user postgres launches process that takes all CPUs 100% usage - postgresql

User postgres is running a process that take all CPUs at 100% usage in a centos machine, the postgresql service is not running so it cannot be a query.
When I try to stop the process it restarts itself. Then name of the process is somewhat strange.

By exposing a database with a weak superuser password to the internet you invited somebody to break in and use your CPU for their own purposes, probably mining crypto-currencies.
Take the machine from the internet, wipe it clean and re-install the operating system.

I had the same issue on my VPS. I considered to reinstall OS or clone VPS, but have alot of issues on that solution. So, i choose another way:
I did:
backup all data with "pg_dumpall"
backup pqsql configuration(pg_hba.conf,postgresql.conf,...)
Uninstall "everything" of pgsql
reinstall pgsql
restore pgsql data


Postgresql utilising more CPU and Memory [duplicate]

User postgres is running a process that take all CPUs at 100% usage in a centos machine, the postgresql service is not running so it cannot be a query.
When I try to stop the process it restarts itself. Then name of the process is somewhat strange.
By exposing a database with a weak superuser password to the internet you invited somebody to break in and use your CPU for their own purposes, probably mining crypto-currencies.
Take the machine from the internet, wipe it clean and re-install the operating system.
I had the same issue on my VPS. I considered to reinstall OS or clone VPS, but have alot of issues on that solution. So, i choose another way:
I did:
backup all data with "pg_dumpall"
backup pqsql configuration(pg_hba.conf,postgresql.conf,...)
Uninstall "everything" of pgsql
reinstall pgsql
restore pgsql data

Recovery postgresql database after initdb

I have an important issue with my database and I don't know how to fix it.
I have postgresql 9.6 in CentOS running. After a system reboot, postgrsql-service doesn't start, so following the instructions in the shell, I launched "sudo /usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/postgresql96-setup initdb"
What my surpirse when I started pgsql... and it is a new empty instance, I had a database with a size of 4GB and has dissapear...
However data must be still in the files, because data folder have a size of 4GB, how I can recover this last situation?
Thank you very much,

I dont know how Postgresql created user on my mac

Two days ago, i started learning postgresql. Most tutorials I followed online were either old or the codes wont just work on my mac. I followed a lot of tutorials that did a lot of totally different things.
When i switched on my system today. I noticed Postgresql created a user on my mac. I don't know what this is or maybe i used the wrong CLI code.
When I tried viewing the user, I saw this
should I delete this user or it has a function?
postgres user account
Creating a user account specifically for Postgres, commonly named postgres, is a normal part of a Postgres installation. Your installer app likely prompted you for a password to assign to this new user account.
One reason for this is security: The database’s data files and security configuration files are stored in folders owned by the postgres user. So if your main user account is hijacked, the intruder does not yet have access to the database (often the most valuable thing in storage). The intruder must jump through more hoops to compromise Postgres. Also, the separate ownership prevents other apps from inadvertently stomping on the Postgres files.
You will find Postgres is much more enterprise-oriented than other products such as MySQL. This means locking-down for security. Another example: Postgres by default is configured to not accept connections over the network. To enable connections from other computers, you must change the configuration. Inconvenient for the beginner, but more secure. Like a bar on your car steering wheel and deadbolts on your doors, more security always means more steps to take and more annoyance.
Use a virtual machine
Installing the postgres user account is one of the things that makes Postgres a rather heavyweight installation. I suggest to those learning Postgres to use a virtual machine for Postgres. Something like:
Parallels or Fusion or VirtualBox on your own computer
Cloud server such as FreeBSD on
To remove Postgres, simply discard the vm. for macOS
Another option for a Mac user is, created by the person who built one of the first Postgres-as-a-Service implementations (on Heroku). I have not used, but I understand it wraps Postgres, so it does not install the postgres user account. Also, Postgres starts and stops when launch and quit the app, rather than running in the background all the time.
Be aware: you may have conflicts with on a Mac where you already have a conventional installation. I suggest you first carefully remove the conventional Postgres from your Mac before installing Uninstalling involves finding and deleting various files and folders in various places.
Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS)
Another option to avoid local installation is the increasing choices for running Postgres as a service. This is sometimes referred to as “managed Postgres” because the vendor maintains the installation of Postgres on your behalf. You simply use Postgres to create your database, but you do not fully control Postgres in such a service.
Some examples:
Digital Ocean
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
My experience
Personally, I often install Postgres on a Mac using the installer by That company sells added-value versions of Postgres, but kindly provides an installer for plain-vanilla Postgres, as a service to the community.
I have also used that same installer from to install onto a Parallels VM running macOS as the guest OS within the VM on a MacBook Pro running macOS as the host OS. You can easily configure the VM to share the host Mac’s IP address on the network, or you can give the VM its own network address which might be handy for demo/dev/test work.
Thirdly, I have installed Postgres on FreeBSD on
All three of these options have worked quite well for me. Which is preferable depends on the scenario. For example, the approach is good if I want colleagues to be able to reach the database 24x7 without my own MacBook being available.
This discussion is for development work. For mission-critical deployment, I strongly recommend using heavy-duty server equipment with error-correcting memory and redundant storage such as RAID or ZFS pool. Postgres is extremely reliable but depends, of course, on reliable hardware.
Your tag says Postgres 9.1. That version is quite old now. I suggest using the latest version. By the way, the version numbering system has changed for postgres. The first number is now the roughly-annual release number likely requiring you to dump and reload data to upgrade, and the second number is compatible updates.
As pointed out by #basil-bourque, the account is required for several reasons.
That said, if it annoys you to have the PostgreSQL showing up in the login screen -as it did me-, you can remove it as long as you have admin user rights in MacOS.
Apple Support gives the following command to hide a user from the login screen:
$ sudo dscl . create /Users/hiddenuser IsHidden 1
However, since the PostgreSQL user was not included listed in the login window at installation, that command will yield no result -at least in Catalina, which is my OS.
You should use the following two commands instead, as suggested by josemarluedke:
## add postgres to the list of hidden users on login screen
$ sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ HiddenUsersList -array-add 'postgres'
## instruct not to show any hidden accounts at login
$ sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ SHOWOTHERUSERS_MANAGED -bool FALSE
Worked for me!

vCSA 5.5 vPostgres backup routine

I would like to save a bourne shell script in /etc/cron.* on vCenter server virtual appliance 5.5 to backup the vpostgres (VMware vCenter postgresql database).
VMware knowledge base article 2034505 recommend stopping vpxd service before backing up.
I suppose to prevent backing up the database in an inconsistent state (while vcenter operations are running).
However the official PostgreSQL documentation precises :
<<3.Perform the backup, using any convenient file-system-backup tool such as tar or cpio (not pg_dump or pg_dumpall). It is neither necessary nor desirable to stop normal operation of the database while you do this.>>
My questions are:
Do I need to stop VMWare Composer and vpxd services prior to backing up the DB ?
If not can I use cpio to back it up without stopping the services ? how ?
PostgreSQL or VMware experts answers preferred please.
You may notice that this script does not stop VPXD services for backing up the database. It is because the official PostgreSQL documentation precises : “pg_dump is a utility for backing up a PostgreSQL database. It makes consistent backups even if the database is being used concurrently“.

PostgreSQL installation as a user on Cygwin, database server setup

I'm trying to install PostgreSQL on Cygwin as a user and i'm getting stuck on the part where I have to create a database server, after i execute the pg_ctl command, it just prints "server starting" and runs in the foregorund indefinitely, here's a picture of what I'm talking about:
Im generally a beginner to databases so any pointers would be great.
Chances you are hanging allocating shared memory. Please go with the native Windows build instead. It is far easier to manage.
However if you insist, make sure the ipc-daemon is running before you run PostgreSQL. This will probably solve your problem.
You could run:
ipc-daemon --install-as-service
net start ipc-daemon
And this should do it.