BlueSnap Marketplace - Vendor Information Tokenization - bluesnap

Where can I find the JS information for BlueSnap to tokenize sensitive vendor information such as ssn, passport/drivers license number before making the API call to create a vendor? This would be the same step as creating an Account Token for Stripe The only other information I found was Client-side encryption but seems to only cater to payment information.

BlueSnap only tokenizes payment information (Credit Card number, expiration date and Security code) through the hosted payment fields. They do not tokenize any other data.
I would email their support team to confirm the answer and express the demand for such a feature.
FYI The Client side encryption you linked to is an encryption, not a tokenization.


Braintree - How does the user knows how much he is charge for?

I'm trying to integrate with Braintree using the javascript SDK and the dropin plugin, but there is something I find hard to understand.
It seems that the user gives a free permission with his "payment_method_nonce" to charge his credit without him knowing how much he is being charged for. let me explain:
Looking at the flow overview:
1. Client request an authorization token from my server.
the server then creates a new token using his unique "Braintree SDK and credantials",
the sever send the token back to the client.
The User enters his credit card number and submits -> client sends a request to Braintree server.
Braintree server returns an "payment_method_nonce" to the client.
The Client send the "payment_method_nonce" to my server.
Using the "payment_method_nonce" my server create a transaction, set a price to charge and send a request to Braintree server. The user doesn't knows how much he was charged since the request was sent from the server.
When I worked with Paypal directly (without Braintree SDK) the user was redirected to the "paypal domain" to complete the transaction.
there he was presented with all the details about the transaction, price and all, but with "Braintree" this step is missing.
what am i missing here?
Full disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact support.
The Drop-In is a pre-made UI for accepting cards and PayPal. It should not be used as the sole part of your checkout.
You are responsible for incorporating the Drop-In UI into an existing checkout workflow within your store, which should include confirmations of meaningful transaction information such as address, amount, etc. By contrast- PayPal, who has security concerns for their account holders, includes some checkout steps to their UI as a means of providing trust and security to their customers.

Payflow using Hosted Pages: Is TENDER required in the secure token request?

From here in the Payflow Developer Guide:
To create a secure token, pass all parameters that you need to process the transaction except for payment details parameters such as the credit card number, expiration date, and check number. For details on transaction parameters, see Submitting Credit Card Transactions. In addition, pass the following Payflow parameters to create the secure token.
TENDER is listed as a required parameter here, in the "Submitting Credit Card Transactions" section. When using Hosted Pages, do I really need to ask the customer how they want to pay prior to passing them to Payflow? If not, could someone point me to where this is described in the documentation? I'm not seeing it anywhere.
TRXTYPE is the type of transaction you are doing, not what the customer is using.
Are you doing an (A)uthorization? (S)ale? (C)redit? (V)oid? etc.
With the hosted page token request, you pass over everything for the transaction except the payment method (credit card number or PayPal account).

Paypal vault for credit card storage

My company is looking to use the vaulting feature with Paypal for storing credit card info. I am not on the development side of things. I just need to know do we just need to have a paypal account to use this vault? Do we need to have a business account or a contract with paypal in order to use this? This is very time sensitive so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Yes, you will need to set up a PayPal account for this functionality.
Those in charge of the financial account to which the PayPal account will be linked (i.e. your company's bank account) will also need to answer questions regarding the bank account's validity correctly in order to unlock full API access for your developer(s):
Your developers will also need to be set up, once the PayPal account has been confirmed and validated, with authorized logins for the account, as well, so they can test and ensure that PayPal transactions are confirmed during the development process.
A word of caution: Though I'm unaware of your business, its practices, etc. it's a hefty sum of responsibility and potential liability to offer the storing of user-sensitive financial information. If you're not prepared to handle the legal ramifications if this data is ever stolen or accessed without authorization, then this is not the development path your company should take.
You would just need a business account to use REST API PayPal.List of countries supported.
The REST API supports many countries for PayPal account payments. All you need is to upgrade to a Business account. For country-specific offerings and limitations, refer to PayPal Offerings Worldwide and visit your country-specific site for further details.
No need of a PRO account.

Storing Credit Card information using PayPal Payments Advanced API?

I want to use PayPal Payment Advanced API to store the customer's credit card info on the PayPal's website the first time the customer enters the credit card info. For subsequent customer visits, i want to retrieve the Credit Card info from the PayPal's server. Is this possible? What does the PayPal server return me ( like a transaction id )that I can store in my database for that customer and then use it for subsequent requests.
There is no API for Paypal payments advanced. From their tutorials:
PayPal Payments Advanced requires use of PayPal's hosted checkout template...
This means that you have to use their hosted pages (you can probably do so using an iframe if you want). The reason for that is that in order to collect credit-card details you have to be PCI compliant, meaning, you have to pass a series of security checks/tests. This process took my company almost two years and major development (and other) resources, so you probably don't want to go down that path.

Feature supported list for PayPal Rest API for non US

Looking forward for PayPal's new RestAPI.
We have already started building and finding cool things as we go. Since its an on going process of releasing features it is still not clear sometimes what is supported and what is not. I am listing down my doubts for what is supported for Non-US developers.
Merchants cannot accept payments by taking credit card number.
Subscription / recurring payment possible?
For Pay with PayPal method, does Paypal offer to accept payments form non Paypal users? Like pay directly using card on Paypal page?
Do mention if I missed anything.
To register for a Live set of REST credentials you are required to provide:
U.S. Business owner Social Security Number, date of birth, and other personal details.
U.S. Business Tax ID (EIN, ITIN) and other business information.
Subscription / Recurring Payments are not yet available through the REST process. There are Reference Transactions allowed through "Vault" though.
There isn't an equivalent to "SOLUTIONTYPE" for the REST process yet but hopefully soon.