How to disable chrome dev tools waterfall? - google-chrome-devtools

I'm a bit constrained by screen space, and i want to hide waterfall in chrome dev tools network tab. I googled / searched through all settings / options, but i can't find any option to disable / hide it. Any hint ?

DevTools tech writer here. Doesn't look like there's a way to do this, currently.
You can hide other columns by right-clicking the table header, and unchecking the ones you want to hide.
You can also drag the bar separating the waterfall from the item to its left in order to minimize it.

This may help, Remove Chrome Network timeline
"Show overview" Button Toggles the network timeline


How to find grid badge when debugging gird layout in google chrome browser developer tools?

I'm learning to debug grid layout. Here is the article about it:
Here what says Chrome DevTools guide.
The issues comes on the very first stage - I cannot find grid badge on my Elements panel in DevTools.
I've already checked on Windows and MacOS, I seems like it's not connected to OS.
Does anybody know how to turn it on?
Maybe I need to change my browser settings?
I had the same problem and fixed it by chance by doing this:
Open DevTools settings
On Preferences go to the Elements section
I had all selected, except Show rulers and Show agent shadow DOM so I selected them too.
It worked! The Grid label started to appear on grid elements and could on Elements
The thing is that I deselected again Show rulers and Show agent shadow DOM to discard which of them was the one that activated the Grid label but then the Grid label didn't disappear. That's why I said I fixed it by chance.

Is there a way to make the terminal in VSCode take up the entire width of the application even if the sidebar is open?

Is there a way to make terminal span the entire width of the application without closing the sidenav? I use it quite a bit, and often I have to hide the sidenav in order to see it in full width. It would be great if I could set it up so the sidenav is just alongside the editor, allowing terminal to take up the full width of the application.
This is in Stable v1.64 now.
Go to View/Appearance/Align Panel/Justify or use the Layout Control icon on the upper right mentioned below.
Other options for the Panel alignment are center/left/right.
Note that that the Layout icon on the upper right was recently added with this setting:
Workbench > Layout Control: Enabled
Also, as of v1.75 this can be done via the context menu for the Panel. Right-click on an open space of the Panel to the right of the View headers to open the context menu:
See Release Notes: Manage Panel Alignment
It's already available since version 1.64.
Let's switch to Justify option.
**Unfortunately, it is not possible at the moment.
There is a ticket for this feature in the VSCode repository -
It's already available since version 1.64.
See other answers below for more information

Hide top panel when inspecting elements

When we use Chrome developer tools for inspecting elements, top panel will show up where we can choose which device chrome will emulate, what network throttle setting, there will also be a ruler top and sideways... is there an option to temporarely remove all that?
I work on laptop and my screen isn't as big as I would like to, and when inspecting elements, it becomes even smaller, and at lot of times I don't need those options.
There is only a button for hiding media queries and it helps a bit.
It is the result of mobile emulation mode. There is a small button on the left side of the menu bar. It looks like a phone. You can click on and switch off the emulation mode.
In the main Dev tool window, click on the kebob menu and then Toggle device Toolbar.

Chrome Dev Tools Split Vertically while Detached?

When using the Chrome Dev Tools window detached from the browser window, is it possible to change the layout to be split vertically instead of horizontally?
In the Dev Tool options there is an option to split vertically but it only applies when the Dev Tools window is attached to the right side of the browser window. Doesn't have any effect when the window is detached.
See the screenshot below: Things are too cramped with the horizontally laid out panels. If you could lay them out vertically it would be perfect.
Is this possible?
It looks like Panel layout setting is now respected in detached windows (tested in Chrome 55).
Original, outdated, answer below.
This is not an exposed option, but it's possible:
undock DevTools window (A),
focus on that window and hit alt+cmd+J,
this will open another DevTools window (B) - in that window's console execute
close window B
The only issue here is that this change will not "stick". For each DevTools window you'll have to repeat above procedure. However, if you'd like this option to stick and to be exposed in the DevTools settings you can file a feature request on
yes you can. just hold the doc button and you will get the option to view vertically. Or you can use the show windows side by side from the task bar.

Is there a way to search/filter properties in Styles pane of Google Devtools?

On the Elements tab 'Find' functionality (cmd+F/ctrl+F) doesn't search through styles pane. Is there a way to type CSS property with HTML element selected and find it quickly in the Styles panel?
Bottom right corner, light gray text says "Find in styles". Click there and enter your search.
Unfortunately, such functionality does not exist in current Chrome Dev Tools.
But its present in Opera Dragonfly and its very handy, so, probably Chrome will copy it, eventually (but no such feature request exists in bug tracker now).
On the latest Chrome on Mac, I'm getting the filter at the top of the styles pane. I can't believe that I never noticed it given that I've needed it so many times!
Try using CTRL+Shif+F on the Elements tab