Orange3 Frequent Itemsets performance - orange

I just realized that the performance of Frequent Itemsets is strongly correlated with number of item per basket. I run the following code:
import datetime
from datetime import datetime
from orangecontrib.associate.fpgrowth import *
T = [[1,3, 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21]]
itemsets = frequent_itemsets(T, 1)
As I increased the number of item in T the running time increased as follow:
Item running time
21 3.39s
22 9.14s
23 15.8s
24 37.4s
25 1.2 min
26 10 min
27 35 min
28 95 min
For 31 item sets it took 10 hours without returning any results. I am wondering if there is anyway to run it for more than 31 items in reasonable time? In this case I just need pairwise item set (A-->B) while my understanding is frequent_itemsets count all possible combination and that is probably why it is running time is highly correlated with number of items. Is there any way to tell the method to limit the number item to count like instead of all combination just pairwise?

You could use other software that allows to specify constraints on the itemsets such as a length constraints. For example, you can consider the SPMF data mining library (disclosure: I am the founder), which offers about 120 algorithms for itemset and pattern mining. It will let you use FPGrowth with a length constraint. So you could for example mine only the patterns with 2 items or 3 items. You could also try other features such as mining association rules. That software works on text file and can be called for the command line, and is quite fast.

A database of a one single transaction of 21 items results in 2097151 itemsets.
>>> T = [list(range(21))]
>>> len(list(frequent_itemsets(T, 1)))
Perhaps instead of absolute support set as low as a single transaction (1), choose the support to be e.g. 5% of all transactions (.05).
You should also limit the returned itemsets to contain exactly two items (antecedent and consequent for later association rule discovery), but the runtime will still be high due to, as you understand, sheer combinatorics.
for itemset, support in frequent_itemsets(T, 1)
if len(itemset) == 2])
At the moment, there is no such filtering available inside the algorithm, but the source is open to tinkering.


Is is possible limit the number of rows in the output of a Dataprep flow?

I'm using Dataprep on GCP to wrangle a large file with a billion rows. I would like to limit the number of rows in the output of the flow, as I am prototyping a Machine Learning model.
Let's say I would like to keep one million rows out of the original billion. Is this possible to do this with Dataprep? I have reviewed the documentation of sampling, but that only applies to the input of the Transformer tool and not the outcome of the process.
You can do this, but it does take a bit of extra work in your Recipe--set up a formula in a new column using something like RANDBETWEEN to give you a random integer output between 1 and 1,000 (in this million-to-billion case). From there, you can filter rows based on whatever random integer between 1 and 1,000 as what you'll keep, and then your output will only have your randomized subset. Just have your last part of the recipe remove this temporary column.
So indeed there are 2 approaches to this.
As Courtney Grimes said, you can use one of the 2 functions that create random-number out of a range.
randbetween :
rand :
These methods can be used to slice an "even" portion of your data. As suggested, a randbetween(1,1000) , then pick 1<x<1000 to filter, because it's 1\1000 of data (million out of a billion).
Alternatively, if you just want to have million records in your output, but either
Don't want to rely on the knowledge of the size of the entire table
just want the first million rows, agnostic to how many rows there are -
You can just use 2 of these 3 row filtering methods: (top rows\ range)
By understanding the $sourcerownumber metadata parameter (can read in-product documentation), you can filter\keep a portion of the data (as per the first scenario) in 1 step (AKA without creating an additional column.
BTW, an easy way of "discovery" of how-to's in Trifacta would be to just type what you're looking for in the "search-transtormation" pane (accessed via ctrl-k). By searching "filter", you'll get most of the relevant options for your problem.

Find count of active users in the last 29 days in Tableau

Require assistance in calculating the Total Active Users from March 16 2020 to Feb 16 2020.
I have tried using calculated fields, but not getting the correct results. Please advise.
Thank you,
To find the number of unique values that appear in a field, say [user_code], you can use the COUNT DISTINCT function, COUNTD() as in COUNTD([user_code])
To restrict the data to a particular time range, one way is put your date field on the Filter shelf and choose the settings that include only the data rows you want — say the range from 2/16 to 3/16 as you stated.
Alternatively, you can push the filtering condition into the calculation with an IF function call, as in COUNTD(IF <data is relevant> THEN [user_code] END) Thus effectively combining the two techniques. That works because if there is no ELSE clause and the IF condition is False then the IF statement evaluates to null. Since COUNTD() silently ignores nulls, like other aggregation functions, the expression acts as if the irrelevant data rows were filtered.
So, for example,
COUNTD(IF [dates] >= #2/16/2020# AND [dates] <= #3/16/2020# THEN [user_code] END)
Will tell you then number of unique user codes during the period between 2/16 and 3/16. The DateDiff() function will probably be useful in more elaborate tests.
Finally, what if you want more flexibility? You could easily use Parameters or Filter controls to let the user choose the date range interactively.
If you want this calculation repeated for each possible day, showing the unique users in the preceding 30 day period, as some sort of rolling calculation, then you’ll need to learn about some more advanced features. Either multiple calculations as above for different time ranges, using Table Calculations, or some data prep and/or data padding with Tableau Prep Builder, Python or some other technique — mostly because in that scenario each data row contributes to multiple rolling counts, rather than one count when partitioning the data by some dimension.

Spark window functions: how to implement complex logic with good performance and without looping

I have a data set that lends itself to window functions, 3M+ rows that once ranked can be partitioned into groups of ~20 or less rows. Here is a simplified example:
id date1 date2 type rank
171 20090601 20090601 attempt 1
171 20090701 20100331 trial_fail 2
171 20090901 20091101 attempt 3
171 20091101 20100201 attempt 4
171 20091201 20100401 attempt 5
171 20090601 20090601 fail 6
188 20100701 20100715 trial_fail 1
188 20100716 20100730 trial_success 2
188 20100731 20100814 trial_fail 3
188 20100901 20100901 attempt 4
188 20101001 20101001 success 5
The data is ranked by id and date1, and the window created with:
In this example the data has already been ranked by (id, date1). I could also work on the unranked data and rank it within Spark.
I need to implement some logic on these rows, for example, within a window:
1) Identify all rows that end during a failed trial (i.e. a row's date2 is between date1 and date2 of any previous row within the same window of type "trial_fail").
2) Identify all trials after a failed trial (i.e. any row with type "trial_fail" or "trial success" after a row within the same window of type "trial_fail").
3) Identify all attempts before a successful attempt (i.e. any row with type "attempt" with date1 earlier than date1 of another later row of type "success").
The exact logic of these conditions is not important to my question (and there will be other different conditions), what's important is that the logic depends on values in many rows in the window at once. This can't be handled by the simple Spark SQL functions like first, last, lag, lead, etc. and isn't as simple as the typical example of finding the largest/smallest 1 or n rows in the window.
What's also important is that the partitions don't depend on one another so this seems like this a great candidate for Spark to do in parallel, 3 million rows with 150,000 partitions of 20 rows each, in fact I wonder if this is too many partitions.
I can implement this with a loop something like (in pseudocode):
for i in 1..20:
for j in 1..20:
// compare window[j]'s type and dates to window[i]'s etc
// add a Y/N flag to the DF to identify target rows
This would require 400+ iterations (the choice of 20 for the max i and j is an educated guess based on the data set and could actually be larger), which seems needlessly brute force.
However I am at a loss for a better way to implement it. I think this will essentially collect() in the driver, which I suppose might be ok if it is not much data. I thought of trying to implement the logic as sub-queries, or by creating a series of sub-DF's each with a subset or reduction of data.
If anyone is aware of any API's or techniques that I am missing any info would be appreciated.
Edit: This is somewhat related:
Spark SQL window function with complex condition

Cannot allocate memory for a column of compound floats on a partitioned table

I have a partitioned table in my hdb that includes a column containing large lists of floats (at most 400 floats per element). eg each element looks like
(100.0 1.0 ...)
When trying to select on this column from days where there are particularly high numbers of rows I get an error saying
'./2015.02.07/table/column# Cannot allocate memory
The same error arises from a query like:
select column[;0] from table where date=2015.02.07
even though on days with fewer rows this query returns the first value of each element in the column.
Is there a way to stream this column in a select to decrease the memory requirements of holding the whole column in memory for a large day?
.Q.ind on large days fails with the same error.
ie given I can work with 2015.02.01 but not 2015.02.02:
.Q.ind[select from table where date=2015.02.01;enlist 1]
is fine but
.Q.ind[select from table where date=2015.02.02;enlist 1]
fails with
'./2015.02.10/table/column2#: Cannot allocate memory
I should note I am using the free 32-bit version
I think this is all just a combination of the free-32bit memory limitation, the fact that your row counts are possibly large and the fact that (unavoidably) something must be pulled entirely into memory when retrieving data from a column, whether it is the column itself that gets entirely pulled in (in the non-nested case) or if its the nested-index column that gets entirely pulled in.
Another thing to consider is that kdb uses powers-of-two (buddy) memory allocation. Even if todays table only contains one more row than yesterdays, the memory requirements per column could double. Take a simple example:
In the free 32bit version (windows) you can create this many floats and it only uses ~1.07gb of memory
q)\ts 134217726?1.0
3093 1073741952
However, try to generate one extra float and you hit a memory limit
q)\ts 134217727?1.0
So even a small amount of rows in the difference between one day and the next can be very significant if you're near the boundary of allocatable powers of two.
--DISCLAIMER-- the following is hacky and is only intended for debugging!
You can actually manually try to access the data from the nested list, though you may still have memory issues here anyway.
Create a nested table and splay it
q)tab:([] col1:(101 102 103f;104 105f;106 107 108 109 110f;111 112f))
101 102 103f
104 105f
106 107 108 109 110f
111 112f
q)`:test/ set tab
You can try to read in the indices from the nested-index file
q)2_first (enlist "j";enlist 8)1:`:test/col1
3 5 10 12
So the indices for splitting the full list of floats (the col1# file) is index 3, index 5, 10 etc etc
Say I want the first 3 rows
q)myrows:3#2_first (enlist "j";enlist 8)1:`:test/col1
3 5 10
then I know that I need the first 10 floats from the col1# file and need to split them at index 3 and 5. Then I can read the col1# file partially and split it correctly
q)(0,-1_myrows) cut raze (enlist "f";enlist 8)1:(`$":test/col1#";0;8*last myrows)
101 102 103f
104 105f
106 107 108 109 110f
But this is precisely what KDB does under the covers anyway so I suspect that you'll still have trouble even reading in the nested-index file in the first place.
Check this debug/hack and see if you can partially read that way. But obviously it's not a long-term solution!
Nested columns make querying in the usual way difficult, as the # file also needs to be loaded into memory (even with a [;0])
Your best bet is to select map a date partition in, and then select within that chunk by chunk, e.g. a million rows at a time (or whatever is sensible given the size of nested floats).
Perhaps also consider 32bit floats, if some decimal accuracy can be sacrificed.
So after comments I guess the best way is to go each partition a number of lines at a time with .Q.ind
Just to give my 2 cents on this, I had a similar error but with a 64-bit instance.
I suspected that the memory needed to be de-fragmented as it was running for almost a year.
Bouncing the instance solved the issue, and released a lot of virtual memory

SQLite vs Memory

I have a situation with my app.
Suppose I have 6 users, each user can have up to 9 score entries (i.e score 1000 points at 8:00pm with gold collected 3, silver 4 etc etc), say score per stage and 9 stages.
All these scores are being taken from an API call, so it can update with an interval of 3+minutes.
Operations I need to do on this data is
find the nearest min, max record from stage 4.
and some more operations like add or subtract two scores etc
All these 6 users, and their score records are already in database, being updated in needed after the API call.
Now my questions is :
Is this a better way for such kind of data (data of scores here) to keep all the data for all the 6 users in memory in NSArray or NSDictionary, and find min and max in that array by a min-max algorithm.
It should be taken from Database by a query like " WHERE score<=200 " AND " WHERE score >=200", in short, 2 database queries which return nearest min and max record each, and not keeping all the data in memory.
What we are focusing on is speed, and memory usage both. The point is, Would a DB call be fast and efficient to find min and max OR a search for min,max in an Array of all the records from DB.
All records can be 6users * 9scores for each = 54.
Update time for records can be 3+ minutes.
Frequency of finding min max for certain values are high.
Please ask, if any more details are required.
Thanks in advance.
You're working with such a small amount of data that I wouldn't imagine it would be worth worrying about. Do whichever method makes your development process easiest!
If I had a lot of data (hundreds of competitors) I'd use SQLite. You can do queries like the following:
SELECT MIN(`score`) FROM `T_SCORE` WHERE `stage` = '4';
That way you can let the database handle doing the calculation for you, so you never have to fetch all the results.
My SQL-fu isn't the most awesome, but I think you can also do this:
SELECT `stage`, MIN(`score`) AS min, MAX(`score`) AS max FROM `T_SCORE` GROUP BY `stage`
That would do all the calculations in one single query.