Add headers in response in user plugin - plugins

When retrieving a file from Artifactory, I would like to return its properties as HTTP headers.
Attempting to add headers to the response of a file download in the altResponse code block of the download plugin does not appear to work as I thought it would.
With the following user plugin loaded, I can see the code being executed from the logs, however, the header is not included in the response (using curl to download the file)
import org.artifactory.repo.RepoPath
import org.artifactory.request.Request
download {
altResponse { Request request, RepoPath responseRepoPath ->
headers = ["ExtraHeader":"SpecialHeader"]
log.warn "adding header: $headers"
2018-05-07 17:28:04,969 [http-nio-8088-exec-4] [WARN ] (properties :7) - adding header: [ExtraHeader:SpecialHeader]
Running artifactory plugin development locally (currently loads version 5.11.0)
Am I misunderstanding how headers is supposed to be used?


Read Nexus 2.x logs using REST

Is it possible to read the Nexus 2.14 log (the one you see in Administration -> Logging) per http access (REST)?
If not, are there other means to read it from an external program?
There's an option to download the logs from the Log tab in Nexus.
Once you have downloaded the file, your browser will capture the URL from where it was downloaded, which will be listed in the downloads section of your browser.
You can use the below methods to fetch the logs,
Fetching the logs using curl:
curl -u uname:pass http://nexusURL/nexus/service/siesta/logging/log
Fetching the logs in Node.js using the request module:
var request = require('request')
var opts = {
headers: { Authorization: "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=" }, //For admin:admin
uri: 'http://nexusURL/nexus/service/siesta/logging/log',
method: "GET"
request(opts,function(err, res, body){
It seems that
gives you the recent log file (found by trial and error).

Jersey REST GET is working but PUT not. The specified HTTP method is not allowed for the requested resource

I've been breaking my head over this for a few days now. This little sniplet is working fine (using Jersey 2.26-b03 on Tomcat).
public Response update(#PathParam("code") String code) {
return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).build();
curl -i -X GET http://localhost:18270/nyx/rest/servervirtueel/SVM0000
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Followed by a bunch of Jersey tracing I enabled. But if I only change the GET to a PUT (exactly the same method, just change the annotation):
public Response update(#PathParam("code") String code) {
return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).build();
curl -i -X PUT http://localhost:18270/nyx/rest/servervirtueel/SVM0000
HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed
Followed by HTML telling me that the "The specified HTTP method is not allowed for the requested resource". However, POST does work (changing the annotation again).
It turned out that the OWASP method whitelist valve was configured on Tomcat (Catalina) level to only allow GET and POST; this is a webapp that held only SOAP services until now. You do not see this in either web.xml's or server.xml, but it's in Catalina/localhost/webappname.xml.

How Do I Change The Project Owner Using REST API

I want to change the project owner of a project using REST API. I know there is a "/Owner" endpoint and I can get the owner without any problems with the following GET:
So how do I change the project owner using REST API?
This is an old issue but I figured it might help someone since I recently struggeled with this too.
I have only tested this on Project Online and not on-prem, probably works the same on Project Server 2016
Start by checking out the project
Send a PATCH request to:
_api/ProjectServer/Projects('PROJECT ID')/Draft
with the following headers:
Accept: application/json; odata=verbose
Content-Type: application/json; odata=verbose
X-RequestDigest: The request digest
If-Match: Either "*" or the etag value you get from checking out the project
and the request body:
"__metadata": {
"type": "PS.DraftProject"
"OwnerId": "SharePoint User ID of the owner"
It's important that you send the "OwnerId" value as a string, not a number.
Publish the project
The general way to change site owners using REST API according to MSDN is:
POST http://<sitecollection>/<site>/_api/site/owner
So in your case you should just have to change from a GET command to POST

production build of ember app works, but when using ember serve, cookies not sent to api

I have a rest API running on localhost:8001/my_app/api/, and I have apache setup to reverse proxy it from localhost/my_app/api. That's working fine.
In order to have permissions to do anything with the api, it requires my session cookie, my csrftoken cookie and a X-CSRFToken HTTP header. I've configured adapters/application.js as follows:
import Ember from 'ember';
import DRFAdapter from './drf';
export default DRFAdapter.extend({
headers: Ember.computed(function() {
return {
'X-CSRFToken': Ember.get(document.cookie.match(/csrftoken\=([^;]*)/), '1'),
ajax: function(url, method, hash) {
hash = hash || {}; // hash may be undefined
hash.crossDomain = true;
hash.xhrFields = {withCredentials: true};
return this._super(url, method, hash);
If I do a ember build -prod and copy the contents of the dist dir to /var/www/myApp/, apache serves my app, and it works just fine.
It's when I try to use ember-cli's builtin development server where I run into problems. I'm getting 403 errors from my api. It turns out that while the X-CSRFToken header is being sent neither of my cookies are. If I look in my chrome developer tools, it shows that I have both cookies - they simply aren't in the request headers. They're both from localhost, so I'm a bit confused.
Also, I currently I have CORS on my rest backend setup. Here are the headers I'm currently receiving:
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://localhost:4200
I thought that since allow-credentials == true and allow-origin != * that cookies were supposed to be allowed. sigh.
Here's my API_HOST and contentSecurityPolicy:
if (environment === 'development') {
ENV.APP.API_HOST = "http://localhost"
ENV.contentSecurityPolicy = {
'default-src': "'none'",
'script-src': "'self' 'unsafe-eval' localhost",
'font-src': "'self'",
'connect-src': "'self' localhost",
'img-src': "'self'",
'style-src': "'self'",
'media-src': "'self'"
As you can see above, the api requests are being sent through my reverse proxy. I've played around with ember serve --proxy trying both http://localhost:80/ and http://localhost:8001/ but neither have helped. I've also tried setting my development ENV.API_HOST = 'http://localhost:8001/'; with and without the various proxy values.
This edit, build, deploy, refresh my browser, test, & repeat process is REALLY slow and getting old REALLY fast.
Could someone please explain to me how to get the ember-cli development server to properly access my rest api?

Downloading file by WebClient Exception

I have a problem downloading particular file types by WebClient. So there are no problems with usual types - mp3, doc and others, but when I rename file extension to config it returns me:
InnerException = {System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: NotFound. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: NotFound.
at System.Net.Browser.BrowserHttpWebRequest.InternalEndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
when I'm trying to access this file in browser (http://localhost:3182/Silverlight.config) - it's a usual xml file within - server returns me following error page:
Server Error in '/' Application.
This type of page is not served.
Description: The type of page you have requested is not served because it has been explicitly forbidden. The extension '.config' may be incorrect. Please review the URL below and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /Silverlight.config
So I suppose this hapens because of some server configuration, which blocks files of unknown type.
downloading code is simple:
WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
webClient.OpenReadCompleted += new OpenReadCompletedEventHandler(webClient_OpenReadCompleted);
webClient.OpenReadAsync(new Uri("../Silverlight.config", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));
completted eventhandler omitted for simplicity.
I'm not sure this is possible.
The .config extension is handled by the ASP.NET engine, for security reasons (sensitive data like connection strings need to be kept safe and hidden from unauthorized viewers).
This means that visitors cannot view your web.config file's content by simply entering "" into their browser's adress bar.
EDIT : actually you can but I don't recommand it. If you really need to do it, you have to remove the mapping between the .config extension and ASP.NET ISAPI filter in IIS.