Trying to Get a Raspberry Pi 3 to write and modify Data in a PostgreSQL database on a seperate Server - postgresql

As a side project I have been interested in energy consumption. I have written and executed a program on a raspberry pi 3; this uses external hardware to gather data over Ethernet using ModbusTCP.
Within my program that is a data logging feature that creates and saves a CSV file with the values collected for that day. Every day at midnight a new CSV file is created and marked with the new day's date. This CSV file is saved locally on the raspberry pi and as it runs headless I’ve had to set up a cronjob to move the files onto a Thumb drive to allow me to view and assess the CSV file.
The modification I am trying to attempt is: I currently have a PostgreSQL database on a separate server; I am trying to get the Raspberry Pi to connect to the database and populate it with data as soon as the Pi has recorded it.
I have searched the internet, both this site and many others, but most of what I have found is tutorials and guides on how to set the Raspberry Pi up as a PostgreSQL server, which is not what I want to achieve.
Any advice and help is greatly appreciated.
Update : the programming language i am using is python 3

I would investigate using ssh. You can transfer the csv, and then invoke a script on the target machine, wait for a cron or just call pgctl at the remote command line. That will avoid the necessity of setting up a client on the PI, and opening the firewall at port 5432, configuring pg_hba.conf, etc.


Is there a library for MSR605X that works with Raspberry Pi?

I have been trying to locate a working library for the MSR605X magnetic card reader/writer. At time of writing, I have tried five separate libraries. Only two of these were explicitly for the 605X the other three were for the older 605. All the libraries I have tried either did nothing at all or errored before completing a command (can't figure out the errors either).
I am running Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ the MSR605X communicates via a USB connection.
So far the library that seems to be most complete is:
However, I can not get this library to read or write (either nothing happens or I get a Serial exception "cannot reconfig port).
Any help or links to documentation for this reader is welcome.
EDIT: Adding the commands ran with the above library
msrx -D /dev/input/event4 read
msrx -D /dev/input/jso0 read
The -D is to specify the device path (default is /dev/ttyUSB0 which doesn't exist on my system). I obtained the above two paths by searching for USB serial devices then matching the search result to the device ID which I obtained from lsusb.
Running these commands results in a serial exception (could not reconfig port) which I assume means that I have the wrong device path. I have also checked for any tty* device paths that are changed when I plug in the reader. I consistently get a permission denied error whenever trying to run the above commands with a tty* device path (I am root on this system).
msrx author here — MSR605 requires an external 9V power injected into its cable (via the barrel jack port), otherwise it won't power up properly.

How to replicate a postgresql database from local to web server

I am new in the form and also new in postgresql.
Normally I use MySQL for my project but I’ve decided to start migrating towards postgresql for some valid reasons which I found in this database.
Expanding on the problem:
I need to analyze data via some mathematical formulas but in order to do this I need to get the data from the software via the API.
The software, the API and Postgresql v. 11.4 which I installed on a desktop are running on windows. So far I’ve managed to take the data via the API and import it into Postgreql.
My problem is how to transfer this data from
the local Postgresql (on the PC ) to a web Postgresql (installed in a Web server ) which is running Linux.
For example if I take the data every five minutes from software via API and put it in local db postgresql, how can I transfer this data (automatically if possible) to the db in the web server running Linux? I rejected a data dump because importing the whole db every time is not viable.
What I would like is to import only the five-minute data which gradually adds to the previous data.
I also rejected the idea of making a master - slave architecture
because not knowing the total amount of data, on the web server I have almost 2 Tb of hard disk while on the local pc I have only one hard disk that serves only to take the data and then to send it to the web server for the analysis.
Could someone please help by giving some good advice regarding how to achieve this objective?
Thanks to all for any answers.

usb local and remote port configuration via cmd batch

(xpost from superuser with no answers.)
I am trying to reconfigure a known (virtual?) com port on multiple computers on a local network using a batch file.
A USB device we use is installed always as com9 and always comes in as default 9600 baud, and we have to manually reconfigure each station to 57600 baud.
I already have this batch file renaming printers, dns servers, Killing and starting tasks, copying files and a whole lot more, I've experimented with mode, but I'm either not using it properly or it can't do what I want.
I know I can use the GUI, but for the sake of speed, I want the batch to do it.
Sorry if this is a copy, but I'm seeing if anyone has an angle for me, I'm not afraid of personal research, but I'm running into dead ends with no leads.
Ask if you need any clarifications, and thanks in advance.
Powershell is okay too if I know what I need and can still stay in the cmd environment.

How to MFDeploy a configuration file

Colleagues and users testing various features in a program use MFDeploy to install for example "MyApp.exe" onto their Netduino +2. This method works great. Is there a way to also MFDeploy a "MyApp.config" text file so they can set their specific network criteria (like Port#) or other program preferences? Obviously, more robust preferences can be set from desktop software or web app AFTER the connection is established.
After several days researching, I could not find a viable means of transferring a config file via MFDeploy. Decided to add a "/install" command line option to the desktop app:
cncBuddyUI.exe [/help|/?] [/reset] [/discover] [/install:[axisA=X|Y] ,port=9999]]
/help|/? Show this help/usage information
/reset Create new default software configuration
/discover Listen for cncBuddyCAM broadcasting IPAddress & Port (timeout 30 secs)
/install Install hardware specific settings on Netduino+2 SDCard.
port Network port number (default=80)
axisA Slave axisA motor signals to X or Y axis
During "/install" mode, once cncBuddyCAM (Netduino app) network connects to cncBuddyUI (desktop app), the configuration parameters are transmitted and written onto the SDCard (\SD\config.txt).
Every warm boot now reads \SD\config.txt at startup and loads the configuration parameters into the appropriate application variables.
After several weeks of usage, I find this method preferable and easier to customize. Check out cncBuddy on Github.

Implementing a distributed grep

I'm trying to implement a distributed grep. How can I access the log files from different systems? I know I need to use the network but I don't know whether you use ssh, telnet, or anything else? What information do I need to know about the machines I am going to connect to from my machine? I want to be able to connect to different Linux machines and read their log files and pipe it back to my machine.
Your system contains a number of Linux machine which produce log data(SERVERs), and one machine which you operate(CLIENT). Right?
Issue 1) file to be accessed.
In general, log file is locked by a software which produce log data, because the software has to be able to write data into log file at any time.
To access the log file from other software, you need to prepare unlocked log data file.
Some modification of the software's setup ane/or the software(program) itself.
Issue 2) program to serve log files.
To get log data from SERVER, each SERVERs have to run some server program.
For remote shell access, rshd (remote shell deamon) is needed. (ssh is combination of rsh and secure communication).
For FTP access, ftpd (file transfer protocol deamon) is needed.
The software to be needed is depend how CLIENT accesses SERVERs.
Issue 3) distribued grep.
You use words 'distribued grep'. What do you mean by the words?
What are distribued in your 'distributed grep'?
Many senarios came in my mind.
a) Log files are distribued in SERVERs. All log data are collected to CLIENT, and grep program works for collected log data at CLIENT.
b) Log files are distribued in SERVERs. Grep function are implemented on each SERVERs also. CLIENT request to each SERVERs for getting the resule of grep applied to log data, and results are collected to CLIENT.
What is your plan?
Issue 4) access to SERVERs.
Necessity of secure communication is depend on locations of machines and networks among them.
If all machines are in a room/house, and networks among machines are not connected the Internet, secure communication is not necessary.
If the data of log is top secret, you may need encript the data before send the data on the network.
How is your log data important?
At very early stage of development, you should determing things described above.
This is my advice.