Cached plan must not change result type - postgresql

Our service team is getting the error Cached plan must not change result type sometimes when I modify the length of a column or add a new column in the table.
I tried solutions mentioned on Stack Overflow like Postgres: "ERROR: cached plan must not change result type"
I have tried autosave=conservative to resolve this issue but still, I am able to reproduce this issue. I used below JDBC connection string
jdbc-url: jdbc:postgresql://
why is this property not working in my case?
Also, I tested with prepareThreshold=0 and its working fine. But I think it will impact performance because it will never use client-side prepared statements.
I just want to know the best solution to avoid this error.


Postgres AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION equivalent on the same DB

I'm currently working on a SpringBatch application that should insert some logs in case a certain type of error happens. The problem is that if the BatchJob fails, it automatically rollback everything done and that’s perfect, but it also rollback the error logs.
I need to achieve something similar to the AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION of Oracle while using PostgreSQL (14).
I’ve seen the DBLINK and it seem the only thing close to an alternative, but I have found some problems:
I need to avoid the connection string because the database host/port/name changes in the different environments, is it possible? I need to persist the data in the same database to technically I don’t need to connect to any other database but use the calling connection.
Is it possible to create a Function/Procedure that creates the takes care of all and I only have to call it Java side? Maybe this way I can somehow pass the connection data as a parameter in case that is not possible to avoid.
In a best case scenario I would be able to do something like:
dblink_exec(text sql);
That without arguments considers the same database where is been executed.
The problem is that I need this to be done without specifying any connection data, this will be inside a function on the executing db, in the same schema… that function will pass from one environment to the next one and the code needs to be the same so any name/user/pass needed must be avoided since they will change by environment. And since doing it in the same db and schema technically they can be inferred.
Thanks in advance!
At the moment I haven't try anything, I'm trying to get some information first.

How to remove Routine Group error from workbench?

I'm using MySQL Workbench and I am trying to create a routine. However, At the time of creating routine some error comes,then i deleted that routine. Now I synchronize the model with the existing database, the Routine group error is coming, though i remove that routine group. Can anyone help me how to remove this error from Model?
The _SYNTAX_ERROR suffix is added by MySQL Workbench to indicate that it found a syntax error in your routine code. Once you fixed that the name will change back to what you gave it. And then you can also synchronize your model.
I faced the same issue, cause i copy&pasted some c# code into a routine group, and it immediately became invisible by workbench. Synchronization now always reporte errors, even after deleting the whole routine group. The faulty code was stuck somewhere, inaccessible through the Workbench UI.
Just found a solution atm:
Do a regular synchronization and tell Workbench to change the sync-direction on the error entries. This will remove the faulty lines of code, even if they are not accessible through the Workbench UI.

Problem with connecting ADODB.Recordset to a forms RECORDSET on the On Open event of the form

I have an access project that is "linked" to a SQL database that now works like a charm. The last problem I solved was, making sure any Boolean fields be turned to bits with default of 0, and adding the TIMESTAMP in SQL due to the fact that ACCESS is not so much of a genius with record locking (so I was told) .
Now that I tried to connect direct to SQL server by using an ADODB.Recordset and setting the forms.recordset to the recordset, at the OnOpen event of the form, (this recordset runs a stored procedure in SQL, I get the data fine but get the error locking (write conflict) back.
This ADODB.Recordset cursorlocation is set to "adUseClient".
Obviously I no longer have the forms recordsource attached or assigned to the linked SQL table anymore.
Am I missing something? do I need to assign anything to the forms recordsource?
The Idea is trying to connect directly thru the use of stored procedures instead of linked tables.
thanks so much for any help.
The adding of timestamp is a VERY good idea. And do not confuse the term/name used timestamp to mean an actual date/time column. The correct term is "row version".
This issue has ZERO to do with locking. The REASON why you want this column added is because then Access will use that column to determine when the record is dirty, and more imporant figure out that the record been changed. If you omit this column, then access reverts to a column by column testing approach. Not only does this cause more network traffic, but worse for real type values, due to rounding, you can get the dredged this record has been changed by another user. But, it not been changed, and even columns with floating point values will cause access to error out with that changed record.
So, for all tables, and you even see the option included in the SSMA (the access to sql migration wizard that this option is available (and I believe it is a default).
So yes, it is HIGH but VERY high recommended that you include/add a rowversion column to all tables - this will help Access in a HUGE way.
And as noted, there is a long standing issue with bit fields that don't have a default setting. so, you don't want to allow bit fields to be added/created with a null value. So, ensure that there is a default value of 0 (you set this sql server side).
Ok, now that we have the above cleared up?
It not really all that clear as to why you want or need or are adopting a store procedure and code to load/fill up the form. You not see any better performance if you bind the form DIRECTLY to the linked table. Access will ONLY pull the reocrds you tell that form to load.
So, bind the form directly to the linked table. Then, you can launch/open the form say to once reocrd with this:
docmd.OpenForm "frmInvoices",,,"InvoiceNum = 123"
Now, you would of course change the above "123" to some variable or some way to prompt the user for what invoice to work on.
The invoice form will then load to the ONE record. So, even if the form bound (linked table) has 2 million rows? Only ONE record will come down the network pipe. So, all that extra work of a store procedure, creating a recordset and pulling it ? You will gain ZERO in terms of performance, but you are writing all kinds of code when it simply not required, and you not achieve any superior performance to the above one line of code that will automatic filter and ONLY pull down the record that meets the given criteria (in this example invoice number).
Yes, all tables need a PK
Yes, all tables should have a rowversion (but it called a timestamp column - nothing to do with the actual time).
Yes, all bit fields need a default of 0 - don't allow null values.
And last but not least?
I don't see any gains in performance, or even any advantages of attempting to code your way though this by adopting store procedures and that of introducing reocrdset code when none is required, but worse will not gain you performance anyway.

Postgres syntax error at or near "VALUESNSERT"

We are trying to load the data from one postgres table to another postgres table in the same database using informatica. And we are having the following issue -
The error message is as follows:
Message Code: WRT_8229
Message: Database errors occurred:
FnName: Execute -- [Informatica][ODBC PostgreSQL Wire Protocol driver][PostgreSQL]ERROR: VERROR; syntax error at or near "VALUESNSERT"(Position 135; File scan.l; Line 1134; Routine scanner_yyerror; ) Error in parameter 6.
FnName: Execute -- [Informatica][ODBC PostgreSQL Wire Protocol driver][PostgreSQL]Failed transaction. The current transaction rolled back. Error in parameter 6.
FnName: Execute -- [DataDirect][ODBC lib] Function sequence error
It is working fine if we are not loading one of the string column which is of 3000 bytes. Can anyone please shed some light on this issue -
Note: There are no reserved/keywords in our table structure
if you have already identified the error-causing column then, you can follow below steps to find the root cause -
1. You can check the data type of the column in informatica - if it is matching to the target in DB in terms of length and data type.
2. Make sure you import the target from database. Creating target from other process or adding column to existing target can lead to such error.
3. run in verbose mode or debug to see where exactly its causing issue. Check if its reading, transforming, and loading data properly etc.
4. remove postgres target and attach a flat file - if this works then there is issue in database table. Check for index, constraints etc. which can lead to this issue.
5. Check ODBC version as well which may have lots of limitations like data type, length handling. ODBC is also not good at generating errors so you may have to do some guesswork etc to find out.
Thanks everyone. My issue got resolved after implementing Informatica PDO.

When does SQL SELECT statements throw exceptions?

TSQL here. Specifically Server 2008(literally just upgraded)
Concerning stored procedures: Try/Catch
I was trying to make a list of cases when a Select Statement will throw an exception. The ones I can think of are syntax related(includes null variables) and divide by zero. I'm only guessing there are just a whole boat load of them for Insert/Alter and Create/Truncate.
If you happen to know of a good source link, that would be great.
This question came up when I was reading this exhaustive blog post about error handling for SQL server. It's titled for SQL Server 2000, but I think most of it still applies.
Sorry, I meant to link this earlier. . .
Outside for compile ("didnt' run") errors, you have at least these runtime errors
arithmetic errors
These change based on various SET statement
Example: get sql server to warn about truncation / rounding
overflow errors
example: one of the rows overflows smallint in some calculation
CAST errors
eg you try ISNUMERIC in a WHERE or CASE and try to cast 'bob^' or 1.23 to int
See Why use Select Top 100 Percent?
However, you'd always want to use TRY/CATCH though, surely...?
Adding to gbn's post, you can also get locking errors like lock wait timeouts and deadlocks.
If you are referencing #Temp tables, you can get "Invalid object name '#Temp'" errors, because these are unbound until the statement executes.
If you are in READ UNCOMMITTED or WITH (NOLOCK), you can get error: 601 - "Could not continue scan with NOLOCK due to data movement."
If your code runs .NET code, you would probably get exceptions from there.
If your code selects from a remote server, you could a whole different set of errors about connections.