Is it possible to limit the number of results returned by ImailFolder.Search()? - mailkit

While there are many ways of searching for uniqueid's in a mail folder, I can't find a way to limiting the number of results that are returned by a mistakenly open-ended query.
private SearchQuery CreateSearchQuery(DateTime? start, DateTime? end)
var startDateQuery = SearchQuery.DeliveredAfter(start.Value);
var endDateQuery = SearchQuery.DeliveredBefore(end.Value);
return new MailKit.Search.BinarySearchQuery(SearchTerm.And, startDateQuery, endDateQuery);
var searchByDateQuery = CreateSearchQuery(DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue);
resultSet = theFolder.Search(searchByDateQuery) ?? new List<UniqueId>();
Is there a way of adding a search term that says, give me the first 100 items that match this date query?

As Jeffrey says, there is no solution.


count multiple relations results with a single Parse query

I'm having a very simple setup with _User entity having a likes Relation with itself (reflective).
A common use case is list users.
I'm listing very few users (ex: 15), but i would also like to display the amount of likes he has.
Following standard suggested technique from that would require a query for each of the 15 _User(s).
I don't think this is acceptable, maybe 2 queries are enough:
first one getting the first 15 _User(s)
second one getting the amount of likes each of the _User haves
But I have no idea if that's even possible with Parse API, so I'm asking for help ;)
If the column is a relation, then yes, getting the count will require a query per user.
If you expect the number of likes per user to be low (<100 is my semi-arbitrary rule of thumb), you could instead model likes as an array of pointers.
With that, you can know the count just by having the record in hand (i.e. someUser.get("likes").length). Even better, query include will eagerly fetch the related users...
userQuery.find().then(function(users) {
if (users.length) {
var someUser = users[0];
var likes = someUser.get("likes");
if (likes.length) { // see, we can get the count without query
var firstLike = likes[0]; // we can even get those other users!
var firstLikeEmail = firstLike.get("email");
Otherwise, using relations, you're stuck with another query...
userQuery.find().then(function(users) {
if (users.length) {
var someUser = users[0];
var likes = someUser.get("likes");
return likes.query().count();
} else {
return 0;
}).then(function(count) {
console.log("the first user has " + count + " likes");

Count in jpa without getting result [duplicate]

I like the idea of Named Queries in JPA for static queries I'm going to do, but I often want to get the count result for the query as well as a result list from some subset of the query. I'd rather not write two nearly identical NamedQueries. Ideally, what I'd like to have is something like:
#NamedQuery(name = "getAccounts", query = "SELECT a FROM Account")
Query q = em.createNamedQuery("getAccounts");
List r = q.setFirstResult(s).setMaxResults(m).getResultList();
int count = q.getCount();
So let's say m is 10, s is 0 and there are 400 rows in Account. I would expect r to have a list of 10 items in it, but I'd want to know there are 400 rows total. I could write a second #NamedQuery:
#NamedQuery(name = "getAccountCount", query = "SELECT COUNT(a) FROM Account")
but it seems a DRY violation to do that if I'm always just going to want the count. In this simple case it is easy to keep the two in sync, but if the query changes, it seems less than ideal that I have to update both #NamedQueries to keep the values in line.
A common use case here would be fetching some subset of the items, but needing some way of indicating total count ("Displaying 1-10 of 400").
So the solution I ended up using was to create two #NamedQuerys, one for the result set and one for the count, but capturing the base query in a static string to maintain DRY and ensure that both queries remain consistent. So for the above, I'd have something like:
#NamedQuery(name = "getAccounts", query = "SELECT a" + accountQuery)
#NamedQuery(name = "getAccounts.count", query = "SELECT COUNT(a)" + accountQuery)
static final String accountQuery = " FROM Account";
Query q = em.createNamedQuery("getAccounts");
List r = q.setFirstResult(s).setMaxResults(m).getResultList();
int count = ((Long)em.createNamedQuery("getAccounts.count").getSingleResult()).intValue();
Obviously, with this example, the query body is trivial and this is overkill. But with much more complex queries, you end up with a single definition of the query body and can ensure you have the two queries in sync. You also get the advantage that the queries are precompiled and at least with Eclipselink, you get validation at startup time instead of when you call the query.
By doing consistent naming between the two queries, it is possible to wrap the body of the code to run both sets just by basing the base name of the query.
Using setFirstResult/setMaxResults do not return a subset of a result set, the query hasn't even been run when you call these methods, they affect the generated SELECT query that will be executed when calling getResultList. If you want to get the total records count, you'll have to SELECT COUNT your entities in a separate query (typically before to paginate).
For a complete example, check out Pagination of Data Sets in a Sample Application using JSF, Catalog Facade Stateless Session, and Java Persistence APIs.
oh well you can use introspection to get named queries annotations like:
String getNamedQueryCode(Class<? extends Object> clazz, String namedQueryKey) {
NamedQueries namedQueriesAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(NamedQueries.class);
NamedQuery[] namedQueryAnnotations = namedQueriesAnnotation.value();
String code = null;
for (NamedQuery namedQuery : namedQueryAnnotations) {
if ( {
code = namedQuery.query();
if (code == null) {
if (clazz.getSuperclass().getAnnotation(MappedSuperclass.class) != null) {
code = getNamedQueryCode(clazz.getSuperclass(), namedQueryKey);
//if not found
return code;

Merge two collections in mongodb using c#

I have two collections in mongodb.I am retreiving data from two collections independently working gud.But when I am implementing paging using skip and take methods I am getting data from both the collections like this
paging = new Pagination() { CurrentPage = pageNumber, ItemsPerPage = 16 };
var results = dataTable.FindAs<TradeInfo(queryAll).Skip(paging.Skip).Take(paging.Take).ToList<TradeInfo>();
paging.TotalCount = Convert.ToInt32(dataTable.Find(query).Count());
var results2 = new List<TradeInfo>();
if (dataTable2 != null)
results2 = dataTable2.FindAs<TradeInfo(queryAll).Skip(paging.Skip).Take(paging.Take).ToList<TradeInfo>();
int count = Convert.ToInt32(dataTable2.Find(query).Count());
paging.TotalCount = paging.TotalCount + count;
I am giving results as Itemssource to Datagrid and I am getting total 32 items per page.
How can I do that is there any joins concept in Mongodb.Two collections columns are same.
How can I do it?
Please help me in doing that....
I believe what you are looking for here is more of a Union than a Join.
Unfortunately there is no such concept in MongoDB. If your paging is dependent on a query, which in this case it seems it might be, your only real option is to create and maintain a single merged collection which gets updated every time a document is added or saved to either of these two collections. Then you can skip and take on the single collection after applying the query to it.

Facebook api search in Asp.mvc 3 app

I'm searching users in facebook using graph api in my mvc 3 application.
public void AsyncSearch(ICollection<JSonObject> result, string query, string objectType)
var fbClient = new FacebookClient(FacebookTokens.AccessToken);
var searchUri = string.Format("/search?q={0}&type={1}, query, objectType);
var tempResult = (JsonObject)fbClient.Get(searchUri);
var elements = (JsonArray)tempResult.Values.ToArray()[0];
elements.ForEach(element =>
var next = (JsonObject)tempResult.Values.ToList()[1];
while (next.Keys.Contains("next"))
tempResult = (JsonObject)fbClient.Get((string)next["next"]);
elements = (JsonArray)tempResult.Values.ToArray()[0];
elements.ForEach(element =>
next = (JsonObject)tempResult.Values.ToList()[1];
But result contains at most 600 objects(each search returns different number of objects).
I think, if i put, for example, "anna" in query parameter - result must be over 10000.
Why is that? Is there any way to retrieve all users by some keyword?
For performance concerns Facebook will paginate their results. If you look at the end of the JSON object, there should be a pageing object that has next and previous links in it. So, to get all results you will need to run multiple queries and aggregate them up on your side.

NumericRangeQuery in NHibernate.Search

I am creating a search, where the user can both choose an interval and search on a term in the same go.
This is however giving me trouble, since I have up until have only used the usual text query.
I am wondering how I am to go about using both a NumericRangeQuery and a regular term query. Usually I would use a query below:
var parser = new MultiFieldQueryParser(
new[] { "FromPrice", "ToPrice", "Description"}, new SimpleAnalyzer());
Query query = parser.Parse(searchQuery.ToString());
IFullTextSession session = Search.CreateFullTextSession(this.Session);
IQuery fullTextQuery = session.CreateFullTextQuery(query, new[] { typeof(MyObject) });
IList<MyObject> results = fullTextQuery.List<MyObject>();
But if I was to e.g. search the range FromPrice <-> ToPrice and also the description, how should I do this, since session.CreateFullTextQuery only takes one Query object?
you can create a single query that is a BooleanQuery combining all the conditions you want to be met.
For the ranges, heres a link to the synthax using the QueryParser: Searches