Attach method for events - sapui5

I have a question about attach functions on controls.
For example, sap.m.Input has several attach* methods, one of them is attachLiveChange. The question is, does it exist a common attach method?
What am I trying to archive is, for example:
oInput.attach("LiveChange", (oEvent) => doSomething);

sap.ui.base.EventProvider has a method called attachEvent and attachEventOnce, most controls derive from the EventProvider class so you can use said methods to achieve your goal.


Why no "insertAssociation" function?

I am writing a custom control and have an association declared like this:
details: {type: "sap.m.IconTabFilter", multiple: true, singularName: "detail"}
In the debugger I can see that there is an addAssociation function available, but there is no insertAssociation function (I am extending from sap.m.ResponsivePopover if that makes a difference).
My use-case is that I have an sap.m.IconTabBar that is internal to my control which I populate internally. But I also need to allow consumers to pass in their own custom tabs.
I want consumers to be able to instantiate my control using XML view types for example, so I am trying to expose a "details" association so they can seamlessly add the custom tab without having to create their own IconTabBar.
Is my understanding of associations incorrect?
Declaring it multiple says to the framework to store the association as an array. You are getting a method called getDetails() for this association. And also an addDetail and a removeDetail() method. Not sure if I understood your question because if you have a addDetail to add content to the association why do you want the insert?

Using layouts from others classes in vaadin

Is there any idea wich allows me using layouts declared in from other classes and functions.
I tried put them in parameters it works but it becomes very complicated
For example xhen callin a function named Y in function X I have to pass all layouts on parameters like this:
I tried to use a class named uiHelper but it didn't works
You can take a look at Blackboard addon for vaadin.
From that page:
Sometimes, having a deep component hierarchy poses a problem, when you need to inform a component high up in the tree that something happened deep down below. You normally have one of two choices - either pass the listener all the way down the hierarchy, leading to more coupled code, or let each component in between be a listener/notifier, passing the event all the way back up. With the Blackboard, you can register any listener to listen for any event, and when that event is fired, all the listeners for that event are triggered. This keeps your components clean and rid of unnecessary boilerplate code.
For your example, you can create a LayoutChangeListener and LayoutChangeEvent.
MyApplication can then implements LayoutChangeListener and when a LayoutChangeEvent is fired, you can change your layout without passing it around.

Assigning to a stub class method in Moles while using partial stubs

I've seen this question regarding partial stubs, but it does not quite tell me what I need to know.
I understand that, if I am using a Moles stub for a class (let's say, for DataService, I'm using SDataService), I can set the CallBase property to true so that, if there is no delegate for a particular method, the base implementation's method will be called. Great, but how do I assign a delegate to a particular method in this case?
If there is no way to do that, say I have an interface IDataService that I stub using SIDataService. I can easily assign a delegate to a method here. But, how do I tell it to call the corresponding method on DataService (an implementation of IDataService) if there is no delegate for a given method?
Thank you!
I see now that the method needs to be virtual to be overridden in the first scenario above. I don't think that makes a whole lot of sense, but it is what it is.
So, focusing on the second scenario, would I have to create a Behavior? (And why isn't there one already for stubs like there is for moles?) Or is there a simpler way?
Delegates (detours) are set to stubs types the same way as mole types. For example, SIDataService.GetMemberProfile() is configured to return a mock object like this:
var memberMock = new Member() { Firstname="Joe", LastName="Schmoe" };
var stub = new SIDataService();
stub.GetMemberProfileMember = i => memberMock;

Symfony : Add widgets to already defined form

I would like to add widgets (checkboxes) in an already defined form (with configure method).
I can't add them in the definition of the form because the number of widgets varies (according to the object).
I see two ways of doing it :
Either pass a variable into the configure method of the form or maybe use embedded forms.
But which one is the right way ? Is there another solution ?
Thank you
The right way is to pass the object right into the options. In the form you can use the $this->getOption method to retrieve the passed options.
I Agree with Don Pinkster on passing option and use it to configure form in configure() method.
But if need it or can't get the value when instanciating the class, you can use from anywhere :
$form->getWidgetSchema()->offsetSet($name, $widget);
$form->getValidatorSchema()->offsetSet($name, $validator)
The fact you use embedded forms or widget will not change that much, as you can do this after the form is initially configured :
$form->embedForm($name, $form2);
For just one checkbox I don't see advantages in using embedded form.
In both cases, I suggest you do this in a public method from your form's class, to avoid exploding the form configuration in the action class or elsewhere.

Static methods & inheritance in Coffeescript

I've been reading up a bit about coffeescript's inheritance model and I have the feeling I'm on the fringes of an ideological debate which I really don't understand. So, I would be perfectly happy to find out that I'm just doing things in the wrong way.
Basically what I am doing is writing a set of widgets which, among other things, need to handle events on their DOM elements. I thought a good way to go about this would be to have a class method which would be called once, to delegate all the events which the widget might need. The base widget class might have some simple click handlers, while the subclass might add to that some mouseover handlers or extra click handlers.
However, it appears that I'm not supposed to try and do the equivalent of calling super() inside a static method. There is a workaround which exists, (this.__super__.constructor.METHODNAME() but I've seen a lot of suggestions that this isn't the best way to do what I'm trying to do. Has anyone got any insights on how I should structure this code? Keep using the workaround, or put all the delegation into a totally different place? I can't really just stick it in the prototype, since I won't necessarily have an instance to call the method on (or can I essentially still call a method on the prototype from a static context, like putting SwatchableWidget.prototype.delegateEvents() into an onload function or something?
Here's a bit of code to illustrate what I'm talking about:
class Widget
#testProp: "ThemeWidget"
#delegateEvents: ->
console.log "delegate some generic events"
class SwatchableWidget extends Widget
#testProp2 = "SwatchWidget"
#delegateEvents: ->
console.log "delegate some specific swatchable widget events"
Thanks for any help.
I suggest replacing
trying to use super to call static methods is not required (and doesn't make much sense)
I don't understand why delegateEvents would be a class-level method, or why Widget.delegateEvents have to be called again from SwatchableWidget.delegateEvents. If it's just class initialization code, you should put it in the class body directly:
class Widget
console.log "delegate some generic events"
#testProp: "ThemeWidget"
class SwatchableWidget extends Widget
console.log "delegate some specific swatchable widget events"
#testProp2 = "SwatchWidget"
I take it you're waiting for a specific DOM state before running this initialization code? Maybe I could suggest another approach if you told me a little bit more about the preconditions for delegateEvents.
It sounds like you want a different type of inheritance model where each inherited function of a certain type ("parent calling") will walk the inheritance tree and call all its parents with the same name.
You could call any direct parent functions in each child manually as you've written. Then it will float up the inheritance chain anywhere you specify such a relationship.
I would bind the parents delegate call in the constructor to a current class function
delegateparents =>
#call any parent class methods