posts-details it in database.
sample code is:
let photoIDString = UUID().uuidString
let storageRef = "storage ref URL").child("posts").child(photoIDString)
storageRef.putData(imageData, metadata: nil, completion: { (metadata, error) in
guard let metadata = metadata else {
if error != nil {
storageRef.downloadURL(completion: { ( url, error ) in
guard let downloadURL = url else {
let photoUrl = downloadURL.absoluteString
self.sendDataToDatabase(photoUrl: photoUrl)
I want to know what changes should I make in my code to provide the offline capability. Any code snippet will help more.
The problem is better view as re-send to server when there is an error.
For your offline case, you can check if the error return is a network error, or manually check network connection availability.
You can create a re-send array of object
var resendList : [YourObjectType]
// when failed to send to server
And then, 2 solutions:
Check the network connectivity manually and reupload in when the app become active in func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) in appDelegate. For checking connectivity you can try the method here: Check for internet connection with Swift But this has a problem that, the user has to go out the app and back again with network connected
Keep track(listen to notification) on the connectivity change, using a suggestion method by and reupload it to server
and loop through all objects in resendList and re-upload again.
I am not an iOS developer, but I can share logical flow and some references.
When user clicks on upload: Check if network is available?
if yes: upload the post.
if no:
save the post to app storage or offline database
set broadcast receiver to receive broadcast when device comes online. This link may be helpful.
upload post when device comes online.
If you are looking for solution that is offered by Firebase, you may find more details here.
Firebase offers you plenty of ways to do this in their documentation.
When uploading to the firebase server, it will queue itself and wait until it has a internet connection again to upload. If this happens to timeout or you want to do it your own way just attempt to upload with a completionHandler on the setValue or updateChild functions - if not successfully and the error message is because of internet, add it to a local cache to the phone with the data and the path to the firebase server.
onLoad, attempt the same upload again until it succeeds, once it succeeds - clear the local cache.

URL Schemes not working on macOS

I'm working on an app that needs to get an authorization token from an external provider.
So, I need a custom URL scheme for the redirection callback.
The redirection callback is: chirper://success.
I registered the URL Scheme in my Info.plist:
I also added the following method in my AppDelegate.swift:
func handleGetURLEvent(event: NSAppleEventDescriptor?, replyEvent: NSAppleEventDescriptor?) {
if let aeEventDescriptor = event?.paramDescriptor(forKeyword: AEKeyword(keyDirectObject)) {
if let urlStr = aeEventDescriptor.stringValue {
let url = URL(string: urlStr)
// do something with the URL
But when I open the redirection callback URL with Safari, this is what I get:
Safari can't open this URL because macOS doesn't recognize URLs that start with chirper:
Try to "Clean Build Folder" and rebuild. Did help for me. Looks like this is required in some cases.
According to the answer to this question, the problem is the inclusion of :// in the callback URL. If you remove those, the URL should be opened. I found this was correct on macOS 10.15.5.

redirect uri causing issues when navigating to an oauth url

I am trying to navigate to the Microsoft Live oauth authentication page so that I can authorize my user and get a token for use by the app. When I use the following NSURL string, I am able to navigate to the site and authorize my app, retrieving the token.
let stringUrl = "\(clientId)&scope=\(scope)&response_type=code"
let url = NSURL(string: stringUrl)!
However, I want to redirect back to my app (using SFSafariViewController). In order to do so, I added a URL Scheme to my app, and passed that in as the redirect_uri in the URL.
let stringUrl = "\(clientId)&scope=\(scope)&response_type=code&redirect_uri=Lifestream://onedrive-oauth-callback"
let url = NSURL(string: stringUrl)!
However the Live login site gives me an error saying something went wrong and it couldn't continue. This error occurs before the oauth login page is displayed. It happens immediately upon navigating to the URL.
Am I creating my URL scheme incorrectly, or passing the scheme in to the redirect uri improperly? I'm confused as to why it works fine without the redirect_uri, but the site can't load when I provide it.
Can someone point me in the right direction on how I am supposed to pass a redirect url for my app, into an oauth redirect?
It seems that Microsoft does not allow you to register a redirect URL that is a App URL scheme. I dont know how to get this info back into my app then, other than just paying for a site I can point MSFT to, which would then do nothing but redirects into the app for me.
I had a similar OAuth problem and didn't want to mess around with a web server so instead what I did was kinda cheeky. Make a UIWebView and put the request on the web view. Then delegate it to yourself and pass the redirect URL to be http://localhost:8000 (it can be anything like that it really doesn't matter). Then inside the delegate do this:
func webView(webView: UIWebView, shouldStartLoadWithRequest request: NSURLRequest, navigationType: UIWebViewNavigationType) -> Bool
if let URL = request.URL?.absoluteString
// This should be the redirect URL that you pass it can be anything like local host mentioned above.
if URL.hasPrefix(redirectURL)
// Now you can simply do some string manipulation to pull out the relevant components.
// I'm not sure what sort of token or how you get it back but assuming the redirect URL is
// YourRedirectURL&code=ACCESS_TOKEN and you want access token heres how you would get it.
var code : String?
if let URLParams = request.URL?.query?.componentsSeparatedByString("&")
for param in URLParams
let keyValue = param.componentsSeparatedByString("=")
let key = keyValue.first
if key == "code"
code = keyValue.last
// Here if code != nil then it has the ACCESS_TOKEN and you are done! If its nil something went wrong.
return false // So that the webview doesnt redirect to the dummy URL you passed.
return true
This is sorta hacky but it works great and you don't need any server nor do you need a redirect URI on your app, its an awesome way to do it in my opinion. You could optimize this for swift 2 to reduce the indentation by using guards but I wrote this before it came out so...
Hope this helps!

Call back url for iOS app?

I am working on a project where I share video on Vimeo. In this My app open a video where user needs to press authorize button to authorize the app at Vimeo and to get access tokens. So, for this, my app opens safari and open Vimeo's site there. The user needs to press allow button then it has to come back again to the app. But I am not able to know what should be the call back url to make the Safari/Vimeo to come back to my app.
Please suggest your views regarding this.
You need to set a custom URL scheme for your app by editing your app's Info.plist. There's plenty of documentation about this on Apple's developer website. Here's an article that goes into detail:
Then your website just needs to open a url that uses your app's url scheme (eg: myappscheme://do/something/cool?foo=bar). If your app cares about any data passed in to it via your website then implement the "application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:" method and inspect the NSURL passed in. You can read more about this in Apple's documentation:
You need to implement something called 'URL Scheme' to your app, which means register your app to a certain url, so it can be opened from.
1) You should add a row to your info.plist file.
2) You need to listen to the url in your app, and do what needed.
Google for more info...
To support a custom URL scheme:
Define the format for your app's URLs.
Register your scheme so that the system directs appropriate URLs to your app.
Handle the URLs that your app receives.
URLs must start with your custom scheme name. Add parameters for any options your app supports. For example, a photo library app might define a URL format that includes the name or index of a photo album to display.
an example is :
Register Your URL Scheme
click on project target and goto info page
in the info page expand URL Types section and hit the + button
fill fields with appropriate values.
Handle Incoming URLs
The system delivers the URL to your app by calling your app delegate's application(_:open:options:)method. you can useNSURLComponents` APIs to extract the components. Obtain additional information about the URL, such as which app opened it, from the system-provided options dictionary.
func application(_ application: UIApplication,
open url: URL,
options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:] ) -> Bool {
// Determine who sent the URL.
let sendingAppID = options[.sourceApplication]
print("source application = \(sendingAppID ?? "Unknown")")
// Process the URL.
guard let components = NSURLComponents(url: url, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: true),
let albumPath = components.path,
let params = components.queryItems else {
print("Invalid URL or album path missing")
return false
if let photoIndex = params.first(where: { $ == "index" })?.value {
print("albumPath = \(albumPath)")
print("photoIndex = \(photoIndex)")
return true
} else {
print("Photo index missing")
return false
If your app has opted into Scenes, and your app is not running, the system delivers the URL to the scene(_:willConnectTo:options:) delegate method after launch, and to scene(_:openURLContexts:) when your app opens a URL while running or suspended in memory.
func scene(_ scene: UIScene,
willConnectTo session: UISceneSession,
options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) {
// Determine who sent the URL.
if let urlContext = connectionOptions.urlContexts.first {
let sendingAppID = urlContext.options.sourceApplication
let url = urlContext.url
print("source application = \(sendingAppID ?? "Unknown")")
print("url = \(url)")
// Process the URL similarly to the UIApplicationDelegate example.