Why use interfaces - interface

I see the benefit of interfaces, to be able to add new implementations via contract.
I dont see following problem:
Imagine you have interface DB with method "startTransaction".
Everything is fine you implement it in MySQL, PostgreSQL. But tomorrow you move to mongodb - then you have no transaction support.
What do you do?
1) Empty method - bad because you think you have transactions but u havent
2) Create your own - then you should have some parameters that will be different that regular "startTransaction" method.
And on top of that sometimes simple interfaces just doesnt work.
Example: You need additional parameters for different implementations.

If you're exposing the concept of transactions on your interface, then you must functionally support transactions no matter what, since users of the interface will logically depend on it. I.e., if a caller can start a transaction, then they expect to also be able to roll back a transaction of several queries. Since Mongo doesn't natively have any concept of rolling back transactions, there's one of two possibilities:
You implement the possibility of rolling back queries in code, emulating the functionality of transactions for a database which doesn't natively support it. (Whether that's even reliably possible in Mongo is a debatable topic.)
Your interface is working at the wrong level of abstraction. If your interface is promising functionality an implementation can't deliver, then either the interface or the implementation is unrealistic.
In practice, Mongo and SQL databases are such different beasts that you would either never make this kind of change without changing large parts of your business logic around it; or you specify your interface using an extremely minimal common-denominator interface only, most certainly not exposing technology-specific concepts on an abstract interface.

You are mostly correct, interfaces can be very useful, but also problematic in (fast) changing code, a best practice conserning interfaces is to keep them as small as possible.
When something can handle an transaction, create an interface only for handling an transaction. Split them up in as small as logically possible parts, in that way, when new classes emerge, you can assign them the specific interfaces that can determine their methods.
For the multiple parameter problem, this can indeed be problematic, see if you can determine if this specific value could be moved to a constructor, or indicates that the action that you are doing is indeed sightly different from the action that does not need this parameter.
I hope this helps, goodluck

You are right interfaces are used to add new implementations via contract but those implementations have to posses some similarity.
Let's take an example:
You cannot implement dog using human interface because dog is a living organism.
Same thing you are trying to do here.You are trying to implement a non-sql db using sql db implementation.


.Net Core Rest API Best practise

I was wondering what the best practise would be concerning the following API structure:
OrderItemDepartment has a one to many relationship with OrderItemSection which in turn has a one to many relationship with OrderItem.
Dividing the api into controllers with each having CRUD actions e.g.:
Get: OrderItemDepartments.
Get: OrderItemSections.
Get: OrderItems.
..Or having a single controller serving the OrderItems, Departments and Sections via routing:
Get: OrderItems/Departments
Get: OrderItems/Sections
Get: OrderItems*
I doubt there's a single clear answer for this that will cover all cases, but in general it's a good idea to encapsulate responsibility an logic for each specific part of your application within it's own class.
You mention CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete), and that is a central point here; As the name sugests, these operations typically follow a certain pattern. If you are able t organize all of your contoller-classes in a similar way, you may be able to extract common logic from them, either into helper-classes or into interfaces that each controller can implement. This will in turn make your application more flexible and less messy if (when?) you have to expand it at a later time.
Using separate controllers in the top level of your app is also likely to make it easier to organize lower-level components. For example, you might have separate business- and / or repository-components corresponding to each controller, and yet each of these components may implement common interfaces. That way, each part of your application will consist of a separate but internally consistent "vertical slice" (e.g. controller, Business and Repository).
Now if you need to add new functionality to your application, you have a clear pattern which will be easy to understand, and speed up development: Add a Controller that implements the same common interfaces as those you already have, and do the same for new components in your business- and repository-layers, respectively.

CQRS read model side - normalized tables

I have been reading about Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and how this pattern would suit our current applications.
When it comes to the read model I am well aware of the concepts:
"separating read and write data model", "flat denormalized data returned by the thin read layer". In most cases we are stuck with the same database(the same read/write data model), running on SQL Server with normalized tables, with common layered application on top of it.
So, is it any value of applying CQRS on this kind of scenario?
If so, what would it be when it comes to the read model side?
Another question that hits my mind is MVC application requesting information from my thin read layer that expose flattened out views. Data exposed still need to be structured(aggragated) before presented to the user, or am I wrong?
Best regards
CQRS doesn't need to have a flattened read model; that is a benefit that CQRS can allow you to provide, but it is neither required nor a key part of the approach.
CQRS is about separation (or segregation if you follow the name). It is the Command Query Separation principle on steroid (in my opinion). The benefits that it provides you (off the top of my head) are:
separation of your read operations from your write operations;
communication between layers via messaging (e.g. commands, events), so that your layers are clean;
separation within your layers, applying the Single Responsibility Principle (e.g. your domain applies business logic, your command handles route commands, your denormalizers or event handlers (or whatever you call them) persist information to your read store, etc.)
allows you to have team members work on different parts of your application without hard dependencies between them;
So if those things above are important to you or something you want to strive for (and your application's design supports implementing CQRS), then CQRS provides benefit and value to you.
There are many benefits to CQRS. It's not the right solution for every problem, but when the stars align, it's a nice approach to your problem (even if you don't have a denormalized read store, or an event store, or an async model, etc.).
I hope this helps!
I've fought with multiple joins so many times in my career that when a structure like CQRS and ES comes along and offers a clean way to simplify the read side, I jumped at it. The nice thing is that you can get many of the benefits without necessarily implementing all the elements often associated with CQRS and ES. Just separating command from queries has the benefit of simplifying your code. However, when you do start using a de-normaliser to build out read models for you application you suddenly realise how simple, clean and performant your app can be.
If it helps to see 'how' this de-normalisation works take a look at this post (it comes with a code sample to take a gander at): How to build a master details view with CQRS and ES. I hope you find this helpful.
Applying CQRS over the same (say) third normal form database can still give you value on the read side if it allows you to stop projecting read models from domain objects.
This also allows you to better specialise your domain to (I assume) transaction processing, meaning many relationships may not be necessary.

How to expose read model from shared module

I am working on developing a set of assemblies that encapsulate parts of our domain that will be shared by many applications. Using the example of an order management system, one such assembly will contain all of the core operations an application can perform to/with an order. We are applying a simple version of CQS/CQRS so that all operations that change the state of the "system" are represented as public commands, such as CancelOrderCommand, ShipOrderCommand and CreateORderCommand. The command handlers are internal to the assembly.
The question I am struggling to answer is how to best expose the read model to consuming code?
The read model will be used by consuming code to perform queries. I don't know how all of the ways the read model will be used so the interface needs to be flexible to allow any query.
What complicates it for me is that I not only need to expose my aggregate root but there are also several "lookup" lists of related data that client applications may use. For example, each order has an associated OrderType which is data-driven (i.e., not an enum) and contains several properties that will drive some of our business rules that control what operations can/cannot be performed, etc. It is easy inside my module to manage this relationship; however, a client application that allows order creation will most likely need to display the list of possible OrderTypes to the user. As a result, I need to not only expose the list of Order aggregates but the supporting list of OrderTypes (and other lookup lists) from my read model.
How is this typically done?
I'm not sure what else to explain that will help trigger a solution, so please ask away...
I have never seen a CQRS based implementation expose a full dataset for ad-hoc querying so this is an interesting situation! In a typical CQRS scenario you would expose very specific queries because you may want to raise events when they are called (for caching for example - see this post for more details on that).
However since this is your design, let's not worry about "typical" or "correct" CQRS, I guess you just need a solution! One of the best new mechanisms for exposing data for flexible querying I have seen is the Open Data Protocol (OData). It will allow consumers to implement their own filtering, sorting and paging over a data source you expose.
Most implementations of this seem to deal with relational data. If you are dealing with a relational data source then OData might be a nice way to go. I suspect by your comment of "expose my aggregate root" that you might be using a document database? If so, there is one example I have seen of OData services on top of MongoDB: http://bloggingabout.net/blogs/vagif/archive/2012/10/11/mongodb-odata-provider-now-supports-arrays-and-nested-collections.aspx.
I hope that helps, OData is definitely worth looking into. It seems to be growing really quickly and is getting good support on both server and client technology platforms.

Database-independent queries to the extreme in Java... or in general

Let's say I have an app that should ideally be able to use a relational database, object database, XML files, or whatever to persist its data. In the spirit of coding to interfaces instead of implementations, I have a generic DataStore interface that specifies a contract for all I/O involving the data store. This interface can be implemented by concrete classes such as RDBMSDataStore, OODBMSDataStore, XMLFileDataStore, and so on.
This works well as long as I keep the contents of the DataStore interface simple - i.e. getThis(), getThose(), saveThat(), updateThis(), etc. But as soon as I require more complicated queries, it breaks down. The XMLFileDataStore class obviously doesn't understand SQL, and the RDBMSDataStore class obviously doesn't understand XPath/XQuery. And OODBMSDataStore understands something entirely different depending on the OODBMS in use.
I could adopt a language-independent object query language, write all my queries in that and then have the concrete classes translate them into their native language, but that's a huge task, if I want to be complete.
Are there standards or best practices for handling this kind of situation in Java? Unfortunately it seems like 99% of the world interprets "database independence" to mean "relational database independence" and ignores the object databases, XML databases, document databases, etc. entirely.
From the way I read the question, this sounds a lot like the semantic that Hibernate brings to the table for Java. It even has mode for dealing with XML as the content backing store (using Dom4J). The Hibernate API has a number of extension points that could allow the addition of an OODBMS model. Even if Hibernate turns out not to be the best solution for you (implementation-wise), I think it provides a good example of the types of patterns that can be used to solve the problems you proposed.

Rules of thumbs for writing "queries" using ADO.NET Entity Framework

I’m currently working on a prototype of a medium size web application, and I thought that it would be good to also experiment with Entity Framework. The problem is that the major part of the application is not the data layer and logic, and so that I don't have much time to play with Entity Framework. On the other hand, the database schema is quite simple.
One of the problems I’m facing is that I cannot find a consistent way to "write queries". As far as I can tell, there are four "interfaces" for the job:
LINQ to Entities
LINQ to Entities using LINQ extension methods
Entity SQL
Query builder
OK, the first two are essentially the same, but it’s good to use just one for maintenance and consistency.
I’m mostly puzzled by the fact that none of them seems to be complete and the most general. I often find myself cornered and using some ugly looking combination of several of them. My guess is that Entity SQL is the most general one, but writing queries using strings feels like a step back. The main reason I’m experimenting with something like Entity Framework is that I like the compile time checking.
Some other random thought / issues:
I often also use the ObjectQuery.Include() method, but again it takes a string. Is this the only way?
When to use ObjectQuery.Execute() (vs. ToList())? Does it actually execute the query?
Should execute queries as soon as possible (e.g. using ToList()) or should I not care just let leave the execution for the first enumeration which gets in the way?
Are ObjectQuery.Skip() and ObjectQuery.Take() available only as extension methods? Is there a better way to do paging? It’s 2009 and almost every web application deals with paging.
Overall, I understand there are many difficulties when implementing an ORM, and often one has to compromise. On the other hand, the direct database access (e.g. ADO.NET) is plain and simple and has well defined interface (tabular results, data readers), so all code - no matter who and when writes it - is consistent. I don’t want to faced with too many choices whenever writing a database query. It’s too tedious and more than likely different developers will come up with different ways.
What are your rules of thumbs?
I use LINQ-to-Entities as much as possible. I also try and formalise to the lambda-form, as opposed to the extended SQL-style syntax. I have to admit to have had problems enforcing relationships and making compromises on efficiency just to expedite my coding of our application (eg. Master->Child tables may need to be manually loaded) but all in all, EF is a good product.
I do use EF's .Include() method for lazy-loading, which as you say, does require a string input. I find no problem with this, other than that of identifying the string to use which is relatively simple. I guess if you're keen on compile-time checking of such relations, a model similar to: Parent.GetChildren() might be more appropriate.
My application does require some "dynamic" queries to be performed, though. I have two ways of meeting this:
a) I create a mediator object, eg. ClientSearchMediator, which "knows" how to search for clients by name, etc. I can then put this through a SearchHandler.Search(ISearchMediator[] mediators) call (for example). This can be used to target specific data structures and sort results accordingly using LINQ-to-Entities.
b) For a looser experience, possibly as a result of a user designing their own query (using high level tools our application provides), eSQL is ideal for this purpose. It can be made to be injection-safe.
I don't have enough knowledge to address all of this, but I'll at least take a few stabs.
I don't know why you think ADO.NET is more consistent than Entity Framework. There are many different ways to use ADO.NET and I've definitely seen inconsistency within a single code base.
Entity Framework is currently a 1.0 release and it suffers from many 1.0 type problems (incomplete & inconsistent API, missing features, etc.).
In regards to Include, I assume you are referring to eager loading. Multiple people (outside of Microsoft) have developed solutions for getting "type safe" includes (try googling something like: Entity Framework ObjectQueryExtension Include). That said, Include is more of a hint than anything. You can't force eager loading and you have to always remember to call the IsLoaded() method to see if your request was fulfilled. As far as I know, the way "Include" works is not changing at all in the next version of Entity Framework (4.0 - to ship with VS 2010).
As far as executing the Linq query as soon as it's built vs. the last possible moment, that decision is situational. Personally, I would probably execute it as soon as it's built for the most part unless there was a compelling reason not to, but I can see other people going the opposite direction.
There are more mature ORMs on the market and Entity Framework isn't necessarily your best option. For the most part, you can bend Entity Framework to your will, but you may end up rolling your own implementation of features that come out of the box with other ORMs.