even (n + m) -> even n /\ even m \/ odd n /\ odd m - coq

How can I prove this lemma:
Lemma even_plus_split n m :
even (n + m) -> even n /\ even m \/ odd n /\ odd m.
These are the only libraries and definition that can be used:
Require Import Arith.
Require Import Coq.omega.Omega.
Definition even (n: nat) := exists k, n = 2 * k.
Definition odd (n: nat) := exists k, n = 2 * k + 1.
I am new to Coq and confused about it. Can you give me a solution? Thanks in advance!
the code so far:
Lemma even_plus_split n m :
even (n + m) -> even n /\ even m \/ odd n /\ odd m.
unfold even.
unfold even in H.
destruct H as [k H].
unfold odd.
exists (1/2*k).
result so far:
1 subgoal
n, m, k : nat
H : n + m = 2 * k
(exists k0 : nat, n = 2 * k0) /\ (exists k0 : nat, m = 2 * k0) \/
(exists k0 : nat, n = 2 * k0 + 1) /\ (exists k0 : nat, m = 2 * k0 + 1)
I just want to make k0 equals to 1/2*k, and therefore I suppose it would make sense, but I can't do that.

I just want to make k0 equals to 1/2*k, and therefore I suppose it would make sense, but I can't do that.
There is a function called Nat.div2, which divides a natural number by 2. Running Search Nat.div2.
Nat.le_div2: forall n : nat, Nat.div2 (S n) <= n
Nat.lt_div2: forall n : nat, 0 < n -> Nat.div2 n < n
Nat.div2_decr: forall a n : nat, a <= S n -> Nat.div2 a <= n
Nat.div2_wd: Morphisms.Proper (Morphisms.respectful eq eq) Nat.div2
Nat.div2_spec: forall a : nat, Nat.div2 a = Nat.shiftr a 1
Nnat.N2Nat.inj_div2: forall a : N, N.to_nat (N.div2 a) = Nat.div2 (N.to_nat a)
Nnat.Nat2N.inj_div2: forall n : nat, N.of_nat (Nat.div2 n) = N.div2 (N.of_nat n)
Nat.div2_double: forall n : nat, Nat.div2 (2 * n) = n
Nat.div2_div: forall a : nat, Nat.div2 a = a / 2
Nat.div2_succ_double: forall n : nat, Nat.div2 (S (2 * n)) = n
Nat.div2_odd: forall a : nat, a = 2 * Nat.div2 a + Nat.b2n (Nat.odd a)
forall (op : bool -> bool -> bool) (n a b : nat),
Nat.div2 (Nat.bitwise op (S n) a b) = Nat.bitwise op n (Nat.div2 a) (Nat.div2 b)
Of these, the most promising seems to be Nat.div2_odd: forall a : nat, a = 2 * Nat.div2 a + Nat.b2n (Nat.odd a). If you pose proof this lemma, you can destruct (Nat.odd a) and use simpl to get that either a = 2 * Nat.div2 a or a = 2 * Nat.div2 a + 1, for whichever a you choose.
This may not give you a solution directly (I am not convinced that setting k0 to k / 2 is the right decision), but if it does not, you should make sure that you can figure out how to prove this fact on paper before you try it in Coq. Coq is very good at making sure that you don't make any jumps of logic that you're not allowed to make; it's extremely bad at helping you figure out how to prove a fact that you don't yet know how to prove.

Everybody who tries to answer seems to be dancing around the fact that you actually chose a wrong direction for this proof. Here is a example:
if n = 601 and m = 399, then n + m = 2 * 500,
n = 2 * 300 + 1, and m = 2 * 199 + 1.
Between 500, 300, and 199, the 1/2 ratio does not appear anywhere.
Still the statement (even n /\ even m) / (odd n /\ odd m) is definitely true.
So for now, you have more a math problem than a Coq problem.
You have to make a proof for universally quantified numbers n and m, but somehow this proof should also work for specific choices of these numbers. So in a sense you can make the mental exercise of testing your proof on examples.


How to prove a odd number is the successor of double of nat in coq?

I have the odd number definition as below:
Definition Odd n := exists k, n = 2*k+1.
And I have an oddb define that whether a number is odd or not.
Fixpoint oddb (n : nat) { struct n } : bool :=
match n with
| 0 => false
| 1 => true
| S (S n) => oddb n
I am trying to prove if a number is the successor of a double of nat; then it is a odd number.
Theorem question_1c:
forall n, Odd n -> (oddb n = true).
unfold Odd. intros. inversion H.
rewrite H0. simpl. induction x.
- simpl. reflexivity.
- Admitted.
I stuck on the second goal.. it showed that I need to prove Sx.. and the hypothesis I have from now seems like not helpful...
1 subgoal
n : nat
H : exists k : nat, n = 2 * k + 1
x : nat
H0 : n = 2 * S x + 1
IHx : n = 2 * x + 1 -> oddb (x + (x + 0) + 1) = true
oddb (S x + (S x + 0) + 1) = true
Can anyone help me?? tHnak you
Standard induction let you jump from n to n+1. Here with your odd function
you need to jump from n to n+2. So what is needed is a stronger induction. One way to do this is to prove:
Theorem question_1c:
forall n m, m <= n -> Odd m -> (oddb m = true).
by standard induction on n (but for all m smaller)

how to simplify a equality statement

In hypothesis, I have a natural number that cannot be zero.When we add this number
to an another function,whose output is also natural number. I have to prove that result of addition of these two values equal to zero is false. I should not dig about f,because addition of anything in non zero term ,become equal to zero is false statement.
`H : (m =? 0) = false
(f+ m =? 0) = false`
Short answer:
Require Import Lia.
rewrite !Nat.eqb_neq; lia.
Long answer:
I feel sorry that this question arises. Historically, most of the reasoning in Coq about equality is done with the eq concept, with the notation m = n, not with the boolean equality, on which you rely here. It is also important to know that Coq has a specific notation for "disequality" or "non-equality" : m <> n stands for ~ (m = n).
So if you add typed the following statement instead, there would be an easy solution:
Require Import Arith Lia.
Lemma example1 f m : m <> 0 -> f + m <> 0.
Proof. lia. Qed.
Unfortunately, this does not work for the way you express your statement:
Lemma example2 f m : (m =? 0) = false -> (f + m =? 0) = false.
Fail lia.
If you call Search with the following pattern, you see that the boolean comparison expression is logically equivalent to basic equality, but only if you use specific theorems to express this:
Search (_ =? _).
Nat.eqb_refl: forall x : nat, (x =? x) = true
beq_nat_refl: forall n : nat, true = (n =? n)
Nat.eqb_sym: forall x y : nat, (x =? y) = (y =? x)
Nat.eqb_spec: forall x y : nat, Bool.reflect (x = y) (x =? y)
beq_nat_eq: forall n m : nat, true = (n =? m) -> n = m
beq_nat_true: forall n m : nat, (n =? m) = true -> n = m
Nat.eqb_eq: forall n m : nat, (n =? m) = true <-> n = m
beq_nat_false: forall n m : nat, (n =? m) = false -> n <> m
Nat.eqb_neq: forall x y : nat, (x =? y) = false <-> x <> y
Nat.pow2_bits_eqb: forall n m : nat, Nat.testbit (2 ^ n) m = (n =? m)
Nat.bit0_eqb: forall a : nat, Nat.testbit a 0 = (a mod 2 =? 1)
forall x y : nat, (x =? y) = match x ?= y with
| Eq => true
| _ => false
forall a n m : nat,
Nat.testbit (Nat.setbit a n) m = ((n =? m) || Nat.testbit a m)%bool
forall a n m : nat,
Nat.testbit (Nat.clearbit a n) m = (Nat.testbit a m && negb (n =? m))%bool
Nat.testbit_eqb: forall a n : nat, Nat.testbit a n = ((a / 2 ^ n) mod 2 =? 1)
But there is no theorem that expresses the interaction of addition with equality to 0. You can also see this using a more precise pattern.
Search (_ =? _) 0 (_ + _).
This returns nothing.
On the other hand, if you type
Search (_ = _) 0 (_ + _).
You see many theorems, one of which is relevant to your problem.
Nat.eq_add_0: forall n m : nat, n + m = 0 <-> n = 0 /\ m = 0
And this one is enough to solve the problem, if it is expressed with _ = _ instead of _ =? _. So to solve your specific problem, we need first to transform comparisons using _ =? _ into equality statements,and then do logical reasoning using the available theorems. In the first search result, we have the theorem Nat.eqb_neq that is adapted to your situation. Continuing on the proof of example2 above, we can write:
Rewrite !Nat.eqb_neq.
The goal becomes:
f, m : nat
m <> 0 -> f + m <> 0
Now, we could do logical reasoning using the theorem Nat.eq_add_0.
rewrite Nat.eq_add_0.
We can finish the proof by small step like this.
intros mn0 [fis0 mis0]; case mn0; assumption.
we can also ask an automatic tool to finish the proof for us:
But going a little backward in time, we can also observe the statement after rewriting with Nat.eqb_neq. This is a statement in linear arithmetic (it contains comparisons, natural numbers, and no product between variables). This statement is in the scope of a tactic for this theory, the one used most often now is lia.

Coq theorem proving: Simple fraction law in peano arithmetic

I am learning coq and am trying to prove equalities in peano arithmetic.
I got stuck on a simple fraction law.
We know that (n + m) / 2 = n / 2 + m / 2 from primary school.
In peano arithmetic this does only hold if n and m are even (because then division produces correct results).
Compute (3 / 2) + (5 / 2). (*3*)
Compute (3 + 5) / 2. (*4*)
So we define:
Theorem fraction_addition: forall n m: nat ,
even n -> even m -> Nat.div2 n + Nat.div2 m = Nat.div2 (n + m).
From my understanding this is a correct and provable theorem.
I tried an inductive proof, e.g.
intros n m en em.
induction n.
- reflexivity.
- ???
Which gets me into the situation that
en = even (S n)
and IHn : even n -> Nat.div2 n + Nat.div2 m = Nat.div2 (n + m), so i don't find a way to apply the induction hypothesis.
After long research of the standard library and documentation, i don't find an answer.
You need to strengthen your induction hypothesis in cases like this.
One way of doing this is by proving an induction principle like this one:
From Coq Require Import Arith Even.
Lemma nat_ind2 (P : nat -> Prop) :
P 0 ->
P 1 ->
(forall n, P n -> P (S n) -> P (S (S n))) ->
forall n, P n.
now intros P0 P1 IH n; enough (H : P n /\ P (S n)); [|induction n]; intuition.
nat_ind2 can be used as follows:
Theorem fraction_addition n m :
even n -> even m ->
Nat.div2 n + Nat.div2 m = Nat.div2 (n + m).
induction n using nat_ind2.
(* here goes the rest of the proof *)
You can also prove your theorem without induction if you are ok with using the standard library.
If you use Even m in your hypothesis (which says exists n, m = 2*m) then you can use simple algebraic rewrites with lemmas from the standard library.
Require Import PeanoNat.
Import Nat.
Goal forall n m, Even n -> Even m -> n / 2 + m / 2 = (n+m)/2.
inversion 1; inversion 1.
rewrite <- mul_add_distr_l.
rewrite ?(mul_comm 2).
rewrite ?div_mul; auto.
The question mark just means "rewrite as many (zero or more) times as possible".
inversion 1 does inversion on the first inductive hypothesis in the goal, in this case first Even n and then Even m. It gives us n = 2 * x and m = 2 * x0 in the context, which we then substitute.
Also note even_spec: forall n : nat, even n = true <-> Even n, so you can use even if you prefer that, just rewrite with even_spec first...

Preserving structure with inductions on 2 variables

I've been learning about Coq's tactics and familiarizing myself with the system by reproving basic facts about natural numbers.
I've been trying to avoid using the theorems that are already proven in the library, and reproving things like the associativity of multiplication, etc.
However, I've been stymied in a couple of cases, where I have a property for n m:nat that I want to prove, but when I try to do induction on both n and m, the structure of the inductive hypothesises is useless for trying to prove the property.
I proved n = m -> o * n = o * m very easily:
Theorem times_alg_left : forall n m o:nat, n = m -> o * n = o * m.
intros n m o H.
rewrite H; reflexivity.
But trying to prove S o * n = S o * m -> n = m completely flumoxed me. I decided, after considerable struggles, to try to prove 2 * n = 2 * m -> n = m, but that was no easier.
I end up with situations like this:
Theorem m2_eq : forall n m:nat, 2 * n = 2 * m -> n = m.
intros n m H.
induction n.
destruct m.
induction m.
1 subgoal
n, m : nat
H : 2 * S n = 2 * S m
IHn : 2 * n = 2 * S m -> n = S m
IHm : 2 * S n = 2 * m -> (2 * n = 2 * m -> n = m) -> S n = m
S n = S m
I've got 2 * S n = 2 * S m, but my inductive premises are talking about 2 * n = 2 * S m and 2 * S n = 2 * m.
I can't make anything happen from this situation.
Similarly, I started trying to proof things about Nat.sub and less than or equal to get around this limitation, but I ran into the same situation.
Theorem sub0_imp_le : forall n m:nat, n - m = 0 -> n <= m.
intros n m H.
induction n; induction m.
apply le_n.
apply le_0.
rewrite sub0 in H.
1 subgoal
n, m : nat
H : S n - S m = 0
IHn : n - S m = 0 -> n <= S m
IHm : S n - m = 0 -> (n - m = 0 -> n <= m) -> S n <= m
S n <= S m
But I'm in the same pickle where my inductive premises are worthless.
How do I structure my tactics to solve these type of theorems, with 2 nat variables, and some kind of equality or subtraction situation going on?
You need to do induct on one number while generalizing the other, using the generalize dependent tactic, for instance. This is explained in detail in the Software Foundations book.
Using the Software Foundations book Arthur mentioned, I found the exmaple in question. I need to not introduce m before doing induction on n. I needed to do induction on n first instead, then introduce m.
Theorem times_alg_rem_left : forall n o m:nat, (S o) * n = (S o) * m -> n = m.
intros n o.
induction n.
intros m eq.
destruct m.
rewrite (timesz o) in eq.
simpl in eq.
intros m eq.
destruct m.
rewrite (timesz (S o)) in eq.
inversion eq.
apply f_equal.
apply IHn.
rewrite (times_nSm (S o) n) in eq.
rewrite (times_nSm (S o) m) in eq.
apply plus_alg_rem_right in eq.

Getting a stronger induction principle in Coq

Assume the following:
Inductive bin : Set := Z | O.
Fixpoint fib (n : nat) : list bin :=
match n with
| 0 => [Z]
| S k => match k with
| 0 => [O]
| S k' => fib k' ++ fib k
I would like to show:
Theorem fib_first : forall n,
Nat.Even n -> n > 3 -> exists w, fib n = Z :: w.
However, by performing induction on n, I get a really useless inductive
hypothesis fixing n, stating that IH : Nat.Even n -> n > 3 -> exists w : list bin, fib n = Z :: w.
What I would ideally have is the following: IH : forall n : nat, Nat.Even n -> n > 3 -> exists w : list bin, fib n = Z :: w. Naturally I cannot assume the original proposition, but it feels like I need to prove something stronger perhaps?
My idea for the inductive reasoning would be made possible by expanding F n = F n-2 . F n-1, we know F n-2 is even iff F n is even, and since neither of F n-2 or F n-1 is empty, we can show the substring is shorter, therefore sufficient for the inductive hypothesis - how does one express this in Coq?
The trick is to unfold the definition of Nat.Even and do induction on n / 2 instead of n:
Theorem fib_first : forall n,
Nat.Even n -> exists w, fib n = Z :: w.
intros n [m ->].
induction m as [|m IH].
- now exists nil.
- rewrite <- mult_n_Sm, plus_comm.
generalize (2 * m) IH. clear m IH. simpl.
intros n [w ->].
simpl. eauto.
Note that your n > 3 hypothesis is not actually needed.