Jboss Patch Updates from 6.4.0 to 6.4.19 - jboss

I have installed Jboss EAP 6.4.0 and I am trying to upgrade it to the patch 6.4.19 but facing the following exception whenever I try this using jboss-cli tool:
[standalone#localhost:9999 /] patch apply ../../jboss-eap-6.4.19-patch.zip
JBAS016840: Patch does not apply - expected (6.4.9.GA), but was (6.4.0.GA)
Note: jboss-eap-6.4.19-patch.zip contains 10 folders "jboss-eap-6.4.10.CP.zip" till "jboss-eap-6.4.19.CP.zip"

We will have to install all the JBoss patch updates from 6.4.1 till 6.4.9 to start update patch for further 6.4.10 till 6.4.19

You need to apply the patch "jboss-eap-6.4.9-patch.zip" first before applying "jboss-eap-6.4.19-patch.zip"


Applying the patch AC-3022.patch on magento 2.4.3-p1 gives deprecated error

I have applied a patch AC-3022.patch in magento 2.4.3-p1, but it gives error: Patch is deprecated
Why is the patch deprecated?
Applied patch using following commands in magento root directory -
step 1 - composer require magento/quality-patches
step 2 ./vendor/bin/magento-patches apply AC-3022
You need to check the compatibility of your store version with the patch requirements; please specify the following things:
What's your Magento version
PHP version
As of Magento 2.4.4, the system requirement has been changed from PHP7.4 to PHP8.1
So, carefully upgrade the PHP version and apply the patch again.

I get this error running PMD from salesforce CLI, "ERROR running scanner:run: Attempted to resolve unregistered dependency token: "RuleManager""

Can anyone help me with this. Im using Mac. I cant find the location of the rulemanager. Please see error below
Lxxxxxxx:pmd-bin-6.34.0 xxxxxx$ sfdx scanner:run pmd --target /usr/src --category rulesets/java/quickstart.xml -f sarif
(node:17810) [editions-autoloader-none-broadened] Error Plugin: sfdx-cli: editions-autoloader-none-broadened: Unable to determine a suitable edition, even after broadening.
module: #oclif/config#1.17.0
task: runHook init
plugin: sfdx-cli
root: /Users/xxxxxxx/.local/share/sfdx/client/7.100.0-9d243d8
See more details with DEBUG=*
(Use node --trace-warnings ... to show where the warning was created)
ERROR running scanner:run: Attempted to resolve unregistered dependency token: "RuleManager"
Kieran, this is an issue that we just discovered. It is related to an incompatibility with the version of Node.js that is bundled with the Salesforce CLI and a library that is used by sfdx-scanner.
A temporary workaround can be found at https://github.com/forcedotcom/sfdx-scanner/issues/412
You will need to use the npm installation instead of the pkg installer since you are interested in the Sarif output. Sarif output was added in version 2.6.0. The issue affects versions 2.6.0-2.8.0 when using the pkg installer on a Mac.
We hope to have a fix rolled out in the next couple of days. I will post here when version 2.9 has been released. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Kieran, this issue has been fixed in version 2.9.1. You can upgrade by executing the following commands in your shell.
sfdx plugins:uninstall #salesforce/sfdx-scanner
sfdx plugins:install #salesforce/sfdx-scanner

App Engine python flexible environment 3.6 or 3.7?

On https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/ the runtime for the flexible python environment is said to be 3.6. However on https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/python/runtime it is said to be 3.7.
My build is reported to fail as it depends on a package that requires 3.7 (using gcloud app deploy). So at least my build is using 3.6.
Is this an error in the doc or is also 3.7 available in the flex env?
Update 1
Although the feedback says the default python3 interpreter in the flex env is 3.7, I did have following error when trying to deploy my app when dependent on a module that requires 3.7:
Step #1: <my-dep-module> requires Python '>=3.7' but the running Python is 3.6.8
When I remove that dependency and I build I also see 3.6 mentioned in the build output:
Step #1: ---> f186f86e42ea Step #1: Step 2/9 : LABEL python_version=python3.6 Step #1: ---> Running in 7b76fdee165b
Step #1: Removing intermediate container 7b76fdee165b Step #1: ---> 482717f31b28
Step #1: Step 3/9 : RUN virtualenv --no-download /env -p python3.6 Step #1: ---> Running in b1d15ba3568d
Step #1: Running virtualenv with interpreter /opt/python3.6/bin/python3.6
Thus somehow gcloud app deploy is building using 3.6 nevertheless?
You can set the Python interpreter's version to the latest supported Python 3.x release, which is currently 3.7.2, in the app.yaml file by specifying the runtime_config element like so:
runtime: python
env: flex
python_version: 3
You could set it to other versions by specifying 3.6 or 3.5 as documented here but 3 at this time refers to 3.7.2.
You can set for App Engine flex any version you want in the app.yaml as you can see here. If you just mention 3 at :
python_version: <version number>
It will take by default the latest version possible ( now, 3.7.2 )

How to run upgrade wizards from command line in TYPO3 8

This works for TYPO3 9:
./vendor/bin/typo3 upgrade:list -a
./vendor/bin/typo3 upgrade:run <wizardName>
without Composer:
Same as Composer, but use different path:
./typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 upgrade:list
./typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 upgrade:run <wizardName>
As documented in Installation & Upgrade Guide: Upgrade Wizard (see also Reference Index for both Composer and non-Composer)
In TYPO3 8, shows no commands "upgrade", e.g.
referenceindex:update Update the reference index of TYPO3
syslog:list Show entries from the sys_log database table of the last 24 hours.
How can you run these commands from CLI in TYPO3 8?
You can try the binary typo3cms.
The typo3cms binary is NOT part of the core. Its provided by the composer package helhum/typo3-console and includes the basic binary featurees plus some extra.
Call it like the typo binary => ./vendor/bin/typo3cms
Then you will get the following output for the upgrade option:
upgrade:all Execute all upgrade wizards that are scheduled for execution
upgrade:checkextensionconstraints Check TYPO3 version constraints of extensions
upgrade:list List upgrade wizards
upgrade:wizard Execute a single upgrade wizard
TYPO3 also includes the binaries fluid and doctrine-dbal in the vendor/binfolder

new Capistrano version 2.6.0 deploy error: `sync' is not implemented by Capistrano::Deploy::SCM::None (rsync with remote cache)

I'm using Capistrano along with the capistrano_rsync_with_remote_cache gem when deploying applications.
The problem occourred after upgrading the deploy server with new software:
capistrano 2.5.10 -> 2.6.0
capistrano_rsync_with_remote_cache 2.3.6 -> 2.4.0
ruby 1.8.6 -> 1.8.7
ruby-gems 1.3.5 -> 1.3.7
the error message:
The top most error:
/var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/capistrano-2.6.0/lib/capistrano/recipes/deploy/scm/base.rb:94:in sync': sync' is not implemented by Capistrano::Deploy::SCM::None (NotImplementedError) from
The line from the file rsync_with_remote_cache.rb:110:
source.sync(revision, local_cache_path)
However this is the same line used in the previous version (2.3.6) of capistrano_rsync_with_remote_cache where the NotImplementedError isn't pressent.
The deploy.rb file used with both versions
what should I change in order to make it deploy again with the newer version?
Sync only works when an SCM is set. You have set :scm, :none in your deploy.rb. Change it accordingly to your SCM. set :scm, :git or the likeā€¦
Just had the same error here and got it fixed and thought more people might run into this - and apparently do.