Sharing OneNote Notebook through API - onenote-api

As per the link to "Create sharing links on OneNote entities", it appears the OneNote API only supports sectionGroups.
POST ../sectiongroups/{sectiongroup-id}/Microsoft.OneNote.Api.GetOrCreateAnonymousSharingLink
It however seems possible to create a link to a notebook (or section) with the OneDrive API
POST ../sites/{site-id}/drive/items/{item-id}/createLink
Is there a problem with using the API this way (particularly as my notebooks don't have section groups)?


Github Dashboard-Feed via API or RSS?

When loading the page, I see a dashboard feed showing a list of "pushed" / "starred" updates for all of my followed repos.
When checking the Network tab on Chrome, I can see that this feed comes from this endpoint:
How do I get this data via the github api? Is it also available via RSS?
I don't think it will be available via RSS because to access this type of endpoint it requires authentication.
So what I think is, you can create your own activity feed with the help of individual RSS feeds (Atom feeds in case of GitHub) of the people's activity you want to get notified.
For example see codeSTACKr's RSS feed:
You can also use this API to get all the following people (so you don't have to add individual user names without authentication).
For example see codeSTACKr's following list:
Inspired by Rahul's reply which is very close, I did some googling and found this article on how to build a python crawler for Github's API which mentioned this recent events endpoint...
...which lists the star events in order and you could use that rebuild a dashboard replacing the username.

Share content to an company page on linkedin using api v2

I'm trying to publish some content in a company page on Linkedin using api v2. Reading the docs I've found two ways to share content, using ugcPosts and shares API. I successfuly shared content on a USER page using the ugcPosts. But, I cannot share a content in a COMPANY page using the ugcPosts. It looks like that using shares API I can share content in a company page. But the same documentation says that SharesAPI will be deprecated soon.
I have two questions. First, there is a way to post content to a company page using ugcPosts? If not, it is safe to use the shares API since it will deprecated soon?
You have to apply for the linkedin partner program to get the manage pages permissions.

how to publish comment to a post using facebook graph api explorer?

I am using facebook graph api explorer to explore and test different things but getting no idea after even an extensive research that how to post comment against a post . I am doing this
This is the second try

Facebook API - Advanced Search

I'm trying to replicate some functionality of the Facebook web interface via the API and am a bit stuck. Basically, via the web site I can enter 'Favorite pages of people named "jim"' in the search box and get a slew of results, but I haven't found a way to replicate this type of query via the API. Is such a thing possible?
As WizKid commented, Graph Search is not available with the API, you can only use the Search API for searching:
Keep in mind that public search and news feed search are not available in v2.0 anymore, see changelog:

Post facebook ad using facebook api?

I am trying to post facebook ads using the developers API.
Currently I am using the Power editor to enter the ad details and entering the details of the ad like so.
I would like to automate the above process somewhat with the API.
Currently I have been able to POST to my page as my page using the graph api explorer (by posting to /<MY PAGE>/links). I am looking for a similar such way to post ads, ideally a demo from the API explorer would be much appreciated.