Keras: make specific weights in a dense layer untrainable [duplicate] - neural-network

I am using keras and tensorflow 1.4.
I want to explicitly specify which neurons are connected between two layers. Therefor I have a matrix A with ones in it, whenever neuron i in the first Layer is connected to neuron j in the second Layer and zeros elsewhere.
My first attempt was to create a custom layer with a kernel, that has the same size as A with non-trainable zeros in it, where A has zeros in it and trainable weights, where A has ones in it. Then, the desired output would be a simple dot-product. Unfortunately I did not manage to figure out, how to implement a kernel that is partly trainable and partly non-trainable.
Any suggestions?
(Building a functional model with a lot of neurons that are connected by hand could be a work around, but somehow 'ugly' solution)

The simplest way I can think of, if you have this matrix correctly shaped, is to derive the Dense layer and simply add the matrix in the code multiplying the original weights:
class CustomConnected(Dense):
def __init__(self,units,connections,**kwargs):
#this is matrix A
self.connections = connections
#initalize the original Dense with all the usual arguments
def call(self,inputs):
#change the kernel before calling the original call:
self.kernel = self.kernel * self.connections
#call the original calculations:
model.add(CustomConnected(hidden_dim2, matrixB,activation='tanh')) #can use all the other named parameters...
Notice that all the neurons/units have yet a bias added at the end. The argument use_bias=False will still work if you don't want biases. You can also do exactly the same thing using a vector B, for instance, and mask the original biases with self.biases = self.biases * vectorB
Hint for testing: use different input and output dimensions, so you can be sure that your matrix A has the correct shape.
I just realized that my code is potentially buggy, because I'm changing a property that is used by the original Dense layer. If weird behaviors or messages appear, you can try another call method:
def call(self, inputs):
output =, self.kernel * self.connections)
if self.use_bias:
output = K.bias_add(output, self.bias)
if self.activation is not None:
output = self.activation(output)
return output
Where K comes from import keras.backend as K.
You may also go further and set a custom get_weights() method if you want to see the weights masked with your matrix. (This would not be necessary in the first approach above)


Compute softmax using breeze

I am constructing a deep neural network from scratch and I want to implement the softmax distributed function.
I am using breeze for that but it is not working as expected.
The documentation is also poor with very few examples, so it is difficult for me to understand how I should use it.
here is an example :
I have an ouput array that contains 10 dimensions.
I have my label array also.
Z contains 10 rows with the weighted values.
My label array contains also 10 rows and one is set to 1 to specify which row is the expected result.
lab(0) = 1
lab(1 to 9) = 0
my code :
def ComputeZ(ActivationFunction : String, z:Array[Double], label:Array[Double]) : Array[Double] = {
ActivationFunction match {
case "SoftMax" => **val t = softmax(z,label)**
I was expecting having a distributed probability with a total of 1 for the 10 rows but it returns actually the same values as Z.
I don't know what I am doing wrong
thanks for your help
Your question seems a little bit confusing to me. I mean, creating a SoftMax from scratch has nothing to do with the label or the real output value. A Softmax function is used to create a valid output probability distribution of a neural network, used in multiclass classification problems. As I see you have a one hot vector as label, it seems that you want to implement a CrossEntropy criterion or some error function that evaluates the divergence of the prediction distribution and the label distribution. That needs the output prediction probability distribution(applying your Softmax to the output layer) and the one hot vector of the output.
I watched the code of the softmax function in breeze but I don´t see a Layer implementation and it doesn´t do what I was expecting. Have in mind that you need a forward an a backward function.

Dimensionality reduction using PCA - MATLAB

I am trying to reduce dimensionality of a training set using PCA.
I have come across two approaches.
for lamda=1:length(eigen)
train_x=train_x*V(:, 1:lamda);
Here, I simply use the eigenvalue matrix to reconstruct the training set with lower amount of features determined by principal components describing 90% of original set.
The alternate method that I found is almost exactly the same, save the last line, which changes to:
In other words, we take the training set as the principal component representation of the original training set up to some feature lamda.
Both of these methods seem to yield similar results (out of sample test error), but there is difference, however minuscule it may be.
My question is, which one is the right method?
The answer depends on your data, and what you want to do.
Using your variable names. Generally speaking is easy to expect that the outputs of pca maintain
U = train_x * V
But this is only true if your data is normalized, specifically if you already removed the mean from each component. If not, then what one can expect is
U = train_x * V - mean(train_x * V)
And in that regard, weather you want to remove or maintain the mean of your data before processing it, depends on your application.
It's also worth noting that even if you remove the mean before processing, there might be some small difference, but it will be around floating point precision error
((train_x * V) - U) ./ U ~~ 1.0e-15
And this error can be safely ignored

Using SparseTensor as a trainable variable?

I'm trying to use SparseTensor to represent weight variables in a fully-connected layer.
However, it seems that TensorFlow 0.8 doesn't allow to use SparseTensor as tf.Variable.
Is there any way to go around this?
I've tried
import tensorflow as tf
a = tf.constant(1)
b = tf.SparseTensor([[0,0]],[1],[1,1])
print a.__class__ # shows <class 'tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor'>
print b.__class__ # shows <class 'tensorflow.python.framework.ops.SparseTensor'>
tf.Variable(a) # Variable is declared correctly
tf.Variable(b) # Fail
By the way, my ultimate goal of using SparseTensor is to permanently mask some of connections in dense form. Thus, these pruned connections are ignored while calculating and applying gradients.
In my current implementation of MLP, SparseTensor and its sparse form of matmul ops successfully reports inference outputs. However, the weights declared using SparseTensor aren't trained as training steps go.
As a workaround to your problem, you can provide a tf.Variable (until Tensorflow v0.8) for the values of a sparse tensor. The sparsity structure has to be pre-defined in that case, the weights however remain trainable.
weights = tf.Variable(<initial-value>)
sparse_var = tf.SparseTensor(<indices>, weights, <shape>) # v0.8
sparse_var = tf.SparseTensor(<indices>, tf.identity(weights), <shape>) # v0.9
TensorFlow doesn't currently support sparse tensor variables. However, it does support sparse lookups (tf.embedding_lookup) and sparse gradient updates (tf.sparse_add) of dense variables. I suspect these two will suffice your use case.
TensorFlow doesn't support training on sparse tensors yet. You can initialize a sparse tensor as you wish, then convert it into a dense tensor and create a variable from it like that:
# You need to correctly initialize the sparse tensor with indices, values and a shape
b = tf.SparseTensor(indices, values, shape)
b_dense = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(b)
b_variable = tf.Variable(b_dense)
Now you have initialized a sparse tensor as a variable. Now you need to take care of the gradient update (in other words, make sure the entries in the variable stay 0, since there is a non-vanishing gradient calculated in the backpropagation algorithm for them when using this naively).
In order to do this, TensorFlow optimizers have a method called tf.train.Optimizer.compute_gradients(loss, [list_of_variables]). This calculates all the gradients in the graph necessary to minimize the loss function, but doesn't apply them yet. This method returns a list of tuples in a form of (gradients, variable). You can modify these gradients freely, but in your case it makes sense to mask the gradients not needed to 0 (i.e. by creating another sparse tensor with default values 0.0 and values 1.0 where the weights in your network are present).
After having modified them, you call the optimizer method tf.train.Optimizer.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars) to actually apply the gradients. An example code would look like this:
# Create optimizer instance
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.001)
# Get the gradients for your weights
grads_and_vars = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss, [b_variable])
# Modify the gradients at will
# In your case it would look similar to this
modified_grads_and_vars = [(tf.multiply(gv[0], mask_tensor), gv[1] for gv in grads_and_vars]
# Apply modified gradients to your model
This makes sure your entries stay 0 in your weight matrix and no unwanted connections are created. You need to take care of all the other gradients for all other variables later.
The above code works with some minor correction like this.
def optimize(loss, mask_tensor):
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.001)
grads_and_vars = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss)
modified_grads_and_vars = [
(tf.multiply(gv[0], mask_tensor[gv[1]]), gv[1]) for gv in grads_and_vars
return optimizer.apply_gradients(modified_grads_and_vars)

function parameters in matlab wander off after curve fitting

first a little background. I'm a psychology student so my background in coding isn't on par with you guys :-)
My problem is as follow and the most important observation is that curve fitting with 2 different programs gives completly different results for my parameters, altough my graphs stay the same. The main program we have used to fit my longitudinal data is kaleidagraph and this should be seen as kinda the 'golden standard', the program I'm trying to modify is matlab.
I was trying to be smart and wrote some code (a lot at least for me) and the goal of that code was the following:
1. Taking an individual longitudinal datafile
2. curve fitting this data on a non-parametric model using lsqcurvefit
3. obtaining figures and the points where f' and f'' are zero
This all worked well (woohoo :-)) but when I started comparing the function parameters both programs generate there is a huge difference. The kaleidagraph program stays close to it's original starting values. Matlab wanders off and sometimes gets larger by a factor 1000. The graphs stay however more or less the same in both situations and both fit the data well. However it would be lovely if I would know how to make the matlab curve fitting more 'conservative' and more located near it's original starting values.
validFitPersons = true(nbValidPersons,1);
for i=1:nbValidPersons
personalData = data{validPersons(i),3};
personalData = personalData(personalData(:,1)>=minAge,:);
% Fit a specific model for all valid persons
opts = optimoptions(#lsqcurvefit, 'Algorithm', 'levenberg-marquardt');
[personalParams,personalRes,personalResidual] = lsqcurvefit(heightModel,initialValues,personalData(:,1),personalData(:,2),[],[],opts);
Above is a the part of the code i've written to fit the datafiles into a specific model.
Below is an example of a non-parametric model i use with its function parameters.
elseif strcmpi(model,'jpa2')
% y = a.*(1-1/(1+(b_1(t+e))^c_1+(b_2(t+e))^c_2+(b_3(t+e))^c_3))
heightModel = #(params,ages) abs(params(1).*(1-1./(1+(params(2).* (ages+params(8) )).^params(5) +(params(3).* (ages+params(8) )).^params(6) +(params(4) .*(ages+params(8) )).^params(7) )));
modelStrings = {'a','b1','b2','b3','c1','c2','c3','e'};
% Define initial values
if strcmpi('male',gender)
initialValues = [176.76 0.339 0.1199 0.0764 0.42287 2.818 18.52 0.4363];
initialValues = [161.92 0.4173 0.1354 0.090 0.540 2.87 14.281 0.3701];
I've tried to mimick the curve fitting process in kaleidagraph as good as possible. There I've found they use the levenberg-marquardt algorithm which I've selected. However results still vary and I don't have any more clues about how I can change this.
Some extra adjustments:
The idea for this code was the following:
I'm trying to compare different fitting models (they are designed for this purpose). So what I do is I have 5 models with different parameters and different starting values ( the second part of my code) and next I have the general curve fitting file. Since there are different models it would be interesting if I could put restrictions into how far my starting values could wander off.
Anyone any idea how this could be done?
Anybody willing to help a psychology student?
This is a common issue when dealing with non-linear models.
If I were, you, I would try to check if you can remove some parameters from the model in order to simplify it.
If you really want to keep your solution not too far from the initial point, you can use upper bounds and lower bounds for each variable:
x = lsqcurvefit(fun,x0,xdata,ydata,lb,ub)
defines a set of lower and upper bounds on the design variables in x so that the solution is always in the range lb ≤ x ≤ ub.
You state:
I'm trying to compare different fitting models (they are designed for
this purpose). So what I do is I have 5 models with different
parameters and different starting values ( the second part of my code)
and next I have the general curve fitting file.
You will presumably compare the statistics from fits with different models, to see whether reductions in the fitting error are unlikely to be due to chance. You may want to rely on that comparison to pick the model that not only fits your data suitably but is also simplest (which is often referred to as the principle of parsimony).
The problem is really with the model you have shown resulting in correlated parameters and therefore overfitting, as mentioned by #David. Again, this should be resolved when you compare different models and find that some do just as well (statistically speaking) even though they involve fewer parameters.
To drive the point home regarding the problem with the choice of model, here are (1) results of a trial fit using simulated data (2) the correlation matrix of the parameters in graphical form:
Note that absolute values of the correlation close to 1 indicate strongly correlated parameters, which is highly undesirable. Note also that the trend in the data is practically linear over a long portion of the dataset, which implies that 2 parameters might suffice over that stretch, so using 8 parameters to describe it seems like overkill.

MATLAB/Simulink - programmatically supply multiple external inputs

I have the following Simulink model:
I would like to externally provide inputs u[k] and y[k], i.e., I will be running simulations via MATLAB command line. I found previously that I could set the [LoadExternalInput and ExternalInput][3] options, and they default to the vector [t u].
But my u[k] and y[k] are vectors, and it looks like the ExternalInput can only specify one vector. So each row of [t u] is the value of the entire vector u at time t.
The sizes of u[k] and y[k] in my model here are not necessarily known ahead of time. Is there a way to pass in these vectors (as structs, perhaps)?
From Importing Data to Root-Level Input Ports I've found that I could do something like
sim('myModel', 'LoadExternalInput', 'on', 'ExternalInput', 'u, y');
where u and y are structures with fields time, signals.values, and signals.dimensions; each row of signals.values is a vector corresponding to a n element of time. signals.dimensions is the dimension of signals.values. I have to manually set the In1 ports to expect the same dimension as u.signals.values (well, I can of course do it programatically before hand..):
Note You must set the Port dimensions parameter of the Inport or the Trigger block to be the same value as the dimensions field of the corresponding input structure. If the values differ, an error message is displayed when you try to simulate the model.
(from "Importing Data Structures to a Root-Level Input Port")
What's the point of setting signals.dimensions if I have to set the dimension on the In1 block manually anyhow? Anyway that might have to be how I do this: just examine u and y before running the simulation, then setting the Inblock properties (programatically, of course) to expect vectors of that length.
I am still hoping there is a more elegant solution for this.