how to publish comment to a post using facebook graph api explorer? - facebook

I am using facebook graph api explorer to explore and test different things but getting no idea after even an extensive research that how to post comment against a post . I am doing this
This is the second try


Some posts not visible on the feed through Graph API /me/home

I'm working on an application and I've noticed that some posts from the feed are not visible through Graph API /me/home. But if I send request from Graph API Explorer app, I could see.
For example
Request from my app
Request from Graph API Explorer
Permissions are identical
What could be the problem?
Give this a go.
FB's documentation is horrible.

Post facebook ad using facebook api?

I am trying to post facebook ads using the developers API.
Currently I am using the Power editor to enter the ad details and entering the details of the ad like so.
I would like to automate the above process somewhat with the API.
Currently I have been able to POST to my page as my page using the graph api explorer (by posting to /<MY PAGE>/links). I am looking for a similar such way to post ads, ideally a demo from the API explorer would be much appreciated.

post to friends feed facebook without feed dialog

I'm creating an app using Facebook API in cascades BB 10. I have done the login part in C++ using qnetwork manager. I was able to post to my wall using HTTP post with graph API. I want to post to my friends wall. After searching, I found that it is not possible using graph API but only with feed dialog. As I'm not using any SDK, is there any other option for posting to friends wall?
No. But some other options (since your req could be batch post) you may like, such as:
You can post feed/photo on the user's wall and tag the friend/s in that post using mention tagging or place parameter
Read more about tagging on the developers site here: Tagging

Actions link not supported by Graph API?

I have a native application which uses Facebook through Graph API and I'm trying to add a custom action link to a wall post.
For example:
The message is posted on the wall but the action link is not shown. (It also doen't work from Graph API Explorer).
I found in some posts that action link isn't supported by Graph API, only by old REST API. Can you confirm that info? Or maybe you could redirect me to the page where there i can find some info about lacking features in the Graph API.
You forgot a =

Facebook Graph Post link problems

I'm trying to post a link to the wall of a facebook Page through the graph api.
Unfortunately the api is not very well documentet so i have some problems:
How do i get the "Share"-action to appear under a link i've posted?
How can i disable thumbnails for the link?
How can i make the caption linked
All those works when posting manually but i havn't found a way to do it through the api. I know it's possible though since i've seen other apps do it.