How to replicate a postgresql database from local to web server - postgresql

I am new in the form and also new in postgresql.
Normally I use MySQL for my project but I’ve decided to start migrating towards postgresql for some valid reasons which I found in this database.
Expanding on the problem:
I need to analyze data via some mathematical formulas but in order to do this I need to get the data from the software via the API.
The software, the API and Postgresql v. 11.4 which I installed on a desktop are running on windows. So far I’ve managed to take the data via the API and import it into Postgreql.
My problem is how to transfer this data from
the local Postgresql (on the PC ) to a web Postgresql (installed in a Web server ) which is running Linux.
For example if I take the data every five minutes from software via API and put it in local db postgresql, how can I transfer this data (automatically if possible) to the db in the web server running Linux? I rejected a data dump because importing the whole db every time is not viable.
What I would like is to import only the five-minute data which gradually adds to the previous data.
I also rejected the idea of making a master - slave architecture
because not knowing the total amount of data, on the web server I have almost 2 Tb of hard disk while on the local pc I have only one hard disk that serves only to take the data and then to send it to the web server for the analysis.
Could someone please help by giving some good advice regarding how to achieve this objective?
Thanks to all for any answers.


Automate data loading to Google Sheet from PostgreSQL database

I would like to create an automated data pulling from our PostgreSQL database to a Google sheet. I've tried JDBC service, but it doesn't work, maybe incorrect variables/config. Does anyone already try doing this? I'd also like to schedule the extraction every hour.
According the the documentation, only Google Cloud SQL MySQL, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle databases are supported by Apps Script's JDBC. You may have to either move to a new database or develop your own API services to handle the connection.
As for scheduling by the hour, you can use Apps Script's installable triggers.

How to monitor over 500+ servers using Grafana from SQL server as data source

Currently we're monitoring our SQL servers running in Windows platform via MS SQL server reporting services using shared data sources. To confirm what I mean, we don't store data at centralized server to monitor over 500 target servers. We keep monitoring data on local SQL database servers and use shared data source in SSRS to create dashboards.
Now in our firm we're encouraged to use Grafana as dashboard since they have purchased or running some Grafana server licensing. What I know of Grafana instance is that it can be given to us to monitor SQL servers as described above.
My question is how would Grafana dynamically connect to those 500 plus servers? I see it creates data source once but how will I change or create multiple data sources when I have around 1000 servers to monitor?
Please suggest guide.
You may have to code a bit and use data source provisioning and/or Grafana datasource API for it to pickup the new data source.
If you could set up a system (user-data/ init script/IaC) where this API is called everytime a new server comes up, then you will be able to maintain the data sources without maintainance.

Power BI connection problem with Postgresql

I'm using Power BI version 2.84 to connect to Postgresql server. In PBI desktop everything works fine, I can connect to the server, import and refresh data smoothly.
However when I publish it to PBI server, I can't refresh it anymore due to 'encrypted connection'. I have checked all of my connection settings and make sure they are not encrypted at all but the problem is still there.
Please let me know if you have any solution for this.
I assume you are using direct query?
If you want to use direct query you will need to set up On-Premises data gateway.
on premise gateways
And then you should add gateway cluster in PowerBI web version gateway cluster:
Data gateway
I think everything is quite straightforward here.
But do you need direct query? If you are ok with refreshing your data a few times a day, you could set up a ODBC connection (when importing data, choose ODBC option not postgresql).
You would need to set up ODBC drivers, (Control panel -> Administrative tools -> Data sources) And create a new one (you should download Postgresql ODBC driver if you have none)
Then you also need to create On-Premises data gateway and set up refresh intervals.

How to take backup of Tableau Server Repository(PostgreSQL)

we are using 2018.3 version of Tableau Server. The server stats like user login, and other stats are getting logged into PostgreSQL DB. and the same being cleared regularly after 1 week.
Is there any API available in Tableau to connect the DB and take backup of data somewhere like HDFS or any place in Linux server.
Kindly let me know if there are any other way other than API as well.
You can enable access to the underlying PostgreSQL repository database with the tsm command. Here is a link to the documentation for your (older) version of Tableau
It would be good security practice to limit access to only the machines (whitelisted) that need it, create or use an existing read-only account to access the repository, and ideally to disable access when your admin programs are complete (i.e.. enable access, do your query, disable access)
This way you can have any SQL client code you wish query the repository, create a mirror, create reports, run auditing procedures - whatever you like.
Personally, before writing significant custom code, I’d first see if the info you want is already available another way, in one of the built in admin views, via the REST API, or using the public domain LogShark or TabMon systems or with the Addon (for more recent versions of Tableau) the Server Management Add-on, or possibly the new Data Catalog.
I know at least one server admin who somehow clones the whole Postgres repository database periodically so he can analyze stats offline. Not sure what approach he uses to clone. So you have several options.

Transfer MongoDB dump on external hard drive to google cloud platform

As a part of my thesis project, I have been given a MongoDB dump of size 240GB which is on my external hard drive. I'll have to use this data to run my python scripts for a short duration. However, since my dataset is huge and I cannot mongoimport on my local mongodb server (since I don't have enough internal memory), my professor gave me a $100 google cloud platform coupon so I can use the google cloud computing resources.
So far I have researched that I can do it this way:
Create a compute engine in GCP and install mongodb on remote engine. Transfer the MongoDB dump to remote instance and run the scripts to get the output.
This method works well but I'm looking for a method to create a remote database server in GCP so I that I can run my scripts locally, which is something like one of the following.
Creating a remote mongodb server on GCP so that I can establish a remote mongo connection to run my scripts locally.
Transferring the mongodb dump to google's datastore so then I can use the datastore API to remotely connect and run my scripts locally.
I have given a thought of using MongoDB atlas but because of the size of the data, I will be billed hugely and I cannot use my GCP coupon.
Any help or suggestions on how of either of the two methods can be implemented is appreciated.
There is 2 parts to your question
First, you can create a compute engine VM with MongoDB installed and load your backup on it. Then, open the right firewall rules for allowing the connexion from your local environment to the Google Compute Engine VM. The connexion will be performed with a simple login/password.
You can use a static IP on your VM. By the way, in case of reboot on the VM you will keep the same IP (and it will be easier for your local connexion).
Second, BE CAREFUL to datastore. It's a good product, serverless NoSQL database, document oriented, but it's absolutely not the MongoDB equivalent. You can't perform aggregate, you are limited in search capabilities,... It's designed for specific use case (I don't know yours, but don't think that is the MongoDB equivalent!).
Anyway, if you use Datastore, you will have to use a service account or to install Google Cloud SDK on your local environment to be authenticated and to be able to request Datastore API. No login/password in this case.