A S-Expression is considered as a Number, a String, a Symbol, a Bool, an Image, empty or a List-of S-Expressions.
How do I achieve to make racket eval my S-Expression?
'(1 2 (+ 2 1))) should yield (list 1 2 3).
I want to do this with Beginning Student Language with List-Abbreviations.
I have no idea how to achieve this, how do I know when a plus sign is coming up?
Probably easy one for you guys here...
(define (eval s)
[(...) ...]
[(...) ...]
[else ...]))
I'm attempting to program a simple function that adds integers to a list descending from a range of "high" and "low", incremented by "step"
For example,
if the input is (3 12 3), the expected output is '(12 9 6 3)
Below is the following code:
(define (downSeries step high low [(define ret '())])
(if (< high low)
(cons ret (- high step))
(downSeries (step (- high step) low))))
I'm pretty new to racket, but I'm really not sure why this isn't compiling. Any tips? Thank you.
Since only racket is tagged and no special languages are describes it is expeted the first line in the definition window is #lang racket. Answer will be different for student languages.
1 The last argument is nested in two parentheses and is illegal syntax. Default arguments only have one set:
(define (test mandatory (optional '()))
(list mandatory optional))
(test 1) ; ==> (1 ())
(test 1 2) ; ==> (1 2)
2 You have 4 operands in your if form. It takes maximum 3!
(if prediate-expression
Looking at the code you should have the cons expression in the position of ret argument. Having it before the recursion makes it dead code. ret will always be (). Eg this loks similar to a typical fold implementation:
(define (fold-1 combine init lst)
(if (null? lst)
init ; fully grown init returned
(fold-1 combine
(combine (car lst) init) ; init grows
(cdr lst))))
How does lisp quote work internally?
For example:
(quote (+ 1 (* 1 2)) )
seems to be equivalent to
(list '+ 1 (list '* 1 2))
which means it is some how symbolizing the Head values recursively. Is this function a built in?
Run (equal (quote (+ 1 (* 1 2))) (list '+ 1 (list '* 1 2))) if you don't believe me.
How does it work?
quote is really really simple to implement. It does mostly nothing. The quote special operator just returns the enclosed object like it is. Nothing more. No evaluation. The object is not changed in any way.
Evaluation of quoted forms
Probably a good time to read McCarthy, from 1960:
Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their Computation by Machine, Part I
Pages 16/17 explain evaluation with eval. Here:
eq [car [e]; QUOTE] → cadr [e];
or in s-expression notation:
((eq (car e) 'quote)
(cadr e))
Above code implements the evaluation rule for QUOTE: If the expression is a list and the first element of the list is the symbol QUOTE, then return the second element of the list.
Equivalence of a quoted list with a list created by LIST
(equal (quote (+ 1 (* 1 2)))
(list '+ 1 (list '* 1 2)))
The result is T. This means that both result lists are structurally equivalent.
(eq (quote (+ 1 (* 1 2)))
(list '+ 1 (list '* 1 2)))
The result is NIL. This means that the first cons cell of the linked lists are not the same objects. EQ tests whether we really have the same cons cell object.
QUOTE returns a literal data object. The consequences of modifying this object is undefined. So, don't do it.
LIST returns a new freshly consed list each time it is called. The fresh new list will not share any cons cells with any earlier allocated list.
So the main difference is that QUOTE is a built-in operator, which returns literal and unevaluated data. Whereas LIST is a function which creates a new,fresh list with its arguments as contents.
See the effects with respect to EQ and EQUAL:
(flet ((foo () (quote (+ 1 (* 1 2))))
(bar () (list '+ 1 (list '* 1 2))))
(list (list :eq-foo-foo (eq (foo) (foo)))
(list :eq-foo-bar (eq (foo) (bar)))
(list :eq-bar-bar (eq (foo) (bar)))
(list :equal-foo-foo (equal (foo) (foo)))
(list :equal-foo-bar (equal (foo) (bar)))
(list :equal-bar-bar (equal (foo) (bar)))))
is quote a function?
quote can't be a function, since it returns its enclosed data unevaluated. Thus it is a special evaluation rule.
If quote were a function, it's arguments were evaluated. But that's exactly what is NOT what quote is supposed to do.
why does Lisp need QUOTE?
Lisp usually uses s-expressions to write Lisp code. So s-expressions have a both purpose to denote data and we use it to write programs. In a Lisp program lists are used for function calls, macro forms and special forms. symbols are used as variables:
(+ n 42)
Here (+ n 42) is a list and n is a symbol. But we also want to use lists as data in our programs and we want to use symbols as data. Thus we have to quote them, so that Lisp will not see them as programs, but as data:
(append '(+ n) '(42)) evaluates to (+ n 42)
Thus in a Lisp program, lists and variables are by default part of the language elements, for example as function calls and variables. If we want to use lists and symbols as literal data, we have to quote them, to prevent the evaluator treating them as Lisp code to evaluate.
quote does nothing more than return its argument unevaluated. But what is an unevaluated argument?
When a Lisp program is defined, it is either read from textual source into s-expression form or constructed directly in terms of s-expressions. A macro would be an example of generating s-expressions. Either way there is a data structure comprising (mostly) symbols and conses that represents the program.
Most Lisp expressions will call upon evaluation and compilation machinery to interpret this data structure as terms in a program. quote is treated specially and passed these uninterpreted symbols and conses as its argument. In short, quote does almost nothing - the value it returns already exists and is simply passed through.
You can observe the difference between passing through and fresh construction by using eq to test the identity of the return value of quote:
(defun f () '(1 2))
(defun g () (list 1 2))
(eq (f) (f)) => T
(eq (g) (g)) => NIL
As you can see, quote returns the same conses each time through.
I am trying define symbols a and b in following way
a + 1 1 b
I am trying to do this by using define-symbol-macro
(define-symbol-macro a '( )
(define-symbol-macro b ') )
but this way is not working.
What Lisp does with source code
Common Lisp is an incredibly flexible language, in part because its source code can be easily represented using the same data structures that are used in the language. The most common form of macro expansion transforms the these structures into other structures. These are the kind of macros that you can define with define-symbol-macro, define-compiler-macro, defmacro, and macrolet. Before any of those kind of macroexpansions can be performed, however, the system first needs to read the source from an input stream (typically a file, or an interactive prompt). That's the reader's responsibility. The reader also is capable of executing some special actions when it encounters certain characters, such ( and '. What you're trying to do probably needs to be happening down at the reader level, if you want to have, e.g., (read-from-string "a + 1 1 b") return the list (+ 1 1), which is what you want if you want (eval (read-from-string "a + 1 1 b")) to return 2. That said, you could also define a special custom language (like loop does) where a and b are treated specially.
Use set-macro-character, not define-symbol-macro
This isn't something that you would do using symbol-macros, but rather with macro characters. You can set macro characters using the aptly named set-macro-character. For instance, in the following, I set the macro character for % to be a function that reads a list, using read-delimited-list that should be terminated by ^. (Using the characters a and b here will prove very difficult, because you won't be able to write things like (set-macro-character ...) afterwards; it would be like writing (set-m(cro-ch(r(cter ...), which is not good.)
CL-USER> (set-macro-character #\% (lambda (stream ignore)
(declare (ignore ignore))
(read-delimited-list #\^ stream)))
CL-USER> % + 1 1 ^
The related set-syntax-from-char
There's a related function that almost does what you want here, set-syntax-from-char. You can use it to make one character behave like another. For instance, you can make % behave like (
CL-USER> (set-syntax-from-char #\% #\()
CL-USER> % + 1 1 )
However, since the macro character associated with ( isn't looking for a character that has the same syntax as ), but an actual ) character, you can't simply replace ) with ^ in the same way:
CL-USER> (set-syntax-from-char #\^ #\))
CL-USER> % + 1 1 ^
; Evaluation aborted on #<SB-INT:SIMPLE-READER-ERROR "unmatched close parenthesis" {1002C66031}>.
set-syntax-from-char is more useful when there's an existing character that, by itself does something that you want to imitate. For instance, if you wanted to make ! an additional quotation character:
CL-USER> (set-syntax-from-char #\! #\')
CL-USER> (list !a !(1 2 3))
(A (1 2 3))
or make % be a comment character, like it is in LaTeX:
CL-USER> (set-syntax-from-char #\% #\;)
CL-USER> (list 1 2 % 3 4
5 6)
(1 2 5 6)
But consider why you're doing this at all…
Now, even though you can do all of this, it seems like something that would be utterly surprising to anyone who ran into it. (Perhaps you're entering an obfuscated coding competition? ;)) For the reasons shown above, doing this with commonly used characters such as a and b will also make it very difficult to write any more source code. It's probably a better bet to define an entirely new readtable that does what you want, or even write a new parser. even though (Common) Lisp lets you redefine the language, there are still things that it probably makes sense to leave alone.
A symbol-macro is a symbol that stands for another form. Seems like you want to look at reader macros.
I would second Rainer's comment though, what are you trying to make?
Ok so I love your comment on the reason for this and now I know this is for 'Just because it's lisp' then I am totally on board!
Ok so you are right about lisp being great to use to make new languages because we only have to 'compile' to valid lisp code and it will run. So while we cant use the normal compiler to do the transformation of the symbols 'a and 'b to brackets we can write this ourselves.
Ok so lets get started!
(defun symbol-name-equal (a b)
(and (symbolp a) (symbolp b) (equal (symbol-name a) (symbol-name b))))
(defun find-matching-weird (start-pos open-symbol close-symbol code)
(unless (symbol-name-equal open-symbol (nth start-pos code))
(error "start-pos does not point to a weird open-symbol"))
(let ((nest-index 0))
(loop :for item :in (nthcdr start-pos code)
:for i :from start-pos :do
(cond ((symbol-name-equal item open-symbol) (incf nest-index 1))
((symbol-name-equal item close-symbol) (incf nest-index -1)))
(when (eql nest-index 0)
(return i))
:finally (return nil))))
(defun weird-forms (open-symbol close-symbol body)
(cond ((null body) nil)
((listp body)
(let ((open-pos (position open-symbol body :test #'symbol-name-equal)))
(if open-pos
(let ((close-pos (find-matching-weird open-pos open-symbol close-symbol body)))
(if close-pos
(weird-forms open-symbol close-symbol
`(,#(subseq body 0 open-pos)
(,#(subseq body (1+ open-pos) close-pos))
,#(subseq body (1+ close-pos))))
(error "unmatched weird brackets")))
(if (find close-symbol body :test #'symbol-name-equal)
(error "unmatched weird brackets")
(loop for item in body collect
(weird-forms open-symbol close-symbol item))))))
(t body)))
(defmacro with-weird-forms ((open-symbol close-symbol) &body body)
,#(weird-forms open-symbol close-symbol body)))
So there are a few parts to this.
First we have (symbol-name-equal), this is a helper function because we are now using symbols and symbols belong to packages. symbol-name-equal gives us a way of checking if the symbols have the same name ignoring what package they reside in.
Second we have (find-matching-weird). This is a function that takes a list and and index to an opening weird bracket and returns the index to the closing weird bracket. This makes sure we get the correct bracket even with nesting
Next we have (weird-forms). This is the juicy bit and what it does is to recursively walk through the list passed as the 'body' argument and do the following:
If body is an empty list just return it
if body is a list then
find the positions of our open and close symbols.
if only one of them is found then we have unmatched brackets.
if we find both symbols then make a new list with the bit between the start and end positions inside a nested list.
we then call weird forms on this result in case there are more weird-symbol-forms inside.
there are no weird symbols then just loop over the items in the list and call weird-form on them to keep the search going.
OK so that function transforms a list. For example try:
(weird-forms 'a 'b '(1 2 3 a 4 5 b 6 7))
But we want this to be proper lisp code that executes so we need to use a simple macro.
(with-weird-forms) is a macro that takes calls the weird-forms function and puts the result into our source code to be compiled by lisp. So if we have this:
(with-weird-forms (a b)
(+ 1 2 3 a - a + 1 2 3 b 10 5 b 11 23))
Then it macroexpands into:
(PROGN (+ 1 2 3 (- (+ 1 2 3) 10 5) 11 23))
Which is totally valid lisp code, so it will run!
CL-USER> (with-weird-forms (a b)
(+ 1 2 3 a - a + 1 2 3 b 10 5 b 11 23))
Finally if you have settled on the 'a' and 'b' brackets you could write another little macro:
(defmacro ab-lang (&rest code)
`(with-weird-forms (a b) ,#code))
Now try this:
(ab-lang a let* a a d 1 b a e a * d 5 b b b a format t "this stupid test gives: ~a" e b b)
Cheers mate, this was great fun to write. Sorry for dismissing the problem earlier on.
This kind of coding is very important as ultimately this is a tiny compiler for our weird language where symbols can be punctuation. Compilers are awesome and no language makes it as effortless to write them as lisp does.
Does someone know why the following produces the expected result - (2 4 6)
(defmacro mult2 (lst)
(define (itter x)
(list '* 2 x))
`(list ,#(map itter lst)))
(mult2 (1 2 3))
while I expected that this one would (with the list identifier)
(defmacro mult2 (lst)
(define (itter x)
(list '* 2 x))
`(list ,#(map itter lst)))
(mult2 '(1 2 3))
Macro "arguments" are not evaluated. So, when you pass in '(1 2 3), i.e., (quote (1 2 3)), that is exactly what the macro sees.
P.S. You are much better off using hygienic macros in Scheme. Here's an example using syntax-case:
(define-syntax mult2
(lambda (stx)
(define (double x)
#`(* 2 #,x))
(syntax-case stx ()
((_ lst)
#`(list #,#(map double (syntax-e #'lst)))))))
(That's still not how such a macro is idiomatically written, but I tried to mirror your version as closely as possible.)
That's because the '(1 2 3) is expanded by the reader into (quote (1 2 3)). Since you only destructure one list in your macro, it won't work as expected.
Some general advice: if you're working in Racket you probably want to avoid using defmacro. That is definitely not the idiomatic way to write macros. Take a look at syntax-rules and, if you want to define more complicated macros, syntax-parse. Eli also wrote an article explaining syntax-case for people used to defmacro.
I am having trouble with Lisp's backquote read macro. Whenever I try to write a macro that seems to require the use of embedded backquotes (e.g., ``(w ,x ,,y) from Paul Graham's ANSI Common Lisp, page 399), I cannot figure out how to write my code in a way that compiles. Typically, my code receives a whole chain of errors preceded with "Comma not inside a backquote." Can someone provide some guidelines for how I can write code that will evaluate properly?
As an example, I currently need a macro which takes a form that describes a rule in the form of '(function-name column-index value) and generates a predicate lambda body to determine whether the element indexed by column-index for a particular row satisfies the rule. If I called this macro with the rule '(< 1 2), I would want a lambda body that looks like the following to be generated:
(lambda (row)
(< (svref row 1) 2))
The best stab I can make at this is as follows:
(defmacro row-satisfies-rule (rule)
(let ((x (gensym)))
`(let ((,x ,rule))
(lambda (row)
(`,(car ,x) (svref row `,(cadr ,x)) `,(caddr ,x))))))
Upon evaluation, SBCL spews the following error report:
; in: ROW-SATISFIES-RULE '(< 1 2)
; ((CAR #:G1121) (SVREF ROW (CADR #:G1121)) (CADDR #:G1121))
; caught ERROR:
; illegal function call
; (LAMBDA (ROW) ((CAR #:G1121) (SVREF ROW (CADR #:G1121)) (CADDR #:G1121)))
; ==>
; #'(LAMBDA (ROW) ((CAR #:G1121) (SVREF ROW (CADR #:G1121)) (CADDR #:G1121)))
; The variable ROW is defined but never used.
; (LET ((#:G1121 '(< 1 2)))
; (LAMBDA (ROW) ((CAR #:G1121) (SVREF ROW (CADR #:G1121)) (CADDR #:G1121))))
; The variable #:G1121 is defined but never used.
; compilation unit finished
; caught 1 ERROR condition
; caught 2 STYLE-WARNING conditions
#<FUNCTION (LAMBDA (ROW)) {2497F245}>
How can I write macros to generate the code I need, and in particular, how do I implement row-satisfies-rule?
Using the ideas from Ivijay and discipulus, I have modified the macro so that it compiles and works, even allowing forms to be passed as the arguments. It runs a bit differently from my originally planned macro since I determined that including row as an argument made for smoother code. However, it is ugly as sin. Does anyone know how to clean it up so it performs the same without the call to eval?
(defmacro row-satisfies-rule-p (row rule)
(let ((x (gensym))
(y (gensym)))
`(let ((,x ,row)
(,y ,rule))
(destructuring-bind (a b c) ,y
(eval `(,a (svref ,,x ,b) ,c))))))
Also, an explanation of clean, Lispy ways to get macros to generate code to properly evaluate the arguments at runtime would be greatly appreciated.
First of all, Lisp macros have "destructuring" argument lists. This is a nice feature that means instead of having an argument list (rule) and then taking it apart with (car rule) (cadr rule) (caddr rule), you can simply make the argument list ((function-name column-index value)). That way the macro expects a list of three elements as an argument, and each element of the list is then bound to the corresponding symbol in the arguemnt list. You can use this or not, but it's usually more convenient.
Next, `, doesn't actually do anything, because the backquote tells Lisp not to evaluate the following expression and the comma tells it to evaluate it after all. I think you meant just ,(car x), which evaluates (car x). This isn't a problem anyway if you use destructuring arguments.
And since you're not introducing any new variables in the macro expansion, I don't think (gensym) is necessary in this case.
So we can rewrite the macro like this:
(defmacro row-satisfies-rule ((function-name column-index value))
`(lambda (row)
(,function-name (svref row ,column-index) ,value)))
Which expands just how you wanted:
(macroexpand-1 '(row-satisfies-rule (< 1 2)))
=> (LAMBDA (ROW) (< (SVREF ROW 1) 2))
Hope this helps!
If you need the argument to be evaluated to get the rule set, then here's a nice way to do it:
(defmacro row-satisfies-rule (rule)
(destructuring-bind (function-name column-index value) (eval rule)
`(lambda (row)
(,function-name (svref row ,column-index) ,value))))
Here's an example:
(let ((rules '((< 1 2) (> 3 4))))
(macroexpand-1 '(row-satisfies-rule (car rules))))
=> (LAMBDA (ROW) (< (SVREF ROW 1) 2))
just like before.
If you want to include row in the macro and have it give you your answer straightaway instead of making a function to do that, try this:
(defmacro row-satisfies-rule-p (row rule)
(destructuring-bind (function-name column-index value) rule
`(,function-name (svref ,row ,column-index) ,value)))
Or if you need to evaluate the rule argument (e.g. passing '(< 1 2) or (car rules) instead of (< 1 2)) then just use (destructuring-bind (function-name column-index value) (eval rule)
Actually, a function seems more appropriate than a macro for what you're trying to do. Simply
(defun row-satisfies-rule-p (row rule)
(destructuring-bind (function-name column-index value) rule
(funcall function-name (svref row column-index) value)))
works the same way as the macro and is much neater, without all the backquoting mess to worry about.
In general, it's bad Lisp style to use macros for things that can be accomplished by functions.
One thing to understand is that the backquote feature is completely unrelated to macros. It can be used for list creation. Since source code usually consists of lists, it may be handy in macros.
CL-USER 4 > `((+ 1 2) ,(+ 2 3))
((+ 1 2) 5)
The backquote introduces a quoted list. The comma does the unquote: the expression after the comma is evaluated and the result inserted. The comma belongs to the backquote: the comma is only valid inside a backquote expression.
Note also that this is strictly a feature of the Lisp reader.
Above is basically similar to:
CL-USER 5 > (list '(+ 1 2) (+ 2 3))
((+ 1 2) 5)
This creates a new list with the first expression (not evaluated, because quoted) and the result of the second expression.
Why does Lisp provide backquote notation?
Because it provides a simple template mechanism when one wants to create lists where most of the elements are not evaluated, but a few are. Additionally the backquoted list looks similar to the result list.
you don't need nested backquotes to solve this problem. Also, when it's a macro, you don't have to quote your arguments. So (row-satisfies-rule (< 1 2)) is lispier than (row-satisfies-rule '(< 1 2)).
(defmacro row-satisfies-rule (rule)
(destructuring-bind (function-name column-index value) rule
`(lambda (row)
(,function-name (svref row ,column-index) ,value))))
will solve the problem for all calls in the first form. Solving the problem when in the second form is left as an exercise.